Women who desire to get married

Wow ladies, I love how this thread has turned out! I've been blessed as well by so many comments... Classimami, Natasha, Mitcy, Shimmie, gn1g who brought up the Martha/Mary story in the first place (I didn't get it either back in the day), and everyone else I forgot (sowwy)!

I think all of us have probably been doing so much reading and thinking about marriage for a good period of time and what I've learned most is that I have to really be careful about the counsel I accept. Just because someone throws the word "God" into a message doesn't mean that it's from God... we could really go through the original post and start breaking things down sentence by sentence to show why the message is not very Godly at all!

What neenzmj said here says it all... we are all becoming closer to God every day and when we are united with our husbands, it will only make our marriages better. But God is surely not "denying" us husbands because we haven't achieved some level of mastery in said practices...

First and foremost, any changes you make in your life should be because of what God has called you to be as an individual. Second, do these things for yourself – to become a better person and to have a better life for you. If you aren’t neat, clean your house for your own benefit. If you can’t cook, learn to cook for your sake (to save money and to have healthier, more nutritious meals). Pay your bills so that YOU are in a better financial position, with our without a mate (these things are also scriptural.) If you address these areas for your benefit, they’re already in place when a husband comes your way.
Wow ladies, I love how this thread has turned out! I've been blessed as well by so many comments... Classimami, Natasha, Mitcy, Shimmie, gn1g who brought up the Martha/Mary story in the first place (I didn't get it either back in the day), and everyone else I forgot (sowwy)!

I think all of us have probably been doing so much reading and thinking about marriage for a good period of time and what I've learned most is that I have to really be careful about the counsel I accept. Just because someone throws the word "God" into a message doesn't mean that it's from God... we could really go through the original post and start breaking things down sentence by sentence to show why the message is not very Godly at all!

What neenzmj said here says it all... we are all becoming closer to God every day and when we are united with our husbands, it will only make our marriages better. But God is surely not "denying" us husbands because we haven't achieved some level of mastery in said practices...

First and foremost, any changes you make in your life should be because of what God has called you to be as an individual. Second, do these things for yourself – to become a better person and to have a better life for you. If you aren’t neat, clean your house for your own benefit. If you can’t cook, learn to cook for your sake (to save money and to have healthier, more nutritious meals). Pay your bills so that YOU are in a better financial position, with our without a mate (these things are also scriptural.) If you address these areas for your benefit, they’re already in place when a husband comes your way.

I agree, this is a great thread. I would like to add also that if we call ourselves children of God, let's get/keep ourselves together for God's sake. Because we are representing him poorly if we can't even keep our worldly possessions in order. People ought to look at our lives in awe, not so much because of us, but of what can do through us. When we get to the point where we focus so much on fixing up ourselves, it makes it more difficult to just spread the Gospel and minister to those who need to hear a Word from God's body.
Thank you Bunny and Classimami,

I really, really needed what you both posted today. There are so many threads going around about marriage. They all seem to focus on what a man is looking for and what we can do to better ourselves. There is nothing wrong with focusing on bettering ourselves but after a year of reading these topics I have become a bit "paranoid". Like I have to be super perfect :look:. This search for pefection has really put a damper on my self-esteem. On Sunday night I was having a pity party for 1 :lol: and I realized that I a "ME" and "ME" will never be perfect. I doubt that I will have sappy fairy tale ending but that does not mean that I cannot have happiness, right? I love to read but I think I have been reading a bit too much and it has affected my thought process. The devil loves to get us in a place of doubt and hopelessness :hardslap:. I won't start out another day feeling like I am less than because of what I am not or areas that I lack in!!!

I am tired of analyzing myself and trying to figure out what is wrong with me. So what I need to clean off my dresser and hang up a few clothes? I go to a good job everyday, I am an excellent mother, I cook and take care of my financial business. I am a good friend and I know that I will be an awesome wife when God leads the right person to me. All I can do in the meantime is live and focus on bettering myself. Being a better me is not for the person that I will meet/marry but only for Me.

