women who started here with short damaged hair.


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies, I was just wondering how many of you started off with short damged hair? My hair is probably about full neck length, the front and sides being much shorter. It is uneven almost all over and the ends are chemically damaged, split and dry!
I so badly want long hair and I am almost willing to do just about anything to get it, but I need some help and a little advice.

I'm currently taking down micros that I've had up since Sept 10. I think i got mabye about 1/2 inch of new growth give or take.. I was planning to do a big chop so that I can start over completely new, but I dont know if I want to be natural or stay relaxed. my thing is, if i decided to stay relaxed how much sense would it make to chop it all off?

Like I said I'm willing to do just about anything to get longer hair, but part of me just dont want to cut my hair all off..I know that I will HATE the way it looks on me. Is there anything else I can do to get my hair on track? do I have to clip my ends?

My big question is..HOW MANY RELAXED LADIES OUT THERE WHO STARTED OFF WITH SHORT DAMAGED HAIR? HOW DID U GET YOUR HAIR ON TRACK? what should I do ladies? I really feel that I will have to cut it all off but I hope there is a way around that...
I did not start out with short hair (it was SL length) but my hair was, and still is, full of damage. What helped was GIVING UP relaxers. But now that im on the board, i see all the tricks and tips to keep relaxed hair healthier. i still wont relax, but i think for others, its a personal choice and there are so many pple on here w/beautiful relaxed hair.

If u dont want to BC, i would stretch or transition until ur hair is in better shape. Baby your ends, protective styling, protein-moisture balance, gentle trim from someone you trust, etc. NO chemicals until your hair has regained some strength.

If u DO want to BC that would be a fresh start and it wouldnt matter if u stayed natural or relaxed cuz either way you'd be starting over with better hair practices. If you decided to relax, you would use a protein treatment beforehand, mix the relaxer with some oil or silk amino acids, leave it in LESS time, make sure its properly neutralized etc. and then going forward, just make sure you dont double process ur previously relaxed hair. If u want to stay natural, u will rediscover ur hair and keep it in good shape by moisturizing etc.

Either way, i think its possible to turn ur hair around... good luck
I did. My hair was like yours when I started. VERY uneven. It would grow then break then grow and then break again. I would go to the salons and my hair would break off completely from them not washing out the relaxer. I was avoiding cutting it off because I didnt like how I looked with super short hair but I got tired of people asking me what happened to my hair so I cut it to my nape in August. My avi picture is the length of my hair now. I know it's short but it look a lot better than before. Since my cut I have been wearing a half wig and taking care of my hair underneath.

The parts that broke off to less than 1/2 an inch are now 3 inches. I wish I cut my hair sooner. It looks much thicker now. I understand not wanting to cut your hair but if the ends are thin and uneven I think its best to let them go.

If you do decide to relax after you take out the braids wait two weeks after you take them out to relax or else you could get breakage and damage.

Go to www.fotki.com/sistaslick Read her hair articles. Those will tell you everything you need for a good hair growing regimen. HTH
I did!!! Check out my fotki!!

I started with a badly damaged afro!! I had bald spots in the back of my head where chemical damage chewed up my hair. When I first joined this board, I started out with a 7-month braid challenge. I learned how to self-braid extensions into my damaged afro. I washed & treated my hair while in braids, and didn't see my hair for 7months. After that, as I began to build a regimen for myself, I started to wash and DC 2x's a week, while protective styling. Buns, twists, braids.

