Words that are not allowed ...


New Member
I'm relatively new to the forum and in posting, I have generally followed the lead in what I have seen.

It has come to my attention that b**h is not a word that's allowed and I honestly did not know that. I have seen it so many times here, I just assumed that it was.

Is there a list of words that are not allowed? Just profanity pushers? Or generally any unsavory word? I'm a little confused as to what's allowed right now.
To my knowledge were not supposed to curse folks out or call them out of their name pointedly. I've been using all kinds of homemade slang from day one. I dont think ***** is on any list around these parts. You cannot call folks the b word but I think you can use it in a PDiddy kinda *****azzness way. :lachen: ie;f feeling *****y, acting *****y, putting the *****face on and the snoop style beyotch yada yada yada
To my knowledge were not supposed to curse folks out or call them out of their name pointedly. I've been using all kinds of homemade slang from day one. I dont think ***** is on any list around these parts. You cannot call folks the b word but I think you can use it in a PDiddy kinda *****azzness way. :lachen: ie;f feeling *****y, acting *****y, putting the *****face on and the snoop style beyotch yada yada yada

I'm serious. As you said "WTF" which is commonly used, but is that a profanity pusher also? Is "clear" not allowed bc/ some view it as derogatory?

There should be clear guidelines about what is allowed and what is not allowed. If there is such a guide, then I have missed it and I would like to be directed to it. If not, there needs to be one. One cannot expect to abide by unwritten rules.
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To my knowledge were not supposed to curse folks out or call them out of their name pointedly. I've been using all kinds of homemade slang from day one. I dont think ***** is on any list around these parts. You cannot call folks the b word but I think you can use it in a PDiddy kinda *****azzness way. :lachen: ie;f feeling *****y, acting *****y, putting the *****face on and the snoop style beyotch yada yada yada

I see. I still don't know what's allowed and what's not allowed.
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Yeah true, I would never call a member a profanity or curse them. That's wrong. But I admit I did tag a post about a fictitious character on Y&R with "b__h." Because anyone who knows the character would think that tag is funny as h-e-double hockey sticks. I may have used the word once before (again towards a member or anything). But, now I see that is not allowed. Did not know that. Also that h word you used, I can see how that wouldn't be allowed either. So, I am truly asking b/c I am not aware of any list, or any prohibition against unsavory words and I would like to know.

When the word ***** is used on this forum, it's not directed towards members. :look:The term "b*sh" may be directed towards, but even then, it's in jest. "H*ffa" can be used in jest or as a term on endearment.

Going forward, I think I'm just going to either call people "Rose petal" or simply ":Rose:".
When the word ***** is used on this forum, it's not directed towards members. :look:The term "b*sh" may be directed towards, but even then, it's in jest. "H*ffa" can be used in jest or as a term on endearment.

Going forward, I think I'm just going to either call people "Rose petal" or simply ":Rose:".


H*ffa isn't swearing though, is it? I didn't think it was

Calling someone a cow is a bit off. There are also other meanings (slang) to the word which are not so subtle:


We are not going to post a list of words that are allowed or not. Talk to people the same way you wish them talking to you.
H*ffa isn't swearing though, is it? I didn't think it was

I noticed the definition of hefer (sp. ?) was quoted. Well, here's the thing, when one is using the word in the correct sense, no, it is not swearing. However, when one is using it out of context, or to describe another individual then yes, it is swearing. :rolleyes:
. Talk to people the same way you wish them talking to you.

Hi, what you say just makes sense; particularly to reasoning people. Yet, I know some folk who do not mind being spoken to in the manner being discussed here :spinning:. So, the "do unto others creed" sometimes just doesn't work; especially with uncouth people.
Calling someone a cow is a bit off. There are also other meanings (slang) to the word which are not so subtle:


We are not going to post a list of words that are allowed or not. Talk to people the same way you wish them talking to you.