I have been praying for clarity and both of your post was the confirmation that I needed. No more of doubting myself! :nono: Its time to embrace who I am and give greater love to the person that God created. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to the both of you! :bighug:

Wow, Natasha..we are on the same page. :yep: You know, the depression I was in was because i was being so hard on myself. Then God told me that He loved me AS I AM..not as I could be or should be.
This is what I'm doing now, being a better me. I don't like to cook, and my husband will either enjoy cooking or we'll just eat out.:grin: I know PLENTY of women that know how to cook and clean and are STILL single. The man that God has already chose for me is going to love me for ME, that's how I look at it.
So I am excited that I can be hopeful that my husband will not mind the fact that I absolutely detest washing dishes. lol Maybe that is the compromise. Maybe God pairs us up to be complementary. . . .I hate dishes, but love to make the bathroom sparkle :mopup:. lol. Maybe hubby is opposite. :doingdishes:
Great thread, and thank you so much for your input Bunny. I'm in my early 20's and I've been hearing these same messages for years.

My mother loves to threaten me that I will stay single if I don't learn how to cook and says that if I do get a husband, he'll leave me for someone else who can. I got 5 words for that... The devil is a liar!

I also felt in my spirit lately that when it comes to cooking, getting fit, etc. - that I should do it for myself or just plainly doing it for Gods glory and not to gain some external approval or a husband.

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So I am excited that I can be hopeful that my husband will not mind the fact that I absolutely detest washing dishes. lol Maybe that is the compromise. Maybe God pairs us up to be complementary. . . .I hate dishes, but love to make the bathroom sparkle :mopup:. lol. Maybe hubby is opposite. :doingdishes:

Hey, I love this idea. Make sure he has a special apron that says this:

"I'm the 'Dish Man"
"Only Men Can Do This Better Than Women"

It's all about Ego, brush his ego. :lol:
Hey, I love this idea. Make sure he has a special apron that says this:

"I'm the 'Dish Man"
"Only Men Can Do This Better Than Women"

It's all about Ego, brush his ego. :lol:

True I think that's the same for men, whether married or not. They like to "think" it was all their idea. lol
Great thread, and thank you so much for your input Bunny. I'm in my early 20's and I've been hearing these same messages for years.

My mother loves to threaten me that I will stay single if I don't learn how to cook and says that if I do get a husband, he'll leave me for someone else who can.

I got 5 words for that... The devil is a liar!

I also felt in my spirit lately that when it comes to cooking, getting fit, etc. - that I should do it for myself or just plainly doing to for Gods glory and not to gain some external approval or a husband.

@ the bolded :lachen::lachen::lachen: I love it!

Personally, I love to cook and cook quite well; especially baking, I just don't always feel like cooking.... :yep:

It will be salads and grapes for desert all the way. :lol:
True I think that's the same for men, whether married or not. They like to "think" it was all their idea. lol
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Yup :yep: AND I will happily 'feed' to them all day and all night.

(Soft whispers in his ear, pillow talk)...

"Baby......... you know the way you cleaned dem' dishes tonight was sumptin' Baby..... really sumpin'. Wowwwwwww.... Baby, you shourrrr' do know how to bust dem' suds and stuff. And dem' suds didn't even spill not once on the floor and make a mess.

Wowwww, Baby, you are sumpin'. You're so masculine with those dishes. You really turn me on when I see you dry them and put them away and stuff.

Wowwwwwwwww, my man. :kiss:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I know....... Shimmie is full of it....:lachen:

But my dishes will be washed.... :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep: :lachen:

Next, he'll be doing the laundrry and then the ironing. :rolleyes::yep::lachen:
You have really spoken some truth.

I can be silly, so I'll say it like this. In some marriages, the husband cooks, either because of their schedule, or because he's a better cook:giggle:

As your bolded addresses, it's important to be on point for the Lord, first and foremost.

Also, I think we are always focusing on the externals as you said.

But I'm not going to lie. I do have expectations from that man too. I expect him to be responsible, etc. I am not his mother, and I don't want a man that thinks he's marrying his mom. If he couldn't take care of himself without me, why would I believe he can take care of our family, and be the provider and protector?

I feel God has really gotten me to start addressing those questions I just asked above. As women, the world, the church and our families always focuses on "when you (female) are going to get married," and "when you as the female are going to have children," like we are going to do that stuff on our own.

