Would You Keep In Touch With His Kids?


New Member
I left my boyfriend almost 4 yrs ago. He was an older guy. (He was 37 and I was 27.) He had two teenage daughters 12 and 13 when he and I got together. I do not have children.

Things seemed to go pretty well until I lost my job and we decided to give up our separate apartments and move in together to "save" money. In the beginning I was excited about us all living together but also a little hesitant since I was on the "fast track" going from living alone to living with a man and then living with a man AND his kids. (Can you say Instant Family?!) :perplexed It didn't take very long before he and I began to fight about his kids (having a cell phone, chores, discipline issues, and etc.) Now don't get me wrong I do like children (teenagers not so much after this experience lol:ohwell:) but I tried to care for his kids in a manner as if they were my own. I wanted them to become intelligent black women. Much of the problems stemed from the fact that I believe he didn't think I knew who to raise a child because I did not have one.

In my opinion, I believe in raising a child the way I was raised. The way my Momma raised me was if you're not making the grades at school and handling your business around the house as far as chores go then you don't get privileges! When my ex and I were together the oldest daughter thought she should a cell phone, be allowed to hang out w/ her friends, talk on the house phone for HOURS and etc. even though she barely did chores and wasn't doing so great in school. :nono:

My ex and I ended on bad terms and since I left him and his kids I didn't look back. I haven't talked to them. (Their dad included.) We live in the same city and he has no idea where I live since I moved away. Over the years I've found myself thinking about his girls wondering if they've finished high school, praying that they has gotten pregnant. (They are 18 and 19 now.) Basically just wondering if they're doing ok. A few weeks ago I'm pretty certain I saw his kids in my neighborhood TWICE! They were with their friends. I've been thinking to myself....if I see them around again by themselves I may stop and speak but another part of me isn't sure I should because I don't want them to know I live in the area and I'm also not sure how they'd feel about seeing me again after all this time. I feel like if I do talk to them I'd be stirring up all those old angry feelings I've worked hard to get over.

What would you do?
I understand, I would want to know if they turned out okay. But do you want to know if they're good okay or if they're not doing so well? Remember, your standards were very different, on second thought, perhaps Sunbaques is right this could get complicated
Curiosity killed the cat...
I don't even know if that is the right cliche saying for you situation lol but it was the first thing that came to mind.
Like everyone else said, I would keep it moving if I were you. Since you all aren't living under the same roof, you aren't obligated to keep in touch, especially since you and their father aren't on speaking terms.
If you do have an encounter with them, it wouldn't hurt to say hello and acknowledge their presence. No need to be all strangerish, ya know?
I've always wondered about women who date men with kids and they get involved with them.

When you break up, what do you do?

Some folks say you had no business getting that close to them unless you know yall were gonna get married but ish happens and you seperate...what happens to the relationship you made with their kids?

Didnt Halle Berry have this problem? Eric Benet was on TV talkin trash about how she was distancing herself from his daughter after the divorce...but she never legally adopted her, right?

I never got close with the child of a guy i was dating cause i knew if i did, then I must be getting married..otherwise, i wanted no parts of that.
If you feel like you want to at least open the door to his children and let them come in if they wanted to, I'd say just speak to them next time by just saying hello, how are you?... If they want to keep in touch, well why not I suppose... But I wouldn't offer my business card :lachen:. Other than that I agree with keeping it movin.
not if it has to be a secret. My x's daughter has my daughters number.
I can't say that I keep up w/ her per se but I'm friendly even if I see
her out w/ her mom's side of the family.
Awww, how sweet of you. :yep: But no, that would just create unnecessary confusion. Just leave it for what it is.

If I were one of the two girls, I'd be slightly annoyed if you tried to suddenly contact me after 4 years of nothing. I would feel like you're only doing it to be nosy or have alterior motives. I wouldnt view your intentions as genuine.
I will give you the other side.

My father was involved with a woman during my childhood (from 2nd grade to 5th about). She also had a little girl and we became like sisters. Then they broke up and my father immediately married someone else. This woman always said I was special to her and I am sure the fact that my Dad got married deterred her from keeping in touch but I wish she did:ohwell: I understand that its not like she doesn't care but it still hurts sometimes because it was so sudden and you just wonder about the person. Its been a good ten years but I would love to hear from her again. Everytime I go to BK I hope ill run into her...even though the Borough is huge :laugh:

ETA: If your relationship was mutual (i.e they liked you as much as you liked them), then it shouldn't be a problem to say hi etc...
I am going to my step son's graduation in June. I see his mother frequently and she ask me and she and he have been calling me so I won't forget. Ex Hub and I are ok, no issues. I still get invited to all school activities, I go to every other one. We are fine and I see ex hub there and we all sit together with her other children, her man, exhub and I. You should see folks face during introductions. Everyone is use to me now as the exwife, actually she just introduces me using my name.

Please take note that when ex hub and I got together his son was 4, so I have been around a long time. We have all spent holiday's together. We were Will and Jada before Will and Jada. Except we are now divorced but I continue some relationship with young son, he actually an adult, he turned 18 in November. Wow he is a man.
I agree with keep it moving.

One of my ex's and I broke up about 10 years ago. He had two little girls that I adored and became really close with. His oldest was around 7 when we met, (he had custody of her) and he also had a baby girl. (with the baby mama from hell).

He had his first child when he was young (16).

Anyway, we dated 4 years--however when he and I split on bad terms (devastating circumstances--you know, him cheating..blah..blah..blah), I made the decision to split with the kids also.

It was hard because I was close to them (especially the oldest)--but given my situation, I felt it was the right thing to do.

Over the years, has always made it his business to call me to give me updates on his oldest daughter---like when she graduated high school, and when she became pregnant with her first baby at 17. :ohwell:
I've never answered any of his calls.

I would forgive, forget and keep living!
Thanks Lexi I really hadn't thought about it that way.
Awww, how sweet of you. :yep: But no, that would just create unnecessary confusion. Just leave it for what it is.

If I were one of the two girls, I'd be slightly annoyed if you tried to suddenly contact me after 4 years of nothing. I would feel like you're only doing it to be nosy or have alterior motives. I wouldnt view your intentions as genuine.