++ Woo Hoo! I'm Finally Natural!! (Big Chop Pics) ++

Girl, look at those curls!!!!!

I bet you could say bye-bye to that breakage issue you faced a few weeks ago!

Although I can't see the pics (I am at work), I know your hair is blinging and banging. I saw your hair during it's transition phase and I was in lust.
.....all of those beautiful curls.....you should be :spank: for relaxing the first time! Shame on you for hiding those curly locks. Shame!

Looks Lovely, Congrats!:clapping:
Congratulations on your BC!

You're hair is beautiful!!! I love the texture.
What products are you using on your hair?

Thanks so much for the compliment. When I was transitioning, I used all kinds of products. Just a few of my staples were Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner, Aubrey Organics conditioners, Suave Tropical Coconut and Alberto V05 Champagne Kiss. I also use a lot of natural oils like coconut and olive oils. But I have heard many times that products that work for you as a relaxed head may not work as a natural, so I'll have to do some experimenting.
YOU ARE SO BRAVE - to cut it yourself - omg - how the heck did u know how to cut it? im sure you'll be back to BSL in no time since ur hair grew back so fast from that mini-chop u did a little while back. LOOKS GREAT. Congrats!

Thanks, girl. Yeah ... I was really worried because I don't cut my hair on the regular. However, since my hair was relaxed bone straight, it was really easy to see the distinction between the natural curls and the straight ends. I went really, really slow and only cut right where the curl ended and the straight ends began. I did accidentally cut a couple of curls though ... but just a couple.
Girl, look at those curls!!!!!

I bet you could say bye-bye to that breakage issue you faced a few weeks ago!


Indeed!! The breakage that I experienced towards the end of my transition is part of the reason why I didn't have a lot of hair to cut yesterday. I took a pic of the cut relaxed hairs on the bathroom counter and I was like, "Whaaaa ... is that all there was?"
Although I can't see the pics (I am at work), I know your hair is blinging and banging. I saw your hair during it's transition phase and I was in lust.

Hey, Bub!

Errr ummm ... what's that you say? One of my natural hair idols was in lust with MY hair? What choo talkin' bout, Willis? I'm trying to get to where YOU are!