It's JUST as important that the man has his stuff together too:yep:. Marriage is not going to be easy, so I do desire someone who realizes that, and I also realize that.

Maturity is also important (and you addressed that too:yep:). As I said in my last post, enjoy your life now. Sometimes, people get so caught up in getting married, that they forget that, and when they get married, they realize, "oops," no more girls weekends (or limited), no more running to Joan's house to go shopping!

Don't lose sight of today!

I’m going to have to chime in with Bunny77. My problem with the message of women “getting ready” for a mate is that it’s unbalanced. By that I mean it only seems to focus on the externals: how you look, how well you cook, how well you clean, how well you pay your bills. Mind you, all these are important, but they don’t even BEGIN to address the most important characteristics for a woman in the marriage relationship – the inner person.

More than likely, we can all attract a man (initially) by looking good, cooking well, cleaning well and having our financial lives in order, but let me assure you all this is negated if you inner person is foul. You may put your foot in every meal you cook. You may clean house better than June Cleaver, but if your husband can’t stand being at home because of your attitude, all that cooking and cleaning means nothing. If you really want to check out some things in your life, check these areas: How’s your attitude? Are you argumentative? Have you taken your submission temperature lately? How are your communication skills? And here’s the big one: SEX! How willing are you to give up that attitude of controlling situations by withholding sex? Are you willing to submit to the idea that your body is not your own?

But in all the things I’ve listed above, I say even more emphatically: Don’t try and “fix” these things in preparation for a mate. First and foremost, any changes you make in your life should be because of what God has called you to be as an individual. Second, do these things for yourself – to become a better person and to have a better life for you. If you aren’t neat, clean your house for your own benefit. If you can’t cook, learn to cook for your sake (to save money and to have healthier, more nutritious meals). Pay your bills so that YOU are in a better financial position, with our without a mate (these things are also scriptural.) If you address these areas for your benefit, they’re already in place when a husband comes your way.

Supporting scriptures:

1 Timothy 3:11: In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.

Proverbs 21:9: Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

1 Corinthians 7:4: The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.

Colossians 3:18Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
:rofl: :rofl: Shimmie I was thinking the same thing when I first read their story! I was mad at Martha for not helping Mary!!! :rofl: We seems to gravitate to those that we identify with the most. Now my spirit wants to sit with Jesus as Martha did and marvel in His presence. :yep: Sista Jones need to go back and read up on Martha and Mary as well!

Those sista in the church kitchen can be mean can't they? :lachen:

Lord, can't they though. I'm scurrred of Sista Jones and em' :nervous2: I'll sit up front with Pastor and the guests where she can't get me. :sekret: :lachen::lachen::lachen:
This thread is funny. We don't play. :bat: We get married and make our husbands work...................... for us.

Shoot, ain't no man changing me...... Uh - Uh..... :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Thank you Bunny and Classimami,

I really, really needed what you both posted today. There are so many threads going around about marriage. They all seem to focus on what a man is looking for and what we can do to better ourselves. There is nothing wrong with focusing on bettering ourselves but after a year of reading these topics I have become a bit "paranoid". Like I have to be super perfect :look:. This search for pefection has really put a damper on my self-esteem. On Sunday night I was having a pity party for 1 :lol: and I realized that I a "ME" and "ME" will never be perfect. I doubt that I will have sappy fairy tale ending but that does not mean that I cannot have happiness, right? I love to read but I think I have been reading a bit too much and it has affected my thought process. The devil loves to get us in a place of doubt and hopelessness :hardslap:. I won't start out another day feeling like I am less than because of what I am not or areas that I lack in!!!

I am tired of analyzing myself and trying to figure out what is wrong with me. So what I need to clean off my dresser and hang up a few clothes? I go to a good job everyday, I am an excellent mother, I cook and take care of my financial business. I am a good friend and I know that I will be an awesome wife when God leads the right person to me.

All I can do in the meantime is live and focus on bettering myself. Being a better me is not for the person that I will meet/marry but only for Me.

I have been praying for clarity and both of your post was the confirmation that I needed. No more of doubting myself! :nono: Its time to embrace who I am and give greater love to the person that God created. Thanks from the bottom of my heart to the both of you! :bighug:

Natashaa..... :notworthy:

Love it, love it, love it.

