Damaged Hair..


Well-Known Member
whether it's or was from color, relaxers, texturizers, overmaniupulation, etc

How long did it or is it taken to restore it back to health?

What measures ( cutting, deep conditioner x-times, etc) did or are taking to nurse hair back to health?

I am asking because my hair is damage from it being relaxing bone strait on top of a color. I am trying to decide if I can nurse it back, should I chop the damaged sections off ( which is most of my hair except an inch) and start over. I just tired of dealing with the two textures ( damaged and healthy) However I like the length I've gained.

Please share experiences...:) thanks
I think that if your hair is horribly damaged beyond repair, cut it and start afresh (I've done this before, down to less than 1/2 inch). My hair grew back much thicker and healthier.
I had to cut my hair due to damage back in january and in september my hairdresser told me all my damage was gone. My hair is growing fast and very healthy now.
I agree with digitalrain.

Now my hair has been damaged from overprocessing before, but I didn't cut it off. I shampooed and deep conditioned every 3 days (I used doo gro products, shampoo, deep conditioner, and their leave-in) and air dried and wore it in twists (like cornrows back) or twist outs. I did not use heat on it for I don't know how long. This worked well for me. If I had split ends I would trim those though. I honestly don't remember how long it took, but I wasn't a really long time.
Shinka, I'm sorry for your bad experience.

I had this problem a couple of years back...gee, it's so fresh in my mind. Here's what I can share from my experience...if it's just about split ends a really good trim can clean you up.

But, when you're talking about chemical damage, the damage is usually not restricted to a particular location on your head and it tends to impact all of the hair. With that said,

I had very long hair when I moved from NYC and it only took one bad relaxer to bring me to my knees; I cut off about 10 or more inches in one sitting. Then I ended up slowly cutting off the rest, because the entire length of my hair was damaged, and I could not find anyone outside of NY to do my hair.

My hair was cut in a pixie about 2 years ago and it's now all one length and healthy again. Depending on how severe your damage is, I don't recommending cutting off all of your hair, because short is is WORK, especially if you have thick hair.

The rate at which your hair grows, determines how long it will take to rid yourself of the damage, but you knowing that damage exists means that you can handle your hair appropriately. Handle less, use proper conditioning.

In your case, it may be best to chip away at the damage, rather than one cut. Just continue with regular trims and keep your hair moisturized.

What products do you use?
I have very fine hair and my ex stylist gave me a color job and it proved to be too much for my hair. It was breaking all over the place. I was brastrap, but the breakage and split ends were so bad, that I decided I decided to cut it to ear length in March. there was still some color left, so it was still breaking and I still had to cut. But I started to use Nexxus emergencee and doing weekly washings and it has dome a COMPLETE turn around from there!!!
Currently I use Cathy Howse products ( dew, mositurizer and deep conditioner) and a ph mosituring shampoo that I alternate with Clairols clarifying shampoo.

I try to deep condtion weekly, but I wash twice to three times a week and follow with dew or motions oil lotion. I either rollerset or air dry and curl with curling iron.

My hair has been breaking unfortunately, I spray surge lightly on hair after washing and it has stopped it a whole lot. but whenever I comb ( wide tooth) my hair to detangle, during washing, or running hands through wet HAIR, my hand or comb is covered with HAIR. I just want to cry.

I am getting good growth, but I have to keep clipping my ends so it won't look too split. I just want to cry. I hate the way my hair is growing out too from a natural TWA. I hate even hair...it makes it look overly layered.

It seems like my hair on top of my personal problems is too much. I just wish I could have a life makeover.
You definitely need to put the curling iron down. That is not good with the damaged hair. If you air dry your hair, do a twist-set once your hair is about 80% dry with some type of product (oil or something) then take out in the morning. I can't remember who, but someone has a great pic of her hair doing this. I will find who and let you know.

ETA: The person is RachelL Here's the thread check out her album. She has a great pic of her twistout.
Shinka I have the same problem with my hair but I have associated it with stress from my life. I have tried everything DRC-28, emergencee, Keraphix, Hair rebuilder, but I have decided to stick with the emergencee and no heat and this seems to have minimize the amount of hair that is breaking and shedding.
Well, my ex-stylist lied to me and said my hair was damaged, and colored it the same way. My hair was bascially always healthy, she was just really scissor happy so it was hard for me to grow my hair back (she cut it from about brastrap to ear length) .. probably because I kept going to her like a dumb***. Anyway, I stopped going to her in April 04, didnt relax, stayed in braids/took care of it myself until September when I relaxed.. and found that my hair grew to shoulder length. Now my hair is about 2 inches past shoulder length. So now, to be sure that my hair stays healthy, I keep my scalp clean, deep condition every wash combined w/ a protein conditioner, use leave-ins, stay away from heat, dont relax very often, and moisturize my ends every night.