I am currently just-kissing APL...perhaps by Dec. 31st 2009, I can claim it.
My ultimate and final goal is FULL-BSL, because that's about all the hair I can really manage without getting utterly frustrated and cutting it off...:lachen:

It takes consistency and perseverance, but if you keep your goal in front of you, your efforts will be rewarded.:yep: Take your time, and learn what your hair likes/dislikes. Believe me, she'll tell you EXACTLY what she needs if you pay attention. Always remember to treat your hair like silk, like glass slippers. Handle delicately and with care.
I did! I started with damaged hair from root to tip that was about ear length with layers. As of my last relaxer (8 weeks ago), I was full blunt APL. It took me awhile to acquire my length because I had to grow and cut to get rid of damage and layers.
I did. My hair was like yours when I started. VERY uneven. It would grow then break then grow and then break again. I would go to the salons and my hair would break off completely from them not washing out the relaxer. I was avoiding cutting it off because I didnt like how I looked with super short hair but I got tired of people asking me what happened to my hair so I cut it to my nape in August. My avi picture is the length of my hair now. I know it's short but it look a lot better than before. Since my cut I have been wearing a half wig and taking care of my hair underneath.

The parts that broke off to less than 1/2 an inch are now 3 inches. I wish I cut my hair sooner. It looks much thicker now. I understand not wanting to cut your hair but if the ends are thin and uneven I think its best to let them go.

If you do decide to relax after you take out the braids wait two weeks after you take them out to relax or else you could get breakage and damage.

Go to www.fotki.com/sistaslick Read her hair articles. Those will tell you everything you need for a good hair growing regimen. HTH

I really appreciate your answer! your are so much help!! You wouldnt believe how fast I was trying to get these braids down in time to relax my hair..I want so badly to relax my hair tonight but i think for once I will listen to someone from this bored..lol.. What about flat ironing? can I flat iron it..if not I'm gonna go to work tomorrow looking like a lion!!
I just joined LHCF in June 2009 but lurked for months but I started my hair journey off last year June 2008 with damaged above ear length hair and the back was a short tapered so I kind of started from scratch in the back...lol..I did not start to learn about hair care until Sept 2008, I started out with and continued weekly wash and DC moisturize. I had started wearing lace wigs in May 2008 so I protective styled with those for 7-8mths straight. When I joined this site June 2009 is when I really started to understand the whole protein thing. You can check my fotki and see my siggy for progress. I never had a complicated regi.
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My big question is..HOW MANY RELAXED LADIES OUT THERE WHO STARTED OFF WITH SHORT DAMAGED HAIR? HOW DID U GET YOUR HAIR ON TRACK? what should I do ladies? I really feel that I will have to cut it all off but I hope there is a way around that...

My hair was between neck and shoulder when I decided to transition. This pic was taken when my hair was OK.

I say it was OK because I'd just found a good stylist who touched it up for me and at this stage she didn't do that "let me hold your hand and break some bad news to you about your hair" move. This time she was somewhat pleased with it.

On my return for a second touch up, my hair ends were in such a bad state (sorry no pic) that I would have been embarrassed if the salon hadn't been a bit empty when after brushing my hair flat into a "looks bald do" she pulled a chair in front of me and held my hand the way you would when you're about to tell someone some really bad news they may not be able to handle, and said something like "There are people for whom perms are a no-no. I think you're one of those, and you probably will have to just accept that you aren't made for perms."

If I wasn't shy, I'd have stood up and done the Z-formation and put the lady in her place coz she obviously had not seen how good my virgin hair looks when relaxed. It was actually to prove her wrong that I decided to transition so I'd go back to her with virgin hair and see if she'd still sing the same tune and note she just did--which I had taken as such an insult, BTW.

So I braided my hair with extension--I do this myself and since I was already following a regimen of trimming 1/4 inch every 6-8 weeks, I decided I'd undo a braid at a time and trim then rebraid...so that I'd slowly get rid of my relaxed hair. Now I had an inch of growth when I decided to transition in braids in August 2001. I simply washed and conditioned my hair in braids any time it felt dry; redid my braids esp along the hairline whenever they got loose; and trimmed the ends estimating what __ ie 1/4 inch felt like per braid before rebraiding till all had been trimmed. Since I did my own braids, I was careful to use less hair per braid section so I didn't have a lot of weight pulling on my scalp from too much additional hair.