We are not in bondage! Growth, yes; correction yes! Bondage, no! :nono:
Yes, I love to bake as well. One thing I always say that when I do have a family that we are not going to starve... :lachen:
--- Imma do what I gotta do. And I'm pretty good at following recipes. :yep:

@ the bolded :lachen::lachen::lachen: I love it!

Personally, I love to cook and cook quite well; especially baking, I just don't always feel like cooking.... :yep:

It will be salads and grapes for desert all the way. :lol:
Yes, I love to bake as well. One thing I always say that when I do have a family that we are not going to starve... :lachen:
--- Imma do what I gotta do. And I'm pretty good at following recipes. :yep:
:amen: to that :amen:

The thing is not to tire and burn ourselves out, for fear of not having or losing a man if we don't do such and thus. Gee, if I have to do all of that to be married, than it's not marriage, it's prison. The ball and chain is on my ankles.................not his. :lachen:

Just kidding. I take this very seriously, though. To change what God says and not fear if I'm not Mrs. Perfect. For no man (or woman) can serve two masters. We'll serve one and hate the other. We only one person. The first to be served is God, then our husbands, order pizza amd use paper plates. :lol:
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WOW this is Beautiful Mitcy. I have been so hard on myself in the year 2008. However, this post is so right on time. Thank you again.
OUCH! :blush3:

Father God, please forgive me for the 'clutter in my 'spriit, and in my home; I allow yoiu to lead me and guide me in clearing out all that does not pertain to Godliness, so that I can be peaceful and relaxed in all; but most of all peaceful in you and in my husband.

Father God, I allow you to 'prepare him room' in our home and in my heart, for he has lived in yours forever.

In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen. :heart2:

"For the two shall become one and it cannot become undone...The dividing walls of alienation have been torn down and we have been brought nigh unto one another by the Blood of Jesus, our Lord, our Saviour, our Lamb of God, our Chief Cornerstone, we are 'One' in Him, forever." In Jesus's name, Amen and Amen.


:thankyou: Mitcy. :kiss:

O Gosh! that spoke to me directly! I am going to start practicing now what I need to do to be a good wife!
O Gosh! that spoke to me directly! I am going to start practicing now what I need to do to be a good wife!
:amen: Precious Chica.... :giveheart:

But we still get to have a nanny and a maid..... :yep:

I need time to do my dance... :reddancer: (for him :blush3: )
I shouldn't laugh, but the way you describe the food is hilarious! Yes, thank God for your father!

I know another couple in which the wife couldn't cook a lick, and neither could the husband. But, they were rich and just ate out all the time. :) Sounds good to me!

Seriously though, your example and the one of my friends' parents (the rich folks) simply tell me that this cooking mandate that some so-called "godly" folks are using to berate women (usually black women) and use it as one of the reasons for their singleness is very false doctrine. It also shows that many of these people don't know what elements truly are important to a Godly marriage. I'm not saying that cooking isn't, but much comes down to how the husband and wife agree to the delegation of duties in the home. Plenty of black women who can throw down in the kitchen are single and have been for most of their lives... just look at the pews in your church... :look:

EXACTLY! Do people think that your home is going to stay clean when you're married and have kids??? The type of place you keep when you're single might be the cleanest place you'll ever have! :lachen:

One quality that I am praying for in my husband is that he can cook. Don't get me wrong I can cook and if I had not gone to nursing school I would have gone to culinary school. But it sure is nice to have a home cooked waiting for YOU when you get home. Well in my case a home cooked breakfast because I work nights. And I still want that cleaning service. :grin:
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I too struggle with being single. But I have to say only at times. Not nearly as much as I used too because when I start to worry about it I just cast that thought up to God and say to myself I have to trust and have faith in God and I almost instantly feel better. I don't even want to type how many times that I have been engaged. I know that I have no choice but to wait on God because every time not only do I choose wrong they have been the total opposite of what I have asked God for.

I asked for a man who likes to go to plays and to movies and not night clubs, I picked the man who likes to go to the club every weekend and a couple days during the week.

I asked for a man who likes to go out to nice restaurants, I picked the man who thinks Appleby's is a fancy restaurant.

I asked for a man who can sing like me and likes Christian music, I pick the man who is tone deaf and is heavily into rap.

