Christian Food Pantry Refuses to Give Up Jesus

Your comment brought this thought to mind.

We share diet, cooking, cleaning, hair growing technique and tips even where to get the best deals from without even asking folk first. I'm curious when it comes to God why are there so many restrictions.

Thank you for your opinion, no debate from me.

It is the money source I have a problem with
You can't beg for money to operate your own private religious thing

Believe God for money to do your charity

I like Charity but the scriptures also talk about Justice

Also I know from personal street evangelism experience in my youth going out to the male prostitutes in the streets what is effective and not effective

That personal connection and building relationships is needed to water that word

I am texting and I do not want to go into detail about my experience and what I observed
But this is my own personal observation of what was effective
Most won't listen so they can continue doing what they are doing and we will continue seeing what we are seeing

I would like every organization to look at what works and question if what they are doing is effective and place themselves in the shoes of the person in need

Sometimes people don't know how effective they are as Christians just by letting people see you serve God and not opening their mouths

They could have feed them and displayed info about service times and scriptures along the wall
When we went out we went out to help with their needs
We gave them info packets to places for bath and showers and in that info packet were scriptures and invites to the church
We were there to pray for them not judge them and make sure their needs were met
I am telling too much about myself

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That ain't right... :mad: That is just not right.

What do they expect from Christians? To not be a Christian? We share Jesus and prayers for hungry souls which is truly where the physical hunger begins.

Jesus is indeed the "Bread of Life" and our 'Living Water'.

We as Christians know all too well that it takes more than physical food to exist in this world of such terror and confusion. We all need Jesus. No one is being forced to 'accept' Him. But people need to know and hear the 'Good News' that Jesus is their root and life for survival. 'Come to Jesus' for everlasting life. What if these same hungry people get sick and die without Christ and without knowing that His love is for them?

The raunchy and ratchet government we have will put anything gmo in their food and not blink a single eyelash of conscious nor regret and then send these precious lives off to die and not care about them nor their life after death.

Whoever is behind this needs to get 'checked' and checked good. I'm praying for full repentance for this government. They are not doing justice to the American people. They'd rather see a person die of hunger than feed them the true Bread of Life.


Are you unable/unwilling to feed a needy person without offering prayer?

I guess it all boils down to the mission of your community service. If its all tied to membership intake then look for other sources. However if your intention is to reach the needy churches (or groups organized through them) are fully able to do so without the prayers. Being a Christian isn't limited to your praying and proselytising (sp) - its your actions and kindness that will draw a person that wants to find God (and the source of your happiness) toward you especially after they get on their feet.

Churches don't pay taxes so its not church money. Your tithes to the church are tax deductible.

I'm not arguing that the government is right. However too many people participate in these type of programs to make themselves feel better and lose sight of the mission. So again define the mission and why you are doing it. If you're (your organization) is fine with only doing potential new member based things that's your choice. For me the bigger picture of feeding the poor should be forefront if your desire is to help the needy.
It is the money source I have a problem with
You can't beg for money to operate your own private religious thing

Believe God for money to do your charity

I like Charity but the scriptures also talk about Justice

Also I know from personal street evangelism experience in my youth going out to the male prostitutes in the streets what is effective and not effective

That personal connection and building relationships is needed to water that word

I am texting and I do not want to go into detail about my experience and what I observed
But this is my own personal observation of what was effective
Most won't listen so they can continue doing what they are doing and we will continue seeing what we are seeing

I would like every organization to look at what works and question if what they are doing is effective and place themselves in the shoes of the person in need

Sometimes people don't know how effective they are as Christians just by letting people see you serve God and not opening their mouths

They could have feed them and displayed info about service times and scriptures along the wall
When we went out we went out to help with their needs
We gave them info packets to places for bath and showers and in that info packet were scriptures and invites to the church
We were there to pray for them not judge them and make sure their needs were met
I am telling too much about myself

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Adel, you may not believe this, but we understand where you are coming from. :yep: 'We' agree with letting the people eat and Ministering to those who are open to it. :yep:

In my first Church of 18 years, I worked in the Benevolence Ministry. We had food, clothing, and financial assistance. We gave each family a small packet of our Church information and we 'invited' them to our Services as if we would invite a friend over for dinner.