By August 2002, I was here:

(which was kinda the longest my hair had ever been even when relaxed and probably when I should have gone for the relaxer to prove my stylist wrong; but I didn't. Maybe funds were in short supply?... I don't really remember why it is I rebraided my hair again for another year instead of going down to set my stylist straight.)

I found and joined LHCF in July 2003, and in August 2003, took another pic of my hair and was floored. :thud: NEVER in my wildest dreams did I imagine Nonie could have hair this long:

Let's just say that, having achieved this much, I've somewhat become complacent and just can't tell you if my hair can grow any longer than this coz I get excited and slack in my hair care when I get to this milestone so that retention just becomes a joke and set myself back. But I can tell you that when I was a teen going go boarding school where you were not allowed to braid your hair unless it could be put into less than 3 plaits, I fantasized about being able to divide my hair into 3 equal sections that could be forced to form even a pony half an inch in diameter. I just wanted to be able to plait it into three and tuck them under. I remember wishing so hard for that, even getting a jheri curl just to get there. I never imagined I'd not only be able to plait my hair in 3, but that I'd ever see my hair form a tail this long:

Granted, it's not waist or BSL or even APL. But it's LONG in my opinion from where I once stood. And it's all mine.

So yes, you CAN get your hair to at least APL or close if you learn all you can and use common sense not to get sucked into "magic potion" fantasies. Just good, sensible hair care and diet and exercise.
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I really appreciate your answer! your are so much help!! You wouldnt believe how fast I was trying to get these braids down in time to relax my hair..I want so badly to relax my hair tonight but i think for once I will listen to someone from this bored..lol.. What about flat ironing? can I flat iron it..if not I'm gonna go to work tomorrow looking like a lion!!

Glad I could help. I would take my braids out and relax the next day and I did that several times and got sooo much breakage.

I think you can flat iron it but deep condition first. When you take the braids out make sure that your hair is properly detangled before you wash it or you could get breakage and tangles.

If you want to avoid heat maybe you can get a cute wig for $20 and wear that until you relax.
I don't know if sm1 said this already but b sure and treat your hair first b4 flat ironing(protein/moisture dc)leave-in, moisturize and seal ends FIRST!Then you should b good to go!HHG!
I started off relaxed with damaged hair and decided to BC to a half inch of hair, grew it back and relaxed 10 months later.

I just wanted to start fresh I didn't want that ratty old hair anymore. After a while I felt I was wasting products on hair I couldn't revive....but now that I think back, I probably could have kept that ratty old hair and just cut gradually...

Sorry i'm not much help.
I am natural but here is my story.

I started off with only less than 1/2 inch off my entire crown and relaxed hair that was not much better in January 2005 and the back of my hair had been shaven off completely so that I could style my hair into some kind of bob. Call it stress, a bad relaxer, poor diet and resistance to the relaxer but that was my story for one year 2004-2005. I had grown my hair naturally for five years and thought I had researched enough about relaxers in 2003 before I had one applied in 2004. When I returned to the States, I was so embarassed by the state of my hair that I went to my cousin's hair salon and she did a mild relaxer and shaved the back into a nice bob. To make a long story short, when I left the salon my hair looked terrible. You know when you leave a salon and you're supposed to feel pretty, well my hair was a hot, thin mess. It only looked good when I wore a hat.

When I was due to go back to Africa, I stopped by my cousin's hair salon to get my hair micro braided because I just couldn't return to my job with such a whacked hair style. My cousin told me exactly what I needed to hear, that she was stunned that my hair looked like a thinned off texturiser even though I had not relaxed several months before coming to her. And that my hair texture should not have any relaxer because it was fine. I was still in denial about my hair density but at least hearing that freed me as all along I thought that I was doing something wrong.

Anyhow, it took from January 2005 to January 2006 to cut all the damaged hair out. I wore braid extensions. Now I am almost SL with heat. And I had to eventually stop the braid extensions to see the length I am getting now which is where my hair orginally was before the madness.

Almond Eyes
I did, I recently shared my progress pictures. I went from thin relaxed hair, to full and healthy relaxed hair.

