worst comment ever


Well-Known Member
so since i did the big chop everyone has been pretty nice about it. everyone except my dad said it was cute. well today this guy at work is arguing with me about what natural is, so im like whatever and try to leave it alone.
so his friend comes up and says "well it doesnt look like you have natural hair, you just look like one of those girls that cant grow hair".
normally things dont bother me but this really hurt my feelings. and then he starts singing some song called bald headed hoe or something like that.

his argument was that i dont look natural because i dont have nappy hair. thats when i tried to explain to him that not everyone has the same texture. none of this really mattered untill he made the comment about i look like my hair cant grow. i know it shouldnt bother me but it does.
why would they say that? did they not see your hair pre-BC.. They're just ignorant hoes..lol ignore them and keep it growin' :grin: you know they truth your hair CAN grow and WILL grow so igg em'..
Ugh. Years ago I was struggling with my hair and a coworker (male) approached me and asked me if I needed some money to get my hair done. How rude.
so since i did the big chop everyone has been pretty nice about it. everyone except my dad said it was cute. well today this guy at work is arguing with me about what natural is, so im like whatever and try to leave it alone.
so his friend comes up and says "well it doesnt look like you have natural hair, you just look like one of those girls that cant grow hair".
normally things dont bother me but this really hurt my feelings. and then he starts singing some song called bald headed hoe or something like that.

his argument was that i dont look natural because i dont have nappy hair. thats when i tried to explain to him that not everyone has the same texture. none of this really mattered untill he made the comment about i look like my hair cant grow. i know it shouldnt bother me but it does.

First comment by work dude is a clear cut :rolleyes:. He's probably sportin' himself a twa or a fade himself (unless he's locked or whatever). I guess his hair doesn't grow either right?

Second comment - ok if you don't have nappy hair then you most certainly have afro-textured/kinky/curly/coily hair. Some say toma-toe, some say tomat-ah.

Ho song? umph....... I dunno - you're a stronger woman than I for ignoring that one.

Hope he really didn't bother you much because his comments are SO not worth it.

Remember - some folks just don't know what to say and some stupid slips out. It's pretty revealing.

Anyway, if the stupid keeps flying than I'd have no problems reporting him and neither should you :ohwell:
And these are supposed to be "adults" of a working age? :rolleyes:

It's hard, and it hurts, but try not to let them get to you. You'll have the last laugh when you've got hair to flick at them.
U know no matter what u say or what u do, people will have their opinions on our hair.......they are so close-minded, that they don't want to take the time to listen to us, they just prefer to say we can't grow hair, etc.....don't let it bother u, I know it's easy to say then do, but you can never change the way someone view our hair......my own family has been downing me about hair products and growing my hair, and even my grandmother told me I shouldn't grow my hair long, the length I have now is fine, and I'm like I'm want my waist length hair, so I got upset, and I couldn't do nothing about it so I shook it off, and decided to keep everything to myself.....people will never understand, especially a man, so tell them to go to h*ll.....and grow that hair out girl....
Back in the 80's on the school yard being called "bald headed" was the worst insult you could use on a black girl. Seems to me like those men at your job haven't matured past the age of school yard kids.
You got 2 ignorant fools at your job telling you one thing, but you have 500 or so cousins (Nikos' cousins) telling you to 'do your thing' and understanding why you big chopped. Who you gonna listen to?

And redRiot I don't know whether to laugh or be mad at your siggy pic.
If he does it again, I'd report him to HR. Are you to blame for this fool's ignorance of what natural hair is? :rolleyes: If he hurt your feelings, I'd tell him as a warning not to do it again or else.:ohwell: Folks kill me. Why can't they mind their own business?:nono:
Well as you can see, you've got the entire LHCF behind you...
READY TO GIVE THE FOOL THE BEATDOWN!!:boxing: :clubu::clubu: LOL.

All jokes aside...I agree with those urging you to REPORT HIM TO HR. You just shouldn't have to deal with that at work. Above all, keep on growing your natural, healthy hair & don't mind the haters!:yawn:
Wow, this happened at work.
I would have turned, walked away from that fool and reported him.
You don't have to deal with that foolishness while at work.
People are dumb and say dumb things. If you love your hair, then that's
all that matters.
I'm sorry to hear about their rude comments. Don't give ignorance a place...take the high road and ignore them.

