Would you do THIS to be helpful and encouraging to a friend?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend thats more family than anything. I have known her all my life and when we were teens she had MBL hair. She said she used to get relaxers maybe twice a year. Well she started cutting it and now her hair is SL length. She planed to grow it back really long and then go natural but i have been trying to talk her into just transitioning now instead of waiting. I let her know that she didnt have to lose her length to transition.

Well anyway, as we were talking i told her im kind of jealous on the slick because i wish i could do my transition all over again using the knowledge that i know now. Well she says "Ya know, you could just relax your hair so we could transition together!" Eh :perplexed ..........

Even though i thought about it for 2 seconds , i was like Nah no thanks.. ILL PASS. I did tell her we could grow together though :lol:
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Do what? Relax my hair so I can accompany a friend in her transition? Uh... no I would not. I wouldn't even do it for my own sister and she's contemplating going natural. Gotta worry about my own head...
No!!! Friends don't ask friends to do drastic things that they may be uncomfortable with.

You helping her in her transition with all the knowledge you now have is enough .

Hair does grow back but it takes time and effort. I just cut off my hair and I regret it.
No!!! Friends don't ask friends to do drastic things that they may be uncomfortable with.

You helping her in her transition with all the knowledge you now have is enough .

Hair does grow back but it takes time and effort. I just cut off my hair and I regret it.

LOL! It was a 50/50 joke/real question... And yea a year and 7 months ago, i regretted the hell out of it.. but i have hair now so im good :grin:
Hold up and nothing is wrong with your hair? she must be crazy after you done went through all the trail and error and now that your natural she gon tell you or ask you, some ole bs like that I think that you are more of a friend than she is to even ask us. lol. You know we gon go hard. I think that ya friend is a hater, and is jealous of your hair. Don't she know that would set you back, don't she know us as relax heads want that au natural too. She gotta be kidding. Would I do for anybody, Hell to the NO and you should'nt even be thinking about doing it either. Just my OP. You should of asked her how is that gon help her if you relaxed your perfectly good *** hair. What is that gone do for her. ight Im back. Just tell her nicely that when we know better we suppose to do better, not the other way around.
I think that based on the fact that you did tell her that you were jealous of her and wished you could do your transition over armed with the knowledge you have, that your friend was simply trying to show you the same support you are showing her. If she's never transitioned before she probably doesn't have a clue about what you went through to get to where are now.

I think it's nice that you thought about it for 2 seconds even though it wasn't what you wanted to do. Coming up with a way for you two to enjoy your hair journey's together was also well done on your part. Based on this small peek into your life I'll give you 4.5 stars out of 5 in the friendship department.
No, I would not.

Extreme, I know, but that would be like picking up smoking so you can chew nicorette gum together. (I know someone who did this) :perplexed: She needed to have just passed him the number to the American Lung Association.

Like others said it is good that you offered to "grow" with her. And if you feel particularly festive you can offer to pay for her 1st year subscription to LHCF. :holiday:
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Relaxer will never be within 2 ft of my hair again...NEVAR. For that reason alone I wouldn't do it...not even gonna mention undoing all my progress. Chile POOF. I do alot for my friends..but that tis a bit murch honey.
Yeah, I'd do it.


I mean, as a friend...she's been there with me for eve....
Hell. No.
She coulda took a bullet for me. And my hair still will be natural.
Hold up and nothing is wrong with your hair? she must be crazy after you done went through all the trail and error and now that your natural she gon tell you or ask you, some ole bs like that I think that you are more of a friend than she is to even ask us. lol. You know we gon go hard. I think that ya friend is a hater, and is jealous of your hair. Don't she know that would set you back, don't she know us as relax heads want that au natural too. She gotta be kidding. Would I do for anybody, Hell to the NO and you should'nt even be thinking about doing it either. Just my OP. You should of asked her how is that gon help her if you relaxed your perfectly good *** hair. What is that gone do for her. ight Im back. Just tell her nicely that when we know better we suppose to do better, not the other way around.

damn! u went sooooo hard OMG! :lachen::lachen: but no seriously she didnt mean it negatively at all. It was really just a suggestion. there were no malicious intentions on her part
No, I would not.

Extreme, I know, but that would be like picking up smoking so you can chew nicorette gum together. (I know someone who did this) :perplexed: She needed to have just passed him the number to the American Lung Association.

Like others said it is good that you offered to "grow" with her. And if you feel particularly festive you can offer to pay for her 1st year subscription to LHCF. :holiday:

I think that based on the fact that you did tell her that you were jealous of her and wished you could do your transition over armed with the knowledge you have, that your friend was simply trying to show you the same support you are showing her. If she's never transitioned before she probably doesn't have a clue about what you went through to get to where are now.

I think it's nice that you thought about it for 2 seconds even though it wasn't what you wanted to do. Coming up with a way for you two to enjoy your hair journey's together was also well done on your part. Based on this small peek into your life I'll give you 4.5 stars out of 5 in the friendship department.

Awww thanks.. i appreciate that