Words that are not allowed ...

I noticed the definition of hefer (sp. ?) was quoted. Well, here's the thing, when one is using the word in the correct sense, no, it is not swearing. However, when one is using it out of context, or to describe another individual then yes, it is swearing. :rolleyes:
to the the bold: not true:look: but its subjective imo.
Well I don't understand how you can determine someone's intent and "combat that when it happens"

Different words have different meanings to people. I remember when folks were oh so distraught when Whipz and I were calling each other "trick" To us, it was a joke. Not insulting like with your example above, but then all of a sudden the word trick wasn't allowed to be used.

People can turn the word LINKSYS into a insulting if they want to, so I'm really not understanding how this is being monitored so that it can be applied fairly to ALL.

Maybe I'm missing something. Since the OP asked for a list of words and that is not doable, but apparently if a word is deemed inapporiate (for whatever reason depending on whoever's level of sensitivity) then suddenly actions will be taking against that person.

I dont get it. Maybe I'm being slElla today.

And I ain't even the one to be told to don't post if I don't like it here. I ain't say I ain't like it. I'm asking for clarification since the sometimes muddy rules seem to cause time-outs and thangs that are unconvienent and take away from my subscription time.

I gotta ask are you trying to get the :ban2:? :look:
As long as I can say *****, I'm cool. Everyone who knows me knows I say it in a joking way. For instance, "I can't believe that ***** Demi_DC looks so darn cute in person." See no harm no foul. Q
As long as I can say *****, I'm cool. Everyone who knows me knows I say it in a joking way. For instance, "I can't believe that ***** Demi_DC looks so darn cute in person." See no harm no foul. Q

You may want to click on the red announcement link at the top of the forum.
I believe different words have different meanings to people depending on context in which word is used or in person how it is delivered. I personally don't need a list of words to tell somebody off.

OP let's just keep it"real" you probably have a potty mouth. Don't cuss me out now:lachen:
Hi, what you say just makes sense; particularly to reasoning people. Yet, I know some folk who do not mind being spoken to in the manner being discussed here :spinning:. So, the "do unto others creed" sometimes just doesn't work; especially with uncouth people.

So...so true. :yep:
I just read Nikko's Red banner :pop: Ms. Plane Jane pass da ahhhh crumpets. Maybe I better just drink some Kool-Aid
I believe different words have different meanings to people depending on context in which word is used or in person how it is delivered. I personally don't need a list of words to tell somebody off.

OP let's just keep it"real" you probably have a potty mouth. Don't cuss me out now:lachen:

No ... I don't actually. I have only used unsavory words a few times and in reference to no one on this board. So, it's no big deal. I just don't like unclear rules. :ohwell:
well Merriam-Webster says it is a cow! not to mention it's a noun...lol
even wikipedia agrees
a young cow; especially : one that has not had a calf

I think the urban dictionary is right on! well i never thought about it in ex. #3 but hey to each it's own, # 1 n 2 is on point!

I'm sorry dimopoulos i know i use 'that word' but if it's going to cast folks out...i guess i need to ease up off of it!

Well, Merriam-Webster didn't major in Agriculture and take the required Animal Science classes. Merriam-Webster didn't have to go to the farm and watch folks sift through cattle poo. Merriam-Webster didn't have to de-worm a steer :ohwell:

"Cow" is the only word that most people use to describe cattle because they don't know the correct terminology. It's an "accepted" term to use generally. I was just giving the TRUE definition of a heifer, cow, etc.
Well, Merriam-Webster didn't major in Agriculture and take the required Animal Science classes. Merriam-Webster didn't have to go to the farm and watch folks sift through cattle poo. Merriam-Webster didn't have to de-worm a steer :ohwell:

"Cow" is the only word that most people use to describe cattle because they don't know the correct terminology. It's an "accepted" term to use generally. I was just giving the TRUE definition of a heifer, cow, etc.
You majored in Agriculture?
How very interesting:yep:
Well, Merriam-Webster didn't major in Agriculture and take the required Animal Science classes. Merriam-Webster didn't have to go to the farm and watch folks sift through cattle poo. Merriam-Webster didn't have to de-worm a steer :ohwell:

"Cow" is the only word that most people use to describe cattle because they don't know the correct terminology. It's an "accepted" term to use generally. I was just giving the TRUE definition of a heifer, cow, etc.

Smarty Pants!!! :lachen:
I understand why one would need a list.
I'm not american, and although I've lived here for a few years well. There are some thing that I just don't get. Some of the issues are indigenous to the ppl here and I don't get those either.

I respond to the point and just avoid talking to ppl directly unless it's a PM. I'm scurred. I've been on here long enough and I got into some thing with one lady because I misinterpreted her actions and tried to give 'advice' since then.

I just avoid ANYTHING that might seem inappropriate and over populate my posts with smilies.

*inserts 1000 smiling faces*