We asked if they had any prayer needs and we prayed with and for them. We shared the love Jesus, not as a requirement nor a payment for our assistance, but as an act of love and as who we are in Christ Jesus.

Pastor often included a tape of one of his most inspiring messages with the packets. Adel, so many people came back just to hear another message and to to us for sharing and caring and for praying with them. We received so many testimonies of healings that took place in people's lives. Their children were able to go to school with their heads up knowing who their were in Christ Jesus. Many people through prayer received the courage to step out on faith and regain their dignity. Many got new jobs. Several people started businesses of their own. Several marriages were saved. Several marriages took place. The testimonies were endless.

No one begged the government for anything. As a matter of fact, we were self-sustaining. I learned so much more about giving and that giving was about more than the tangible things in life. We gave 'life' to others because of Jesus and His love for each of us.

I can't begin to tell you about our street ministries. We would have 'Bar-be-cues in the Parks and soooooooooo many people were ministered to. People are hurting and they need prayer. We had live music from our music ministry and the crowds came pouring in. No one was pressured to pray. Pastor indeed did Minister the Word of God.

And Adel... the people stayed because they wanted to and they wanted to hear that Word that was being shared. I remember the people saying... O Man... I wanted to hear more. They were serious. And that's when Pastor's bus Ministry began. On Sunday mornings we'd park a bus in the neighborhoods and whoever wanted a ride to and from Church, we were there to take them. They wanted to hear God's Word. It was changing their lives and the Holy Spirit was right there drawing them and ministering to their hearts.

Adel.. I can't even begin to tell you how powerful the overwhelming love that flowed. We thought it was just a picnic in the Park and God had other plans. Pastor's intention was only to welcome people to just come and eat. To enjoy the food and to take food home. But it changed and to God be the Glory.

Adel... again, I get it...We 'all' do. We get what you are saying. But sweetheart, so many people are hurting to hear what God has to say to them. They need Jesus and to know His love for them.

This food pantry in the article above isn't begging the government for anything and they are believing God by obedience to God's Word in Ministry.

Didn't Jesus Minister the Word? And did He not have a picnic for them as well with the 5 loaves and fishes? Feeding people tummies and their spirits is the great commission of Jesus. We cannot have one without the other.

The government is wrong in this and they had better repent and stop trying to control the Gospel of Jesus' Christ. This USDA is using nazi tactics, telling this Christian organization to remove all traces of God from their walls and services. They know not what they do, Adel. They know not what they do. My tax dollars alone have paid for them to be entitled to the food distribution from the USDA. And yes, I can say that without exaggeration.

I have paid thousands of dollars in taxes and if it amounts to only one block of cheese and butter and one carton of eggs and one bottle of milk, the USDA owes it to them and they had better give it up and shut up about it.

Love you much, Adel10. I mean this. And believe it, you didn't post here by accident. Proof being.... you keep coming back. God has a message of love for you ........... right here. :yep:

Take and eat. We have plenty more that the USDA did not provide.

Are you unable/unwilling to feed a needy person without offering prayer?

I guess it all boils down to the mission of your community service. If its all tied to membership intake then look for other sources. However if your intention is to reach the needy churches (or groups organized through them) are fully able to do so without the prayers. Being a Christian isn't limited to your praying and proselytising (sp) - its your actions and kindness that will draw a person that wants to find God (and the source of your happiness) toward you especially after they get on their feet.

Churches don't pay taxes so its not church money. Your tithes to the church are tax deductible.

I'm not arguing that the government is right. However too many people participate in these type of programs to make themselves feel better and lose sight of the mission. So again define the mission and why you are doing it. If you're (your organization) is fine with only doing potential new member based things that's your choice. For me the bigger picture of feeding the poor should be forefront if your desire is to help the needy.