I ask for a man who has a nice car (I had a nice car at the time) I pick the man who has not one but two hoopties or no car at all.

Well I am sure you all are getting my point and all of them are true by the way. So yeah there are some things that I am working on because I don't want to bring any bad habits into a marriage. I know everything about me will not be perfect and the same with him but it sure is helpful to bring good qualities and together we can work on the bad to make them good. And I am sorry if this does not make sense I am sleep deprived right now.
I just thought this article was apropos. It's only selected parts, the original can be found here: http://www.boundless.org/2005/articles/a0001480.cfm

Seven Myths Single Women Believe

by Suzanne Hadley

Sarah wrestled with God. For five years she had served as a resident director at a small Bible college. Each day, young women would knock on the door of Sarah's small dorm apartment. The petite, soft-spoken brunette would fix them tea and listen as they poured out their hearts.

"If I could just get my life on track," a 19-year-old would moan. "Then God would bring a godly man into my life."

Sarah spoke encouraging words, but inside she felt annoyed. I'm in my late 20s and unmarried. What issue do you think I need to work on?

As Sarah wrestled with this contradiction, she discovered something: She and the women around her were succumbing to lies about their singleness. Some of these myths had been instilled in them as little girls growing up in Christian homes (e.g., if you follow God and keep yourself pure, someday He will bring you "the one"). Others seemed founded in a simplistic rewards system (e.g., when you've learned to fully trust in the Lord, then He will bless you with a spouse). Still others seemed to grow out of unrealistic expectations (e.g., when you are married, you will no longer be lonely).

Sarah noticed the enemy was using these myths to discourage women and leave them feeling spiritually defeated. The lies reinforced ungodly perspectives of their relationship with Christ ("I'm not deserving of a husband" or "God views me as a useful tool") and taught them to believe things about marriage that simply were not true ("Marriage equals spiritual maturity").

Here are seven of the most deadly myths:

God will give me a husband when I'm ready. I recently spoke with a friend in her 30s who casually said the reason she was not yet married was because evidently the Lord had decided she was not "ready." Whether they say it or not, many single women believe that procuring a spouse is somehow performance based. If I were just godly enough, the Lord would give me a husband.

Not true! There is a danger in equating marriage with spiritual maturity. God teaches us to depend on Him as singles, but these lessons are not reserved for the mate-less. All of us are sinners, which means we are all constantly striving to crucify the flesh and be more like Christ.

Being in a single state may or may not have anything to do with your readiness. It likely has more to do with God's timing. If you are daily allowing the Lord to mold you into His image, you are probably ready to be in a Christ-centered relationship. Realizing this may allow you to be more alert to the godly men around you.

God views me more as a useful tool than a beloved child. As a gifted resident assistant, Sarah sometimes felt like Psalm 37:4 didn't apply to her: "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Instead of believing that God cared about her dreams, Sarah suspected He was withholding these things because she was more useful to Him in a single state.

People have often told me, "God has allowed you to be single so you might do these things for Him!" While I know these people are seeking to encourage me, my gut reaction is, Why me? It's true that God may set us apart for a season of singleness, but that doesn't mean He is indifferent to our dreams.

Matthew 7:11 says, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" God views you a cherished child — never a utilitarian object. A loving Father will give you good gifts at just the right time.

There must be something wrong with me. If I could just figure out what it is, I could fix it and guys would start showing interest. For a long time I believed that if I were thinner, I would attract a husband. Magazines with images of women with flawless skin and model-thin bodies fuel that inner voice that says, You're not thin enough. You're not pretty enough. Or worse, I wonder if it's my personality. I talk too much. Or I laugh at the wrong times. Or I'm too assertive. It's easy to look at married women and wonder: Why them and not me?

The truth is, most of the things I suspect are lacking in me, fall under the category of charm and beauty. Scripture says, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised" (Proverbs 31:30). The things I should be concerned about improving are spiritual in nature. Am I submitting to Christ? Am I manifesting the fruit of the Spirit? Do I have a gentle and quiet spirit? The right kind of man will be attracted to these qualities.