The urban dictionary? Wow, nikos, wow. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
The word h*ffa must have caused a problem at some point??? It has been frequently used on the forum without issue.
H*ffa isn't swearing though, is it? I didn't think it was

Heifer is a female bovine that is over 1-year, but has not yet given birth to any calves.

ETA: A Heifer is not a cow. A cow is a mature female bovine who has already given birth to at least one calf. Bovine (or cattle) is the correct terminology for the species as a whole.
I'm serious. As you said "WTF" which is commonly used, but is that a profanity pusher also? Is "clear" not allowed bc/ some view it as derogatory?

There should be clear guidelines about what is allowed and what is not allowed. If there is such a guide, then I have missed it and I would like to be directed to it. If not, there needs to be one. One cannot expect to abide by unwritten rules.

Don't tell me clear is going away too? :nono:

We've gone too far now. :wallbash:
Heifer is a female bovine that is over 1-year, but has not yet given birth to any calves.

ETA: A Heifer is not a cow. A cow is a mature female bovine who has already given birth to at least one calf. Bovine (or cattle) is the correct terminology for the species as a whole.

well Merriam-Webster says it is a cow! not to mention it's a noun...lol
even wikipedia agrees
a young cow; especially : one that has not had a calf

I think the urban dictionary is right on! well i never thought about it in ex. #3 but hey to each it's own, # 1 n 2 is on point!

I'm sorry dimopoulos i know i use 'that word' but if it's going to cast folks out...i guess i need to ease up off of it!
I think Nikos is right...we should police ourselves. If there are posters that insist on using profanity and really getting ugly with it, we can place them on ignore or the mods can/will intervene...which happens all the time..so I don't think we need a list of forbidden words or a code of conduct..just common sense, home training and a willing to compromise our personal communication styles to maintain some kind of peace and class on this board.. just my .02
Cow or no cow it is like everything in life. It depends on how you say what you say. Consider the following example:

You silly cow..... haha

That stupid cow....

The former is a joke and it is usually found amongst friends while the latter is insulting.

As for the "do unto others creed" yes I agree. Some people just don't allow for reasoning. There are solutions to combat that when it appears.
When the word ***** is used on this forum, it's not directed towards members. :look:The term "b*sh" may be directed towards, but even then, it's in jest. "H*ffa" can be used in jest or as a term on endearment.

Going forward, I think I'm just going to either call people "Rose petal" or simply ":Rose:".

How cute. As long as you don't call me a rose.
Cow or no cow it is like everything in life. It depends on how you say what you say. Consider the following example:

You silly cow..... haha

That stupid cow....

The former is a joke and it is usually found amongst friends while the latter is insulting.

As for the "do unto others creed" yes I agree. Some people just don't allow for reasoning. There are solutions to combat that when it appears.

So as long as we put lachen on the end, we're good! :lol:

...just kidding of course :)
Cow or no cow it is like everything in life. It depends on how you say what you say. Consider the following example:

You silly cow..... haha

That stupid cow....

The former is a joke and it is usually found amongst friends while the latter is insulting.

As for the "do unto others creed" yes I agree. Some people just don't allow for reasoning. There are solutions to combat that when it appears.

Well I don't understand how you can determine someone's intent and "combat that when it happens"

Different words have different meanings to people. I remember when folks were oh so distraught when Whipz and I were calling each other "trick" To us, it was a joke. Not insulting like with your example above, but then all of a sudden the word trick wasn't allowed to be used.

People can turn the word LINKSYS into a insulting if they want to, so I'm really not understanding how this is being monitored so that it can be applied fairly to ALL.

Maybe I'm missing something. Since the OP asked for a list of words and that is not doable, but apparently if a word is deemed inapporiate (for whatever reason depending on whoever's level of sensitivity) then suddenly actions will be taking against that person.

I dont get it. Maybe I'm being slElla today.

And I ain't even the one to be told to don't post if I don't like it here. I ain't say I ain't like it. I'm asking for clarification since the sometimes muddy rules seem to cause time-outs and thangs that are unconvienent and take away from my subscription time.