Would you be OK with him going to 'those' countries?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
on a boys only trip?

My boy just came back from one of those countries or places where there's high sex traffic. You know... the DRs the Brazils, Amsterdam etc.

I would be a basket case the whole time he's away. And don't get me wrong it's trust blah blah blah and I know that a person can cheat anywhere blah blah blah but...I still feel some kind of way about it LOL

What say you?
Nah. DH doesn't go out of the country with me. I wouldn't necessarily assume he was going for sex but a guys trip to South America? No. He takes guys trips to places like Las Vegas, etc.
Dh on a very rare occasion goes on a trip with friends, but like Zaynab said to Vegas for boxing or to a big NBA game. We just don't roll like that. Major trips are with family.
Totally understandable from married couples!

I hear really horrible stories of men from all over the world flocking to prostitutes.

What about single ladies, would you be OK with it?
I'm preparing my argument against NOW lol!

Then again...I am going to the Essence festival to partake in the Bourbon Street debauchery *gulp*
I wouldn't have any problem with it. My SO has been traveling internationally with his friends long before I met him. That's not going to stop now or even when we marry. But by the same token if I decide to travel with my girls, it won't be an issue.

But we have very similar belief systems when it comes to me time vs. we time so it works for us. I may have had issue with it when I was younger but now that I'm older I don't really care.
My husband is actually leaving tomorrow AM for DR with his friends..

At first, I felt some kind of way, but as you stated above, cheating can happen anywhere.. Besides, this is his first international trip with the boys.. Their trips are normally local. It just works for us..

I have my girls trip in June to PR. We do small trips as the 3 of us and a big family vacation in the summer.. As I said before, it works for US, so I have no problem with it..
no i really dont have any issue with dh going away on an all guys trip to anywhere, i go on my all ladies trip with my girls to anywhere my lil heart desires
cheating imho can happen anywhere, given the beautiful women my dh encounters errrdayy and given the men i encounter errrrdayyy listen he nor i dont need no intl fling if that was really what was gonna happen
aint a naive bone in my body and really Ive never been worried about a man cheating on me let alone my dh not saying it cant happen
i would be more concerned with maria the office receptionist dh sees everyday than maria from mexico selling trinkets on the beach
This is just me, please take my opinion with a grain of salt but it does give me a weird feeling.
In all honesty if my intuition was giving me alarm, I'd probably break up with them without a second thought before he went on a boys trip to Amsterdam or especially Brazil... I have had the privilege of working with all men, so this influences my opinion heavily.
I would be ok with it. He can get tempted by puzzy anywhere in the world. For me, if I trust him, I trust him no matter what country he goes to.
Sleeping around and/or paying for puzzy was not something my FH even did before he met me (to my knowledge) so I do trust him.

With that said, I personally cannot see myself tripping if he wanted to travel to Brazil, DR, etc with his friends because I'm not in the business of policing my FH like that. He's a grown man and if he chooses to sleep with others then the price he pays is losing me.

All of that restricting what he chooses to do just because there is a chance that he could cheat just isn't my style. He could cheat ANYWHERE at ANYTIME...
This is just me, please take my opinion with a grain of salt but it does give me a weird feeling.
In all honesty if my intuition was giving me alarm, I'd probably break up with them without a second thought before he went on a boys trip to Amsterdam or especially Brazil... I have had the privilege of working with all men, so this influences my opinion heavily.

agreed. he can go anywhere with his boys except those countries listed and im going to add Thailand. Hell naw.
I wouldn't worry about him cheating or sleeping with a prostitute. However, I don't believe it's appropriate for me, or him to go on "lads", or " girls" holidays where the intended objective of most friends is to hook up with people. He feels the same.

The countries themselves don't worry me. There's a lot more to Amsterdam, Thailand and Brazil than prostitution and sex. You can get a group of male friends/ family members who go to Brazil to sit on the beach all day, look at booty and try to hook up. You could also get a group who are going to trek through rain forests.:lol: SO will go to Thailand for 3 weeks at some point to complete Muay Thai training. Prossies never seriously crossed my mind. If it did I think I'd need to re evaluate everything.

I hear really horrible stories of men from all over the world flocking to prostitutes.
Women know their men and what the male friends are like at the end of the day. There is nothing in these countries that causes men to lose their minds. If they are flocking to prostitutes then they are also doing bad/deadbeats in their hometown too 9 times out of 10 and their women know that IMO.

Personally I don't feel its appropriate as an attached person depending on the friends and the itinerary for the holiday.
I doubt he'd even consider it but no, I wouldn't be concerned if DH wanted to travel to any of those places with friends. I trust him not to jeopardize our marriage no matter what country he's in.
I honestly don't know how I'd feel about this.:ohwell: I'm not married yet. It wouldn't be the place that would bother me though because a man can cheat anywhere and it's not like prostitution doesn't happen here.:look: It's the going off with his boys that I'd potentially have a problem with. Going to a sports event or something within the country is one thing. I'd be totally fine with that. But going out of the country is another. At the same time who's to say I wouldn't want to do the same with my girlfriends?
I would have a serious problem with this.

Outta all the places to vacation, he just happens to pick the rent some a-- capitals of the world? :thought:

Where there is smoke there is fire.

If this was a case of, the Superbowl is in city xyz and me and the boys are planning a trip that would be a whole different thing. I'd be like cool, see you when you get back, but Brazil or Thailand nga? Really?
Yes I would have a problem....yes cheating and prostitution can happen anywhere BUT for black men to get together and plan a trip to Brazil or DR -why else are they going??? The beautiful beaches? Well why not Aruba? Jamaica? Bermuda? Bahamas? Key Largo? Montego? Kokomo?!? They are going for the opportunity of cheap exotic a$$ ...and the rule of if it happens in another country it doesn't count as cheating ...they read that Essence article too so they know why they are going
I would have a serious problem with this.

Outta all the places to vacation, he just happens to pick the rent some a-- capitals of the world? :thought:

Where there is smoke there is fire.

If this was a case of, the Superbowl is in city xyz and me and the boys are planning a trip that would be a whole different thing. I'd be like cool, see you when you get back, but Brazil or Thailand nga? Really?

:lachen: :lachen:
I'm not usually the jealous type and am generally trusting, but this is kind of a suspicious choice. It seems really unlikely my DH would do it anyway.
I would have a serious problem with this.

Outta all the places to vacation, he just happens to pick the rent some a-- capitals of the world? :thought:

Where there is smoke there is fire.

If this was a case of, the Superbowl is in city xyz and me and the boys are planning a trip that would be a whole different thing. I'd be like cool, see you when you get back, but Brazil or Thailand nga? Really?
Exactly. My displeasure would be heard from here to there. Shoot, I might even call his mama. ***.
I would have a serious problem with this.

Outta all the places to vacation, he just happens to pick the rent some a-- capitals of the world? :thought:

Where there is smoke there is fire.

If this was a case of, the Superbowl is in city xyz and me and the boys are planning a trip that would be a whole different thing. I'd be like cool, see you when you get back, but Brazil or Thailand nga? Really?

LOL yeah...why would you pick Brazil, who everyone knows have women who look like most men's fantasies available to snag an American man? Have you seen Brazilian porn!!!:blush:

Yes I would have a problem....yes cheating and prostitution can happen anywhere BUT for black men to get together and plan a trip to Brazil or DR -why else are they going??? The beautiful beaches? Well why not Aruba? Jamaica? Bermuda? Bahamas? Key Largo? Montego? Kokomo?!? They are going for the opportunity of cheap exotic a$$ ...and the rule of if it happens in another country it doesn't count as cheating ...they read that Essence article too so they know why they are going

nah, you didn't put the Beach Boys on it!!:lachen:

I'm not usually the jealous type and am generally trusting, but this is kind of a suspicious choice. It seems really unlikely my DH would do it anyway.

ITA. I don't get jealous at all but this would give me a weird feeling.

I do agree with the other ladies that said they can cheat anywhere.
FH could go, but he chooses not to. He had a trip planned to go to carnival :yep: His friends are single too, so that's a big difference. They don't even call and invite him anymore, because he always cancels. I don't really care either way though, but it's easy to say that when I know he isn't going.
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Nope...unless it's Brazil for the Olympics or World Cup, he ain't going to Brazil, DR, Thailand or the Philipines with his boys unless that's his home country. I have heard to many stories to fall for that and I would side eye a guy who went on vacation to those countries
Mr Valentine's posed that question to me, about him going to what I call, "Booty Countries". I told him that he is free to do what he wants to do. He ask, even if we were married, and I said, "Yes". He gave me a WTH kind of look. He asked a few times. Then finally he ask why was I so comfortable with that. I told, that he never knows that I could be on a beach with Dexter. His mouth dropped and he never mentioned it again. Men never think that a woman would think of doing something like that, but it happens. Of course I don't play Russian roulette with my kitty, but I am not about to let dude THINK that I wouldnt' possibly get my swerve on.

Men do not have to go to booty countries to get poon, they can get it around the corner.
Well well well...wouldn't you know.

I have a convo about our thread and here's the answer "so...I guess it would be a bad time to tell you that X and Y were talking about going to DR?"

Life is funny...
I would have a problem as well....The sole purpose of these "boys" trips to Brazil, DR, etc, is to gawk or hook up with the "fantasy", IMO (dont stone me), unless of course, the wonderful gentlemen are doing mission work in those countries LOL...These rappers and songs about exoticals and this butt shot era that we are living in have people going crazy! He bests to sit down somewhere! But these are just my thoughts, carry on! LOL
Trips to those countries would not be ok with me. I would have a problem with it. We take international trips and trips in general together most of the time unless its business. And even when it's business, we can sometimes go together.