Would This Damage My Hair??????


Well-Known Member
Okay I plan to get a ponytail next week but for the past couple of weeks I have been doing a no heat regime. I just condition wash or do distilled water spritz every day. So far my hair seems in good condition. It is however not straight but the ponytail I am getting is. I am wondering if I go to the salon and have them do a roller set on me and then just blow dry the roots only before they apply the ponytail if it would be okay?

I just dont want to mess up all the work I have done for my hair these past weeks. I never thought I would be a part of the bun club but I swear when I am running late it is the easiest hairstyle not to mention it protects my ends. Anyone think blowing out just the roots will be bad for my hair????? Please I need advice I am a bit nervous.
God bless you all.
Hi azul11:

I wear phonytails everyday and the only thing I do is wash and condition my hair and air dry with an oil or mango butter. I air dry it in the pony tail method and my roots and edges comes out straight. Once dry and I put the phonytail in I put a little conditioning gel on my edges for sleekness and shine.
my hair is relatively straight when i do my condition washes, mostly my ends are semi straight but my roots have a slight wave/curl to them. i want the entire thing to look smooth. this isnt something i am doing myself i'm going to a salon to get this done because i am getting a style for the hair. i just want the roots to be a bit straighter but i am worried blowing out the roots may cause a problem since i havent used heat in a couple of weeks and my hair seems to be doing well. i wanted to know if just blowing out the roots would be a problem. God bless you all.

I get my hair done at the salon everyweek. I allow the stylist to blow my roots when I have new-growth. I don't get my hair blown out AT ALL. My hair (roots) hasn't responded in a negative way at all. Getting your roots blown out in moderation shouldnt be a problem.
*Don't get your roots blown if you don't need them blown out*
*Have your stylist apply a heat protectant to your roots prior to blow drying*
thanks. i guess i am nervous about heat especially a blow dryer. i swear i cringe when i see one. i wont get all the hair blown up because it would be pointless since the ends are going in a bun and being covered with the phonytail. my roots arent straight and i think with the roller set and the blowing out of the roots it should be smooth. hmmm i have some heat protectant here. but i dont think it can be used on dry hair. i have the new image damage free heat protectant but i think its for wet hair. what would be good for dry hair? God bless you all.
I use Clairol's Vitapointe Creme Hairdress, as my heat protectant. In the past I've used Soft-Sheen Breakthru heat protectant lotion for the root blow-out.
i remember when i first started wearing the ponytail. i was SO worried about the textures not being exactly the same. so what did i do? pull my hair too tight causing a thinning hairline.
after a while, i really stopped caring if it looked exactly the same. it doesn't, but no one notices but me.

you can try blow drying your roots, but i'm hoping that you'll get used to the ponytail and not use the heat.
i'm attending a wedding and i wanted a ponytail just to have a style and keep my hair hiding as well. plus after that i am heading back into braids so this is just a temporary thing. but i do now have tips for when i plan to wear a ponytail.
God bless you all.