I started stretching my relaxers. I relax about 4-5 times a year now.
started deep conditioning on a regular.
doing more protein treatments.
Started using orgnanic oils.
Cut out all sulphate containing shampoos. I only use one about once a month and that is to clarify. I have really hard water here, so I have to use a chelator, the filter can't get everything.
Switched to lye relaxers.
Toned down the heat A LOT. More roller setting and silk wraps. I don't flat iron weekly anymore.
More protective styling (buns, braid/twist outs)..

Here is my progress thread, so it is possible.


I also recommend chinablk fotki. She too had a complete turnaround.

here is a video, and her hair has grown even more since this was made.

I did........ I'm not sure who's sigi has this but is says " Hair is like money. it is not what you make (grow) it is what you keep. This is sooooooo true!

I started off with a fresh cut. My sis had me to put my hair in about eight ponytails and she measured and cut each 4 inches. I felt so much better when I started off with a fresh cut. Then I came up with a great updo that I could wear all week without combing, I soak my hair with water, put leave in conditioner on my hair then seal with shea butter/coconut oil mix. I keep my ends tucked under so they will stay nice and moist.

Before doing any of this I clarified and deep conditioned my hair. I also used the hard aphogee protein treatment every 6 to 8 weeks. You have got to be patient and don't get discouraged. It takes time. :yep: Take starting pictures, then decide every 6 months or so to take updated pictures so see your progress.
I started off with messed up relaxed hair and I immediately had the mind set of transitioning. I was considering being a strait natural. I basically stretched my relaxer 6 months and got the health of my hair back. I started off with hair length above my ears and now I am shoulder length. I have decided to end my transition because I just want to wear my hair strait. I will use less heat on my hair and maintaining the strait style will be much easier. I basically just do a co wash once a week and a wash with deep condition on Friday or Saturday. I basically leave my hair alone in a bun. Before heat straitening, I would do flat twists back in a bun. When I resume my relaxing, I will roller set 3 months and wear flat twists back in a bun for 3 months. This really helped my hair thrive and become healthy again.
I started with short damaged hair. No matter what I did it would consistenly break off on the left lower side of my head and so I would have to constantly cut it because it was so lopsided. What finally helped was consistent deep conditioning, protein treatments, co-washing, daily moisturizing, low manipulation, relaxer stretching and not using direct heat. It took about a year to keep my hair from breaking off in that damaged spot. So you have to be patient. I did not do a big chop and I still relaxed but I started stretching my relaxers out alot. You also should find a good deep conditioner that moisturizes and gives good slip to eliminate tangles. I hope this helps, I am attaching some pics for inspiration.



Please excuse my rolls....
Well....see my siggie to see how short my hair was when I started the journey. That doesnt even tell 1/2 the stroyy because I had so much damage at the front of my hair that big chunks had broken all the way down to 1 inch long. Those pieves are now 5-6 inches long. If I knew then what I know now I would have braided up my hair in kinky twist (micros would have taken my temples all the way out), used mega-tek or MTG on my scalp and kep it pushing. Then decided after 6-12 months if I needed to transition. I decided right away that I would just go natural thinking that was the "easy" answet to may hair problems. That is not the case. It is HARD work to transition without extensions/weave/wigs/braids, etc. So I say give it 6 months then decide what to do. By then your'll have enough new growth to check out your texture and see if you are ready to embrace it.
I started out with natural, chin-length, damaged hair (I posted a picture back in June :blush:)

I relaxed my hair and added protein to my routine and it has been really good.

Phyto II and Joico is saving my hair!
I did. My hair was cut back right below my ear. Hair was damaged from overrelaxing and left side was extremely thin. Then I lost my edges from weaves trying to hide the damaged hair.
My starting pic in my siggie shows the damage and uneveness I had when I started! I am now about an inch from APL...I gave my hair all the TLC I could (learned it all from LHCF)...what worked for me was Protective styling, no heat (only for length checks after relaxers), lots of moisture, vitamins and drinking plenty of water. I have also used growth aids like: groaut oil and a megatek concoction i made...I co-wash daily and dc twice a week...

