Would you offer your help?


Well-Known Member
Many of you know that I was a cosmetologist in a fomer life. I am no longer licensed, but I am thinking of taking the test again to get my license back.

Ok, last night at Thanksgiving dinner, I met with my family. Some of them I haven't seen in a while. I have a cousin who's about 4 years younger than me that has a daughter who's 6. Her mom is white. She has probably 4a hair that was pulled back by a rubberband on the end and a headband at her hairline. It was obvious that her mom didn't know what to do with it. It looked tangled and hadn't even been brushed smooth.

I wanted to offer to do her hair for her but we don't see each other often and my cousin and I aren't really close? Would you have offered the mom help for her daughter's hair?
I would feel the mom out first just to make sure she wouldn't take offense. I find that people are usually looking for help and they want someone to lend a hand, in a gracious way. Try complimenting the mom on her daughters hair and tell her that you would love to braid it or style it if she would let you.
Hope that helps. I hate seeing mommies who butcher the babies hair :ohwell: