Women of the Bible, let's discuss....

I was going to put Rahab too LOL...

1. Who are your favorite women of the bible? The widow with 2 coins; Mark 12: 41
2. What virtues did they have that were most memorable to you.The gift that she gave. No one seemed to notice her like they noticed all the big ballers that were coming in throwing money around like it aint a thang (they gave away what wasnt needed), but Jesus did. Her simple act stood out to Jesus more than any others in the temple that were giving.
3. What did they do that has made an impact on you in helping you to become a better person?
With great faith she offered all she had to God, and later Jesus would offer his very life. The size of your gift doesnt matter to God, he looks at your heart. The bible stays to give your 10% and I faithfully give it....unemployed, college student, living w/ mom and all. I know that since I started doing this I dont worry about money. I got His back and he has mines, if I had more to give I would but I still got bills to pay. And as much as I would have wanted to put that 3 digit number on a bill, I go against it and give him because He is my provider.

Oh I gotta story.....So I just started really getting back into church faithfully as of this year since being a preteen and I am 24 now. I been giving by the book since the 1st Sunday of 2012. I was putting money in but didnt know where I was going to get the money to pay my $800+ car insurance, but I wasnt going to stress about it though, my DADDY got my back. So I deceided to call Progressive and ask them why did my policy go up when it was going down over the past 3 years (I always pay 6 months at a time) and the lady was saying a whole bunch of blah blah bah. I told her to make it cheaper or lose me and she couldnt do anything and sent me to an underwritter. I talk to that lady and she worked that magic. She dropped $100 right there on the phone but told me to waiting until friday and she would call me back cause she knew that she could get it down more. FF to Friday and she called me back to tell me that she got it down $200+ and that my policy was going to be $617. Baby Jesus I have never been in the 6 range. I knew that it was God giving me back what I have faithfully given to him.
Love Rahab's complex story of faith, as well...this woman betrayed her own people, to stick to God's plan.. sidney, it's good to keep reminding ourselves that we Christian women are human, too.
Im doing 21 days of Devotion w/ the women of the bible.

So far I have covered: Mary, Jezebel, Delilah, Abigail and Deborah. Today's leason is Esther.

I am loving reading all these stories about these women. Both good and bad So far I am fan's of Abigail and Deborah. But I still have a few days to go!
I just came back to the story of Hannah (1 Samuel) and was so amazed by it. I feel like I just glossed over it before but now I relate to it more.

There was a lot of good in her life, she had a husband who looooved her and was very generous with her financially. But more than anything she wanted kids and she was heartbroken and depressed that she couldn't, not to mention bullied by her husband's other wife with her tons of kids. She wanted a son so badly that she promised to give him right back in service to god if she could only carry him. She did just that and God rewarded her with many children and her first son became the most famous prophet in the land.

But this story has so many layers to it. Not only does her story show how important it is to honor your commitments to God and how he rewards you beyond measure for great faith, but it also deals with depression. I can't recall another story that does (if anyone knows of one please let me know) and it seems like something people tend to downplay as a lack of faith but Hannah still had incredible faith despite her struggle with depression.

The story of Hannah shows the dynamics of marriage, money, familial competition, competition among women, fertility issues, depression, prayer, faith, and patience. It is a meditation on women's value in society. Hannah felt strongly that her biggest value was her ability to have kids but her husband didn't necessarily feel that way, he seemed happy with her regardless. But her Co wife (who probably represents society) told her she was worthless because couldn't have children. I'll stop now because this is getting long but this story has so many layers and I've been meditating on it all week. Read it if you have a chance.