Would you describe your home growing up as "Christian"?


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Would you describe your home growing up as Christian?

  • If so, what did you dislike most about that environment?
  • What did you love most about growing up in that environment?
  • If your home was NOT Christian, do you feel like you missed out on something?

I would describe my home growing up as "almost Christian" Lol mostly because everything was optional - we weren't required to go to church, pray, read our bible, or anything. Yet, I do these things joyfully as an adult.

On the other hand, there appears to be a trend where Pastor's children and missionaries' children seem to struggle with their faith.

I don't get it.

As I think about raising my own kids, I want to learn from others' experiences. Especially those who had a stricter upbringing (faith-wise)
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Would you describe your home growing up as Christian? Absolutely not!

If so, what did you dislike most about the environment? everything :look:

What did you love most about growing up in that environment? N/A

If your home was NOT Christian, do you feel like you missed out on something? Yes, I feel like I did miss out on being taught about Christ, but I am not upset about it. It has given me a testimony that God is able to deliever anyone regardless of their past or circumstances...It has showed me what to not do with my kids..
Would you describe your home growing up as Christian? Nope

[*]If your home was NOT Christian, do you feel like you missed out on something?

Yes and no. No, because I think I would have rebelled if I was "made" to obey God. Whereas now it's a choice I made all on my own and there were no familial expectations to.

I think I miss out now because sometimes I wish I had godly parents to lead me and pray with me on and in certain situations. To give me that guidance, but as a kid I don't think I would have valued it simply because of my personality.

Yes and no. No, because I think I would have rebelled if I was "made" to obey God. Whereas now it's a choice I made all on my own and there were no familial expectations to.

I think I miss out now because sometimes I wish I had godly parents to lead me and pray with me on and in certain situations. To give me that guidance, but as a kid I don't think I would have valued it simply because of my personality.

Aviah this is exactly one of my concerns. I think one of the reasons i freely serve God is that i was never forced into it. it was always a choice i was free to make. at the same time, i believe in guiding children onto the right path. really appreciate you sharing your perspective
Would you describe your home growing up as Christian? Yes
If so, what did you dislike most about that environment? I disliked having to go to church when I didn't feel like it and reading the bible on evenings with my family. I did begin to appreciate it more by mid teenage years and now I cherish it a whole lot.
What did you love most about growing up in that environment? Knowing and loving Jesus from a young age and understanding the sacrifices he made for us. Growing up with that inner strength and love.
No, I went to an after school program at the church across the street but it wasn't stressed on us to be Christian. The only time we went to church was on Easter and my mom stayed home and cooked. I wasn't wasn't even told to pray at home but occasionally I do as an adult and consider myself spiritual and not religious, I am opened to take in different religions idea if it makes sense to me and not from just one religion. At the end of the day even if I was brought up as Christian it could of possibly went the same way because I just don't do stuff because the majority of the population does it, I do what fits my lifestyle and don't care what anyone else says. Because If I don't believe certain aspects of a religion I'm not going to fake it . I'm the type that as I got older I admitted to stuff that didn't make sense to me in religion and the people I told ended up believing the same thing but admitted they were scared to admit it. And I said why fake it when it's not in your heart? He knows that you don't believe it, regardless if you fake it around other people he know what you do and don't believe
Would you describe your home growing up as Christian? yes

If so, what did you dislike most about that environment? sometimes feeling pushed or just wanting to fit in.
What did you love most about growing up in that environment? i had a good understanding of the world and how things worked.
If your home was NOT Christian, do you feel like you missed out on something? if it wasn't just not being lead in any direction would've been weird.