The older I get, the less likely it is that I will find someone. "God is not bound by odds!" Sarah says. While Sarah was still working at the college, she attracted the attention of a godly man. He sought her out, even learning of her character by questioning her friends. Mark and Sarah married when she was 29. Today the couple serves together in Lithuania.

As you pass the average marrying age, it can be tempting to panic. It's helpful to remember Paul's words in Romans 11:36: "For from him and through him and to him are all things." All things. As you cultivate godly attitudes and avoid damaging lies, you allow the Lord to pour out the things He has for you. That way, when the right guy comes along, you'll be ready.

Copyright © 2007 Suzanne Hadley. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. This article was published on Boundless.org on April 5, 2007.
I agree, this is a great thread. I would like to add also that if we call ourselves children of God, let's get/keep ourselves together for God's sake. Because we are representing him poorly if we can't even keep our worldly possessions in order. People ought to look at our lives in awe, not so much because of us, but of what can do through us. When we get to the point where we focus so much on fixing up ourselves, it makes it more difficult to just spread the Gospel and minister to those who need to hear a Word from God's body.

I agree that is why it never fit in my spirit to be a "That Girl". ( I know it's off topic a bit) It just seems like spending a lot of time to "look" like a woman who has it all together and not necessarily having it together. I mean we cannot change ourselves he does the changing I don't want to be so focused on changing external things that I can't be sensitive to the quiet nudge of the Holy Spirit.

The messages that I've heard lately just seem to be works, works, works, change this, fix this have this and that vision about what we should want for our lives instead being still and working our faith and waiting on the Lord.
I agree that is why it never fit in my spirit to be a "That Girl". ( I know it's off topic a bit) It just seems like spending a lot of time to "look" like a woman who has it all together and not necessarily having it together. I mean we cannot change ourselves he does the changing I don't want to be so focused on changing external things that I can't be sensitive to the quiet nudge of the Holy Spirit.

The messages that I've heard lately just seem to be works, works, works, change this, fix this have this and that vision about what we should want for our lives instead being still and working our faith and waiting on the Lord.
You're right about this. We have to be real and remain real. There's nothing wrong with looking and being at our best and striving for improvemen .... growth. But to be a 'put on', always falls out of a bra. :yep:

Just be who you are and Grow from there. :yep: Beautiful
I too struggle with being single. But I have to say only at times. Not nearly as much as I used too because when I start to worry about it I just cast that thought up to God and say to myself I have to trust and have faith in God and I almost instantly feel better. I don't even want to type how many times that I have been engaged. I know that I have no choice but to wait on God because every time not only do I choose wrong they have been the total opposite of what I have asked God for.

I asked for a man who likes to go to plays and to movies and not night clubs, I picked the man who likes to go to the club every weekend and a couple days during the week.

I asked for a man who likes to go out to nice restaurants, I picked the man who thinks Appleby's is a fancy restaurant.

I asked for a man who can sing like me and likes Christian music, I pick the man who is tone deaf and is heavily into rap.

I ask for a man who has a nice car (I had a nice car at the time) I pick the man who has not one but two hoopties or no car at all.

Well I am sure you all are getting my point and all of them are true by the way. So yeah there are some things that I am working on because I don't want to bring any bad habits into a marriage. I know everything about me will not be perfect and the same with him but it sure is helpful to bring good qualities and together we can work on the bad to make them good. And I am sorry if this does not make sense I am sleep deprived right now.

I'm not worried about the if /when I marry, but it's after I marry because of my hair care regime and all of these hair care band wagons I keep jumping on and off of, I can't afford to be imperfect for my husband. :lachen:

:lachen: Silk/Satin Pillow Cases to sleep on to protect my hair --- Silk / Satin Nighties to Sleep in.

:lachen:I don't know I'm gonna look at bedtime, cause I gotta keep my hair wrapped to protect it.

:lachen:I don't eat regular food much anymore. I have Seaweed, Flax Seed, Ezekiel Sprout Breads, Raw Veggies (not cooked), Protein Smoothies, Kitchen loaded with Vitamins Supplements from A to Z and back again.

:lachen:I won't even try to explain to him why I have horse care products all over the house. Mega Tek, Eqyss, Ovation, MTG. All this time he was calling me a sweet 'Filly' and didn't know that I really was.... :lol:

:lachen:He thought he was marrying a Black woman, but I have all these oils and Henna's from India. "Umm, Baby, What's a Bhrami Oil?"