I Did!:grin: I lost about 90% of my Hair due to a Salon Mishap in December of 2008. I had spots all over broken completely down to the NG, all throughout my Head.:sad:

That's when I ended my Weekly Salon Visits and Decided to Put the Total Care of My Hair in the Hands of The Lord (along with myself).

Now I know it was Severe Overprocessing, Overlapping, Poor Neutralization and Overall, Negligence.

I have a fairly High Profile (Public) Job and I was completely devastated. I used what little hair I had left to cover up the spots I had.

To be honest, when my hair started to Fall Out, it began coming out in Clumps and for the most part I looked like a Chemo-Patient.:ohwell:

I didn't cut the strands I had left, but I began washing and DC weekly Regliously.:yep:

IK my Hair was Overly Porous due to damage and I began Lurking here, literally spending Hours Researching My Particular Issues and the Damage I had, Taking Notes, Buying Products to Correct my Issues. I didn't BC (but my plans is to gradually cut) as some of the other posters said as things "Fill-In" More.

Good Thread! Thanks for starting.:nicethread:
Me, Me, Me!!! My hair was probably neck length and damaged from overprocessed relaxers and color. I remember relaxing, coloring, and braiding all in the same day.

Those days are long gone....I've made quite a bit of progress since then and since my last update from June (siggy) but I cant reveal because the ladies in the "Hide Your Hair Til Dec 15th" Challenge would kill me!

Anywho, what has helped me the most is texlaxing on twice a year (I think I'm about to give that up all together. I love BKT!), no highlighting (Although I may start because of BKT. lol), and hiding me hair!

Oh did I alo mentioned CHLORELLA!
I did........ I'm not sure who's sigi has this but is says " Hair is like money. it is not what you make (grow) it is what you keep. This is sooooooo true!
Me! And I'm signing in here. I am at neck length right now. I've grown my crown out now from 0" after tight micros broke them off to a full blown 4". I would have been shoulder length but I made an executive decision to cut the rest of my hair shorter to catch up with my crown.

my hair was damaged from constantly going to a hair salon where the stylist pressed my hair with a hot comb weekly. I didnt know how DAMAGED my hair was until I took the picture. I almost cried! I took the second picture a few months ago. Im really happy with the progress my hair has made over the years. Unfortunately a scissor happy stylist CUT my hair to ear length when I said TRIM. My hair is almost back to the length of the second pic.
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I did. (See my siggy.) The main things that turned my hair around were 1) protecting my previously-relaxed hair with conditioner and oil before touch-ups, 2) stretching my relaxers a bit longer, and 3) airdrying my hair rather than using heat appliances (except on special occasions). And this was probably the biggest game-changer of all: learning how to fully care for my own hair--including doing my own relaxers.
My hair is not long but it's longer than it's ever been before.

My hair would get to neck length and start to break, then I would cut it short shave the back and swear I was going to let it grow. Then two years later I would start the insane cycle all over again. When I came here I was so fed up with what Relaxers did to my hair I decided to go Cold turkey from the Creamy Crack.

So sorry I can't speak of what to do with Relaxed damaged hair. Going Natural has really helped my hair thrive.
I did. Check my fotki. I am recovering with megatek, hydratherma natural and claudie elixir proucts. I keep hair in weaves for now with no relaxer since may 08. I try to co-wash weekly.
I would first start simple, wash and condition and deep condition.(since you just took down your braids)..make sure to oil your hair paying especially close to the ends of your hair. I would be very consistent with keeping oil on the hair (again especially where the damage is). Make sure to sleep with silk/satin bonnet or head wrap of some sort. All the time and effort to any regimen is wasted if you dont protect your hair while you sleep.

Thats where I would start for the first month and see how the condition of your hair changes. Then you can go from there to see where you need to tweak your regimen.
I would start a hair journal, take a picture of your hair now so you can see your progress in 30 days.