Anyway, I too agree with Digital Rain.
My damaged hair is what lead me to starting my hair journey in the first place. I just cut off the damaged hair and started doing everything differently (no heat, more moisture, protecting/treating ends, etc.) /images/graemlins/smile.gif
There are pros and cons to both sides, but I'm not a fan of cutting it all off to start over. Take a look at where the damage is for the most part (you may have mentioned it and I missed it). For example, if it's in the front and the back is pretty healthy, you might opt for bangs and hanging on to the length in back. If the back is damaged but the top, sides, and front are healthy, opt for a classic bob since the back near the nape is where most of the cutting will take place.

I haven't posted this story, but I damaged my hair years ago by putting Sun-In in my hair when I went to Jamaica one Summer. My hair turned orange /images/graemlins/shocked.gif, (in the front and crown where I put it), so I got back home and dyed it jet black w/Permanent color. I knew NOTHING about hair back then, and I did it myself b/c I was too embarrassed to let anyone see my orange hair. W/in a few weeks, my hair in front and a bit on top had completely broken off! The back and sides were okay, so I just cut bangs, and gave my hair lots of TLC. In less than a year, my hair had grown out into beautiful layers (which I just cut January this year into a bob).

I'm living proof that you don't always have to chop it all off, but you have to figure out where the damage is, what type of damage it is, and whether or not you can design a haircut around the damaged parts. After that, baby your hair like nobody's business!

I believe somewhere in Shamboosie's book he mentions this issue. I did my haircuts myself, but if you decide to go to a stylist, tell them what you're trying to accomplish, and make sure they're not scissor-happy- especially if you're happy w/your current length.

I cut mine when it was damaged. I had mid back length hair and chopped it to just below my ears. I put in extensions and in 3 months my hair was touching my shoulders.
I cut mine too in january due to chemical damage(self-inflicted) It is still breaking a little but nothing out of the ordinanry and it's growing back nicely. In order for you to make process you need to cut the damage parts. However that should not mean cutting all your hair off.
yup when i came to this board my hair was just a mess. I had color and relaxer in it. It was just damaged. So i started by deep conditiong it every week. That seemed to be a good start. I stopped using the blow dryer and only using the flat iron and curling iron once in a while. SO then I started to sleep with a satin cap and adding oil to it everyday which made my hair even better but i noticed my ends were still very brittle and thin. I started to take vitamin suppliments and i used keraphix, my hair began to grow. I managaed to cut all the damage ends off eventually which left me with healthier thick ends.

I didnt cut it all off but I did it little by little.
When I first came to the board my hair was a hot mess! It was breaking terribly, if I touched my hair it would break. The damage was done by me--I relaxed with Motions Mild, and ran the relaxer to the ends, ends that had color on them--I know, I know that is bad, those were my uneducated days.

What helped my hair was deep conditioning twice a week with heat using Cathy Howe’s Deep Conditioner; and following it up with Elucence MB Conditioner. I also washed it every three days with Elucence MB Shampoo. I moisturized my hair with her moisturizer 2-3 times a day. I also did Aphogee treatments every four to six weeks. I stretched my relaxer out for 6 months, and handled my weak hair very, very carefully. No heat, no manipulation at all except to take it out of the ponytail for washing, my daily styles consisted of a ponytail utilizing the baggie method.

As of now I have been trimming small portions of my hair every few months, I went to a stylist and she wanted to give me a really short cut. But, I was determined to save my hair, and I have done just that. It has been almost a year since that incident, my hair still has minor breakage but it is nothing compared to what it used to be. My hair is growing now, and I have retained a lot of length. I hope that in all this I have written, you find something from it that will be useful for you. Good Luck, and have patience, it takes time. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I'm sorry but this may be off topic but Shinka you have very beautiful eyebrows! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Okay, now on to your hair...you said you continually trim your ends and it continues to be damaged so something in between has to be messing up your hair, and I believe that it's probably the curling iron that you are using to style your hair. Maybe you can give it a break.

I too have experienced breakage, the most recent being a bad color experience. My hair was damaged to the point that each time I touched it my ends broke off. I've chopped my hair off (only 2 inches) and I'm starting fresh. I plan to keep up my regimen of deep conditions, shampooing every other week, and constant moisture. I try not to use heat, and if I do, it's only for a special occasion…so I'd say I use heat maybe once every other month. Anyways, I think cutting off my damaged ends would be the only way for me to maintain the health of my hair. I'm concerned with length as well, but not more than having a head full of healthy, flowing hair!