:lachen:He's gonna think I'm married to the UPS man cause the boxes he brings me have 'Honey Fig' on it.

:lachen:Then he's gonna wonder if I live in the woods or sumpin' cause he sees labels everywhere "From Nature With Love"

:lachen:OH! Then it's the Waist Cinchers and Pink Skates Hot Body Challenge. "Baby, what is deal here?"

:lachen:I don't know how I'm gonna tell him that Urea is sterile and that he's been kissing my sweet 'pee' face all this time. :shocked: :lol:

:lachen:When I tell him I'm oil pulling, then he's really gonna wonder if I am insane.

:lachen: Don't know how I'm gonna tell him why I have coffee grounds in the shower. Umm, they are excellent for cellulite. I mix them with oil for a good body scrub.

:lachen: He'll never believe that ACV (Apple ?Cider Vinegar) had so many uses).

:lachen: Well, his teeth will be nice and white, from the dozen of boxes of baking soda.

Welll, I leave that one in prayer.......

Now I gotta figure out how to explain what I do with all of that Vicks Vapo Rub?

Hey, I gotta be me. :thud:

ETA: I also asked the Lord for a man that loves to sing / especially worship songs to the Lord and love songs (Love Ballards) to me. :love3:
:lachen:I don't know I'm gonna look at bedtime, cause I gotta keep my hair wrapped to protect it.

:lachen:I don't eat regular food much anymore. I have Seaweed, Flax Seed, Ezekiel Sprout Breads, Raw Veggies (not cooked), Protein Smoothies, Kitchen loaded with Vitamins Supplements from A to Z and back again.

:lachen:I won't even try to explain to him why I have horse care products all over the house. Mega Tek, Eqyss, Ovation, MTG. All this time he was calling me a sweet 'Filly' and didn't know that I really was.... :lol:

:lachen:He thought he was marrying a Black woman, but I have all these oils and Henna's from India. "Umm, Baby, What's a Bhrami Oil?"

:lachen:He's gonna think I'm married to the UPS man cause the boxes he brings me have 'Honey Fig' on it.

:lachen:Then he's gonna wonder if I live in the woods or sumpin' cause he sees labels everywhere "From Nature With Love"

:lachen:OH! Then it's the Waist Cinchers and Pink Skates Hot Body Challenge. "Baby, what is deal here?"

:lachen:I don't know how I'm gonna tell him that Urea is sterile and that he's been kissing my sweet 'pee' face all this time. :shocked::lol:

:lachen:When I tell him I'm oil pulling, then he's really gonna wonder if I am insane.

:lachen: Don't know how I'm gonna tell him why I have coffee grounds in the shower. Umm, they are excellent for cellulite. I mix them with oil for a good body scrub.

:lachen: He'll never believe that ACV (Apple ?Cider Vinegar) had so many uses).

:lachen: Well, his teeth will be nice and white, from the dozen of boxes of baking soda.

Welll, I leave that one in prayer.......

Now I gotta figure out how to explain what I do with all of that Vicks Vapo Rub?

Hey, I gotta be me. :thud:

ETA: I also asked the Lord for a man that loves to sing / especially worship songs to the Lord and love songs (Love Ballards) to me. :love3:

Shimmie, you are a too funny
Shimmie, I've thought about the exact same thing. One of the ladies on the other boards has a cartoon of a husband getting all excited because his wife is in the kitchen cooking up something that smells real good, and then he finds out it's just another one of her hair recipes. :lachen:

I'm not worried about the if /when I marry, but it's after I marry because of my hair care regime and all of these hair care band wagons I keep jumping on and off of, I can't afford to be imperfect for my husband. :lachen:

:lachen:I don't know I'm gonna look at bedtime, cause I gotta keep my hair wrapped to protect it.

:lachen:I don't eat regular food much anymore. I have Seaweed, Flax Seed, Ezekiel Sprout Breads, Raw Veggies (not cooked), Protein Smoothies, Kitchen loaded with Vitamins Supplements from A to Z and back again.

