
Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's just best to let products go. I'm trying to use up all my extra products that I didn't like for whatever reason. I have a liter bottle of Silky Sexy Hair smoothing conditioner. I think this product may even be discontinued because I don't see the bottle I purchased.

I thought a good way to get rid of it was to dc on dry hair. Worse mistake ever. I left that stuff in over night and rinsed out this morning. My hair is a hard crunchy mess:nono:. I tried washing it. I tried using another moisturizing dc for a few minutes. I even used my Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. It usually gives me remarkable slip no matter what. Not this time.

I am sitting with silicon mix in my hair. I hope this knocks out the crunchy. If not idk what I will do.
Ive done this before.

Although I wouldnt do it again it didnt give me this effect. Im sorry OP. Maybe its the acid in the egg? If you have something that is basic and could correct it that might help.