Does your mom have a different hair texture (4b vs. 3b)??

My mother is a 3b with very fine strands. I still can't verify my true hair type but I do know it is NOT 3b. My mother had three girls with very thick hair and eventually very BALD because she didn't know WHAT she was doing. My daughter has very think 3b/c hair and it's very easy for me to take care of (it's thriving). Both of my sisters have daughters with 3b/c hair and they don't know what they're doing.:nono: I have to draft email instructions to make sure they don't do them the way Ma did us!:ohwell:
I never thought about that! My mom has the exact same texture as me and when she took care of my hair, it thrived. I mean, she and I could be hair twins. My sister, however, has much coarser hair, and it has never grown long like mine did when I was younger. My mom also relaxed my sister's hair early and I had to ask for a relaxer.

Wow, this is really something to think about.
My mom has thin 3b hair and struggled with my thick-ish 4 something hair. She managed to keep it neat but it never grew:perplexed
My dad is a 3a, I added him because he would sometimes try to do my hair too lol
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I think my mom is a 2a. Her curls were probably a 3a as a child. She took good care of my natural hair as a child, but slacked off when I was relaxed.

My 19 year old daughter is a 3B (I think) and she's a pro at combing and styling everything from 2a thru 4Z. I'm good at hair care and retaining length, but stink at hair styles.
My mom is a 3b/3c. My sister and I are 3c/4a. We all used to be relaxed so she knew how to care for it the. Now my mom and I are natural and my sister is relaxed. Its clear now that we dont have the same hair type or growth retention she is forever at WSL and I'm a struggling APL.
I'm mostly 4b with some 4a. My sister is probably 4a.
I just say my mother is a 5 something. I've never seen hair like hers. But it's super strong. I'm amazed by it.
My hair texture is different than both my parents. My mother took care of my hair ok when I was younger except for putting grease in it. :ohwell:
My mother said her hair is coarser than mine, and she thinks that my hair sheds a lot but grows back even thicker so she doesn't take the time combing through my hair (if I ask her to braid it for me) but she did know how to take care of my hair growing up.

Ditto for me. I have my father's hair, and my Mom just didn't know what to do with my hair...hence a relaxer at a very early age.
I remember a thread like this before but it was for having the same hair type as your father. Most of them women in that thread said they had the same hair type as their dad. I heard that the father's hair trait is stronger then the mothers. Maybe thats why most of you girls dont have the same hair type as your mother.
I'm 3c/4a, my mother is 3b/3c, my sister is 3b and my dad is 3c. My mother never really did me and my sister's hair, my nana did. I remember at the age of 9, I got my first perm because she couldn't handle my hair anymore.
My mom has 3b hair, but she's white so she didn't know how to care for my hair at all :nono:
My dad had 4a/b hair. Mini-mini-spirals, like tiny coils smaller than pen springs.
My mother is a thick, coarse 4b. I am more of a fine 4a/b combo and my little sister has thick 4a hair. My mother sucked at doing her hair as well as
My mum has thick 1a hair and my dad is 4a/b.

She found it difficult to do my hair when i was younger and i hated having my hair combed. So my hair was kept short like a little afro until i was 10. When i was allowed to grow my hair longer, she got advice from my aunties on how to comb it and use oils and she also learnt how to cornrow! She done my hair until it grew to SL.
I'm a type 4 whatever and my mom is a type 3 whatever. She has really curly wavy natural hair, but she keeps it relaxed and cut really really short. Have no idea why...
My mom is 3ab and i am 4b. I can only remember getting my hair combed twice when I was growing up. Other than that I was on my own since 9. I have pictures im too embaressed to show. I thought I was a hairdresser when I was seven and ended up with a one inch afro for 2 taught me to do my own hair and people are surprised when I say I did it myself and then they say how much do I charge.
My mom has a 2-ish hair texture, she didn't know what to do with my hair growing up, so it was pressed as a way to make it easier to deal with. I look back on some of my childhood pics and my hair didn't look the greatest, but she tried.
My mom has soft 3c hair, while I have coarse fine 4b. While I love her, my mom and my hair didn't mix, my mom was very rough and my hair hardly grew while she was doing it. Funny my hair grew AFTER I got a perm at like 16 and someone else started to do it.
I look at pictures of my mom back in the day and I swear it looks like we have the same hair type but she insists that my hair is way thicker, less kinky and more tangle-prone.

She did a good job with my hair natural and relaxed. All the hair health and growth issues started with me doing my own hair :lol:
My mom has wiry thick 4a hair. She grew it fairly long (i.e shoulder length) when I was very young. But in the 60s it was always in an afro. she doesn't really have any styling skills and has never found one good style that she can reliably do. My hair is 4b, probably like my dad's (never really combed or did his hair). It is not as resilient as my mom's. My interest in hair care came when I had my daughter, her hair is probably 3c/4a and extremely thick. When she was three it took me 3 solid hours to do a standard Black girl style, three braids, I knew I needed help. So I came to the net seeking info. Taking better care of my and my daughters hair has spread to my sister and her daughter (3a) hair care. Jeve
Yep my mom has 2b/3a very fine hair and had her kids walking around lookin a mess! My sisters have 3c/4a thick hair and I have 4a fine hair.
My mom has very soft, medium fine, silky 4a hair with no curl definition at all. She usually does what we call tranças de linha (this straightens her hair)in my country (African threading in english?) or braids. I have 4a/b hair, my great-grandmother's hair texture I think.
My mom is 3c with a little 4a, my sister is the same but her hair is very very thick so before she went natural I would have said it was 4a all the way. I'm 4a mostly with a little 3c in the nape. My daughter is...well I'm not sure. Here's a pic at, you tell me.

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My mom is 3A/B and I'm 4 A/B...I was just telling her yesterday that I love her hair texture..My mom's hair looks like baby doll hair
nope, my mom and i have completely different hair types. I am a 3C (i just learned this the other day, thank you LHCF sisters !) and my mom is somewhere in the 2s. she has very thin hair with a slight wave. she had no clue how to take care of my hair when i was a child and i wore a ponytail until high school, when i met friends who put me up on game.