I agree with KewlKat...if you love it that's all that matters!
what?! hmmm sounds like some HATERATION to me!! :wallbash: People like that are just so rude. You should have snatched out a piece of your hair and threw it at that dummy! :perplexed but its ok girl we have your back happy growing:grin:
Bald headed hoe song? Sounds like the tune of harrassment to me...

Ditto. Also this happened at work? Let me just say how un f'ing professional!!! I say at the most you have a case at the least that boneheads job, and perhaps his boneheaded friend's too. What idiots. Also what the heck would they know about natural or unnatural anyways, they sound too stoooopid to even comprehend what it means anyhow!!:nono:
thanx ladies.
the thing is at my job we joke a lot. and we make fun of each other in each others face all the time and its all in fun. im the only ladie here and im 22 and they are all 30-40. the conversation was ok at first until he started singing and it caught me off guard.

AND his wife just did the big chop about a year ago and he said he loved it. i've never seen her before but he said it was just a little longer than his fade. also he hates when women wear fake hair. so to hear all of that and then hear the convo today was just mind boggling. i kept looking at him and thinking "where do you stand?" one minute its this and the next minute its that.

i was just confused i guess. but thank you all for the nice words or encouragement and advice. i do appreciate it.
thanx ladies.
the thing is at my job we joke a lot. and we make fun of each other in each others face all the time and its all in fun. im the only ladie here and im 22 and they are all 30-40. the conversation was ok at first until he started singing and it caught me off guard.

AND his wife just did the big chop about a year ago and he said he loved it. i've never seen her before but he said it was just a little longer than his fade. also he hates when women wear fake hair. so to hear all of that and then hear the convo today was just mind boggling. i kept looking at him and thinking "where do you stand?" one minute its this and the next minute its that.

i was just confused i guess. but thank you all for the nice words or encouragement and advice. i do appreciate it.

I'm sorry that happened to you. But it sounds like you were probably getting the better of them in the debate and they went for the jugular. The next time he calls you a hoe or bald headed you should tell him that if he wants to continue talking to you then he will show some respect.

Set boundaries with these guys because calling you a bald headed hoe is crossing the line whether he meant it or not.
They sound like idiots. I've found that along with growing your natural hair, you also have to grow a thick skin against ignant people. I wouldn't even bother explaining anything to them. If only there were an ignore button in real life ;)
I agree ^^ Calling someone a bald headed hoe is beyond offensive and there's nothing at all funny about it. I don't understand how he could think it was funny :nono:
he sounds like a prick.

you should report him to HR like others have said. i doubt that him picking on you about your hair is his only flaw.

sounds like he's insecure. maybe he has a small penis.
As others have noted, whether it was a "joke" or not, he crossed a line.

A serious line, wherever you are: NO ONE should call you out of your given name.

Especially, however, at work.

People these days love to use "jokes" and claiming to "call it like it is" to excuse hurtful, rude and degrading behavior.

Redraw the line...or remind folks (with class :yep:) where it is and will ALWAYS be.

I hope you do what works best for you OP. You are stunnin'. :grin:
Report the incident to HR; you probably can request that they not act on it (if you prefer that they don't) but you will be starting to establish a pattern of conduct on the part of that jacka$$ - if he sings again or says anything else that is inappropriate or hurtful then it will be more difficult for him to say it was just a joke when it has happened more than once.
I see from your responses that you regard this guy as a friend, but me being called a "bald headed ho" a work, or it even being suggested this in association with me is unacceptable. There is joking, and there is crossing the line, and that was done when that song was sung. Don Imus incited a national firestorm for uttering a very similar phrase. You should absolutely report him.
My goodness! How old are these little boys? I know that must really hurt, but try not to let it get to you. They're obviously immature and know nothing about hair, especially nothing about your hair.

Yeah, that sounds like harassment to me.
I have a great deal of respect for you for walking away. I like to think of myself as Lady, someone cultured and refined...but the only conversation I would have been having with him after he said that ish to me would have entailed him looking up at me from the floor.
U definitely carried urself like a lady. Therefore I fully expect u to swing ur hair in his face soon cus u will be pushing SL in no time, tell him to beat it u don't need people like that around u.