There is much that you have to learn about Ministry.
Adel, you may not believe this, but we understand where you are coming from. :yep: 'We' agree with letting the people eat and Ministering to those who are open to it. :yep:

In my first Church of 18 years, I worked in the Benevolence Ministry. We had food, clothing, and financial assistance. We gave each family a small packet of our Church information and we 'invited' them to our Services as if we would invite a friend over for dinner.

We asked if they had any prayer needs and we prayed with and for them. We shared the love Jesus, not as a requirement nor a payment for our assistance, but as an act of love and as who we are in Christ Jesus.

Pastor often included a tape of one of his most inspiring messages with the packets. Adel, so many people came back just to hear another message and to to us for sharing and caring and for praying with them. We received so many testimonies of healings that took place in people's lives. Their children were able to go to school with their heads up knowing who their were in Christ Jesus. Many people through prayer received the courage to step out on faith and regain their dignity. Many got new jobs. Several people started businesses of their own. Several marriages were saved. Several marriages took place. The testimonies were endless.

No one begged the government for anything. As a matter of fact, we were self-sustaining. I learned so much more about giving and that giving was about more than the tangible things in life. We gave 'life' to others because of Jesus and His love for each of us.

I can't begin to tell you about our street ministries. We would have 'Bar-be-cues in the Parks and soooooooooo many people were ministered to. People are hurting and they need prayer. We had live music from our music ministry and the crowds came pouring in. No one was pressured to pray. Pastor indeed did Minister the Word of God.

And Adel... the people stayed because they wanted to and they wanted to hear that Word that was being shared. I remember the people saying... O Man... I wanted to hear more. They were serious. And that's when Pastor's bus Ministry began. On Sunday mornings we'd park a bus in the neighborhoods and whoever wanted a ride to and from Church, we were there to take them. They wanted to hear God's Word. It was changing their lives and the Holy Spirit was right there drawing them and ministering to their hearts.

Adel.. I can't even begin to tell you how powerful the overwhelming love that flowed. We thought it was just a picnic in the Park and God had other plans. Pastor's intention was only to welcome people to just come and eat. To enjoy the food and to take food home. But it changed and to God be the Glory.

Adel... again, I get it...We 'all' do. We get what you are saying. But sweetheart, so many people are hurting to hear what God has to say to them. They need Jesus and to know His love for them.

This food pantry in the article above isn't begging the government for anything and they are believing God by obedience to God's Word in Ministry.

Didn't Jesus Minister the Word? And did He not have a picnic for them as well with the 5 loaves and fishes? Feeding people tummies and their spirits is the great commission of Jesus. We cannot have one without the other.

The government is wrong in this and they had better repent and stop trying to control the Gospel of Jesus' Christ. This USDA is using nazi tactics, telling this Christian organization to remove all traces of God from their walls and services. They know not what they do, Adel. They know not what they do. My tax dollars alone have paid for them to be entitled to the food distribution from the USDA. And yes, I can say that without exaggeration.

I have paid thousands of dollars in taxes and if it amounts to only one block of cheese and butter and one carton of eggs and one bottle of milk, the USDA owes it to them and they had better give it up and shut up about it.

Love you much, Adel10. I mean this. And believe it, you didn't post here by accident. Proof being.... you keep coming back. God has a message of love for you ........... right here. :yep:

Take and eat. We have plenty more that the USDA did not provide.


I am texting
This a long post
I believe you can meet the physical need first
As far as the USDA policies I don't see anything wrong in what they did here
They give us money to feed the people that is it
As far as your tax dollars we all pay taxes and we are from different faiths
The money goes to uplift our society not for private religious beliefs

I guess I believe people can have their needs met without being preached to in doing so
I believe I can pay Caesar what is Caesar and keep it moving without demanding that money back

We can disagree ladies
Take care
I got to get work done

If you want to minister to people believe God for the money don't depend on the government

Be blessed!