:lachen:I won't even try to explain to him why I have horse care products all over the house. Mega Tek, Eqyss, Ovation, MTG. All this time he was calling me a sweet 'Filly' and didn't know that I really was.... :lol:

:lachen:He thought he was marrying a Black woman, but I have all these oils and Henna's from India. "Umm, Baby, What's a Bhrami Oil?"

:lachen:He's gonna think I'm married to the UPS man cause the boxes he brings me have 'Honey Fig' on it.

:lachen:Then he's gonna wonder if I live in the woods or sumpin' cause he sees labels everywhere "From Nature With Love"

:lachen:OH! Then it's the Waist Cinchers and Pink Skates Hot Body Challenge. "Baby, what is deal here?"

:lachen:I don't know how I'm gonna tell him that Urea is sterile and that he's been kissing my sweet 'pee' face all this time. :shocked: :lol:

:lachen:When I tell him I'm oil pulling, then he's really gonna wonder if I am insane.

:lachen: Don't know how I'm gonna tell him why I have grounds in the shower. Umm, they are excellent for cellulite. I mix them with oil for a good body scrub.

:lachen: He'll never believe that ACV (Apple ?Cider Vinegar had so many uses).

:lachen: Well, his teeth will be nice and white, from the dozen of boxes of baking soda.

:lachen: Ummmmm, do I tell him about.................... ummmmm, ladies you know...... Do I tell him how I use, ummmmmm,

Welll, I leave that one in prayer.......

Now I gotta figure out how to explain what I do with all of that Vicks Vapo Rub?

Hey, I gotta be me. :thud:
Shimmie, you are a too funny

Shimmie, I've thought about the exact same thing. One of the ladies on the other boards has a cartoon of a husband getting all excited because his wife is in the kitchen cooking up something that smells real good, and then he finds out it's just another one of her hair recipes. :lachen:
Oh now that's funny; her hubby must have been, 'Huh"??

Gee, Ladies, I dunno what I'ma do..... :drunk: :lachen:

BUT here's another recipe for us ladies. I'm gonna try this one: :yep:

Enjoy! :Rose: :Rose: :Rose:

Cranberry Lip Gloss



  • 1 Tablespoon sweet almond oil
  • 10 fresh cranberries
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 drop vitamin E oil

Mix all the ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave for two minutes or until the mixture just begins to boil. (Bowl may also be heated in a pan of water on a stovetop).

Stir well and gently crush the berries. Cool mixture for five minutes and then strain through a fine sieve to remove all the fruit pieces.

Stir again and set aside to cool completely. When cool, transfer into a small portable plastic container or tin.

Apply a small amount onto your lips and remember to smile!

Protect sensitive lips from the drying winter elements with this simple yet rich lip balm. Delightful to wear alone or on top of your lipstick for extra shine!

Important Note:

Honey should not be fed to infants under one year of age. Honey is a safe and wholesome food for children and adults.

© National Honey Board
11409 Business Park Circle Ste 210, Firestone, CO 80504
Phone: (303) 776-2337 Fax: (303) 776-1177


Know what angels?

I think I'll try this with 'fresh cherries' too. :yep:

I'm even thinking about substituting Cranberry or Cherry Concentrate (full strength) instead of fresh cranberries or cherries. Seems easier.

I am a work in progress. I honestly do try to improve. Sometimes I just fail. I ask for forgivness and try again. I suspect that my 'prince' is working to be the best Christian he can be also.

Thanks for this thread it was a good read.
I agree that is why it never fit in my spirit to be a "That Girl". ( I know it's off topic a bit) It just seems like spending a lot of time to "look" like a woman who has it all together and not necessarily having it together. I mean we cannot change ourselves he does the changing I don't want to be so focused on changing external things that I can't be sensitive to the quiet nudge of the Holy Spirit.

The messages that I've heard lately just seem to be works, works, works, change this, fix this have this and that vision about what we should want for our lives instead being still and working our faith and waiting on the Lord.

I tried to be that girl for such a long time, but it never worked out and it was WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too much work and too much of a distraction to maintain. It seems that to be "That Girl" takes a mild touch of OCD and I just don't have it. I can't see putting so much time into myself that I neglect all other things in my life so I can "be" fabulous.

I say we redefine "that girl" as being that girl whose focus is so tied on God that he miraculously works things out on our behalf. :yep: