** Woo Hoo! I'm Natural!! (Big Chop Pic Heavy) **

Ooooh, Sis!!! I love your hair! Look at how chunky and healthy your twists are!!! HATE!!! :giggle: I love the blunt ends. I love how healthy it looks. I love how much growth you've achieved. Heck I'll just come out and say it: I love you. :rofl:


This day has been a long time coming! I'm so proud of you for transitioning that long and for being such a great resource for all of us transitioners, short- and long-term! And of COURSE your twists look amazing, as always!
Finally! Congratulations! Wow, look at those ends on the twists, just lovely. There were more relaxed ends to be cut off than I realized. Yay!! I'm so excited! :lol: I just love it.
congratulations your hair looks beautiful ill still stalk your fotki album cuz im in it for the 2 years and im almost 8 months post so far so i have a while to go
Hi, everybody! I finally ended my long term transition and did the Big Chop:
I now have the hair of my youth once again. Now bring me length!:grin:

Great job Mook! I've been looking forward to seeing your pics. Congrats on being 100% natural. Your hair is so pretty and thick!
Mook! I've been following your transitioning for the past two years! It looks awesome and I love your hair color! So Happy for you!