Whatever you decide, good luck with maintaining your hair from there.
When I threw my blowdryer and curling iron away and started washing my hair every 3 days, I began to see results very quickly, like in a week or so. The first thing I noticed was no more hair in the sink or on the floor. No heat and air drying worked to improve my hair quickly.
I washed, deep cond with ubh and rollerset with setting lotion and dew my hair after the post, it looks much healthier, shiner,and fuller than the air dry and hot curl.

i got alot of compliments today. When i think about my hair grew most when all i did was rollerset with the occasionally hot curl.i hope doing this regimen maybe every 3 days will help. and my new growth and undamaged thicker feels better (softer).

everyone (friends etc) keeps telling me not to cut it, . so i guess it doesn't look as bad as i think. i just know how my hair was before, it's hard knowing the majority of my hair (about 2-3 inches... all the colored part) is damaged and bone straight.

ah well i guess i'll pratice patience and clip it slowly away
When my hair was damaged from hair colors (both permanent and semi-permanent) I cut off about 4 inches and started taking really good care of my hair. It took me about 9 months + I had to stop coloring befor my hair felt nice again.
I cut mine down to 1.5 inches earlier this year. I got tired of babying the same damaged hair year afer after year. At first, I trimmed a little each month. But one portion of my hair was just too unhealthy. So I transisitoned for 5 months or so did the big chop. Since then my hair has grown steadily. It's thick and healthy like I remember it before all the chemicals and breakage.

Now I'm much more informed about my hair. it isn't such a chore taking care of it. And I've found good inexpensive products that work for me. These days, I shop differnelty when I go to the BSS. Don't fall for the pictures and claims on the front of the bottle/jar. Turn it over and read the back! You'd be amazed how much crap is out there! So educate yourself.
Shinka said:
What measures ( cutting, deep conditioner x-times, etc) did or are taking to nurse hair back to health?

[/ QUOTE ]
* Avoid heat (air dry)
* Hot oil treatment/wash/condition every other day
* Oil hair twice a day (finger comb)
* Sleep w/ silk scarf on head/pillow case
* Deep condition mid-week
* Use a reconstructor end of the week
* Comb hair only when damp w/ leave-in
My hair was most damaged when I used Loreal Feria permanent color on my hair back in March. The color was some type of brown. My hair was dry as can be. During the summer, I followed Tracy's bootcamp for colored girls which helped my hair from being dry. Before then, I never used a conditioner or protein treatment on my hair. I used Elasta QP Breakage Control Serum.
In July, I permanent colored my hair with Clairol Nice&Easy blue-black color. It seems like my hair is drier with lighter hair colors. Since I colored my hair darker, my hair has been doing fine. I just make sure I keep it very well moisturized with oils and ElastaQP Recovery Oil Moisturizer because my hair can feel hard at times and I think it's definitely from coloring.
Also, I would say my hair is a little damaged from blowdrying on high heat almost every week. It was the main source to drying my hair. Another factor was overprocessed hair because my mom has always relaxed my entire hair shaft instead of just the new growth. After learning about this from the forum, I got my mom to relax just the new growth. Now, Im growing out the color and relaxer so I dont have to worry about either one anymore! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I believe the only way you can expect you can nurse your damage hair back to health is to cut off those damaged parts. I essentially had to do this in sept of 03. My hair was breaking like crazy from a relaxer I applied. I could only stand to put up with breaking hair for a few months before I decided in Jan of 04 to cut it really short. Since that time I have been using recontructers like emergencee and deep conditioning with heat after every shampoo. I have also left the curling irons alone for good. I have noticed a big difference in my hair in that short amount of time. You need to either get it cut or get a really good trim and find a good maintenance program to maintain the strength and moisture in your hair.
thank you all.

I've decided to not use the blowdryer or curling iron anymore. I don't really need to unless its a emergency, which i doubt.

I want to cut it, but I think I can deal and I will have my stylist trim it every 3 months ( every touch up), she did a great job without taking off too much length. I want a hair cut, but my boyfriend relly enjoys that I have hair, about a year ago I had a boy cut, just about no hair after a big chop. Really to satisfy him, I just trim away. I really don't want to deal with 2 inches of hair either.( that's the part that's not colored).

1)I'm going to deep condition ( UBH or Lekair) every time I wash.
2)Rollerset or air dry hair.
3)Wash every 3 days.
4)Touch up every 10-12 weeks.
5)Make sure i keep hair mositurized with Dew, Motions oil mositurizer, and UBH creme mositurizer. seal with hot six oil.
6)Also I going to spray every other day, maybe everyday with surge for the next month.

That's my plan. I'll keep ya'll updated.