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I'm sitting in the amen corner next to you,Iwanthealthyhair67. We engage in ministry because we love Jesus, are thankful for his blessings and want to be a blessing to others. I remember when I was laid off in 1990. I received a small pamplet that focused on psalm 91. It reminded me to rely on God and call on him for help. As I read those scriptures, I felt the love of God surrounding me and knew that I would find a job soon. When one is hurting, one needs comforting. To mandate Christians separate the love they display from the One who motivates them to show neighborly love is hypocritical.
I'm sitting in the amen corner next to you,Iwanthealthyhair67. We engage in ministry because we love Jesus, are thankful for his blessings and want to be a blessing to others. I remember when I was laid off in 1990. I received a small pamplet that focused on psalm 91. It reminded me to rely on God and call on him for help. As I read those scriptures, I felt the love of God surrounding me and knew that I would find a job soon. When one is hurting, one needs comforting. To mandate Christians separate the love they display from the One who motivates them to show neighborly love is hypocritical.

Amen - it's about so much more than the food...
I'm sitting in the amen corner next to you,Iwanthealthyhair67. We engage in ministry because we love Jesus, are thankful for his blessings and want to be a blessing to others. I remember when I was laid off in 1990. I received a small pamplet that focused on psalm 91. It reminded me to rely on God and call on him for help. As I read those scriptures, I felt the love of God surrounding me and knew that I would find a job soon. When one is hurting, one needs comforting. To mandate Christians separate the love they display from the One who motivates them to show neighborly love is hypocritical.

:amen: I right in the corner with you... :yep:

I have to share my testimony about "Keith"... a man... a complete stranger... with whom I prayed and he ended up 'Managing' the meat department of a local food market.

And here's the thing: I 'hesitated' to pray for him. God had other plans.

Praise God. :yep:
That food pantry sounds like a really cool place. It's too bad they are being told they can't minister in a spiritual sense while doing their work. I think there's a difference between sharing the Gospel and "forcing" religion on someone. And I'm speaking as a convert to Christianity. People who don't want to see/hear Christianity in public need to get over themselves.

ETA: my last sentence is not directed toward anyone in particular, just in general how sometimes the public display or appreciation of Christianity is poo-pooed.
"We also will trust God," said Daly. "I don't say that lightly. We will trust Him day to day to meet our needs."

Daly said because CSC's mission is so closely tied to faith, the organization could not compromise their beliefs with the USDA.

"How do you comprise? We would deny what we stand for, which is Jesus Christ, which is why we are," said Daly. "The USDA has drawn the line in the sand. If they are going to put stipulations on the use and distribution of the food, we make a choice and our choice is to stand with Christ."
Daly said she is unfamiliar with any other Florida organizations who have faced similar restrictions.

Anyone who wishes to remotely assist the CSC may make a check out to The Christian Service Center and send it to P.O. Box 2285, Lake City, FL 32056.

The USDA should be ashamed of themselves.

God will superabundantly provide for this organization. :yep: They will not be forced to close for standing up for Jesus. :yep:
The USDA should be ashamed of themselves.

God will superabundantly provide for this organization. :yep: They will not be forced to close for standing up for Jesus. :yep:

Amen, Lady Belle... Amen. They never have nor will they beg the USDA for anything...their hearts are set to trust God.

"We also will trust God," said Daly. "I don't say that lightly. We will trust Him day to day to meet our needs."

Daly said because CSC's mission is so closely tied to faith, the organization could not compromise their beliefs with the USDA.

It reminds me of I Kings when Elijah said... If God be God...Trust Him. God is surely God... not the USDA.

The Righteous are never 'forsaken'....

Praise Jesus ... :happydance:
The "render unto Caesar" principle applies here...

Government money and religion don't mix. Don't use government money to proselytize. I wouldn't want someone teaching me about Mohammed if I am at the lowest point in my life and it is state sponsored. Forcing people to come to Jesus via coercion does not work. It is a personal call and the person has to be ready and receptive. Only God knows when that correct time is and when the seed should be watered.

They should not have accepted government money anyway and the whole thing makes them look bad.

To me if you want religious freedom then believe God for the finances to do his work don't beg the government to pay for your personal convictions

I am leaving before I get kicked out... sorry

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Philippians 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

God tells us he will supply everything with we need. We do not need the state to sponsor anything for us, when our Father owns the universe.