would it be horrible?


Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. This is my 1st post and this is something I've really been comtemplating. I was so sure I was going to texlax until I saw the thread with the beautiful natural heads. I am so desperate for a change though and I want straight hair but my hair is too curly and thick esp. in the middle. I was wondering if it would be horrible if I texlaxed the middle and left the rest of my hair natural?
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. This is my 1st post and this is something I've really been comtemplating. I was so sure I was going to texlax until I saw the thread with the beautiful natural heads. I am so desperate for a change though and I want straight hair but my hair is too curly and thick esp. in the middle. I was wondering if it would be horrible if I texlaxed the middle and left the rest of my hair natural?


I am trying to picture this in my head....texlaxed middle and natural everywhere else. I don't know about this one...so I am going to give my opinion and say I don't think that would be a good idea. Hopefully some other ladies can help you out.

Welcome!!!!!!!!! :band:

About your question, I have never heard of anyone doing that and my concern would be that it would be easy to accidently overlap or under process portions of you hair that way.

I understand your frustration my hair is thick and it's especialy thick in the center of my head too. I've discovered that I have to moisturize that section more (by parting my hair and concentrating hair products there) rather than just running some leave-ins over the top of my hair where only the top layer is touched. This has really cut down on the tangles and dryness.

Also, I recently learned that (for me at least) products work but on my hair if I put them in when my hair is soaking wet (I don't even towel off before applying the products). This cuts down on frizz and helps my hair to be softer and more manageable.

But good luck in whatever you decide to do.
thank you so much for the welcome. I guess I'm just getting impatient and frustrated with my hair. I figured texlaxing the section where I have the most trouble would be my best bet but to be honest it doesn't make much sense to me either.
thank you so much for the welcome. I guess I'm just getting impatient and frustrated with my hair. I figured texlaxing the section where I have the most trouble would be my best bet but to be honest it doesn't make much sense to me either.

I have problems with that spot, too. I found that using shea butter keeps it moisturized. It still shrinks up more than the rest of my head, but at least it's not as dry as it used to be.

I'm not certain if it would be horrible, but I wouldn't take that chance.
Welcome. I don't know if that is such a good idea. I think you would be happy with it the first time and then as soon as you get new growth you would regret having done that.

II also have thick Rudy Huxtable hair and I'm transitioning to natural so ci understand...I really understand your frustration.
Thanks again ladies for your welcome. I actually just read the thread about using yogurt to loosen up your curl pattern. I going to try this sometime in the next week and see if that works.
thank you so much for the welcome. I guess I'm just getting impatient and frustrated with my hair. I figured texlaxing the section where I have the most trouble would be my best bet but to be honest it doesn't make much sense to me either.

If its nuts, then i'm right along with you cuz i had the same idea in my head :lachen:. even wrote about it in my journal. My crown/middle is so DIFFERENT from the rest, i thought a slight texlax would make them match, and since i was FULLY relaxed just last year, i wouldnt worry too much about the clash of textures or overlapping b/c i wouldn't be horribly disappointed if it accidentally went straighter.
But i guess i should listen to the consensus and give up the dream b/f i end up doing smthg crazy...