Woman Goes 11 Years Without Washing Hair

My hair is straightened and been like that for 2 weeks and I haven't washed in two weeks .
My scalp is S-C-A-R-Y.

I don't know whats up but I'm producing more oils than usual and its nasty. I did at times not wash for longer and it was not as nasty as it is now.

11 years without washing with my scalp producing oils as it is right now...I think id be able to fill a bucket.

AND yes I'm washing my hair tonight.
The thing is, if it was any other body part no one would defend her.

Your hair picks up so many things from the environment. Your scalp is the same skin that covers your body and it produces sweat and oils. Bacteria eat that sweat and gunk, and breed all up in there.

While I love coconut oil and it is proven to be anti-bacerial/antifungal, it can't replace actually washing that dirt and grime off your hair.

I haven't washed my ______ for 11 years. Replace the blank with any other body part and how does that sound? :lol: That's just bad hygiene.

I know that many people do this though.

At the same time she's free to do what she wants with her body... as long as I don't have to be around it or smell it :lol:
lol, different strokes for different folx (read folks). I explained co washing to several ppl in irl & they thought it was downright nasty not to use shampoo.
Yeah I'm sorry, this sounds disgusting. I understand the no poo thing, but not doing anything at all to your hair??? Rinsing every few months!??? That's just gross, I don't care how good my hair looks afterward
Yeah I'm sorry, this sounds disgusting. I understand the no poo thing, but not doing anything at all to your hair??? Rinsing every few months!??? That's just gross, I don't care how good my hair looks afterward
Yes, but according to the curly girl book after the adjustment period (of co washing daily) your only supposed to co wash once a week via weening. I don't know many ppl that can co wash once a week in summer esp. if they exercise.

BTW, I'm not advocating any one's regimen or book, just conversating.:look:
lol, different strokes for different folx (read folks). I explained co washing to several ppl in irl & they thought it was downright nasty not to use shampoo.

I bet some people do think it's nasty - still, it's no comparison to just NOT washing your hair AT ALL for 11 years. Sorry I feel that way, but I'm just being honest. :rofl:
Yes, but according to the curly girl book after the adjustment period (of co washing daily) your only supposed to co wash once a week via weening. I don't know many ppl that can co wash once a week in summer esp. if they exercise.

BTW, I'm not advocating any one's regimen or book, just conversating.:look:

But co-washing weekly is a little different than not doing anything but rinsing every few months. She's saying she doesn't do anything to her hair to clean it but brush and rinse every couple of months. If she was co-washing, every once in a while, it would be all good. But to not do anything but rinse every few months??? That's just disgusting

You don't have to shampoo your hair everyday to practice good hygiene.... low poo, co washing... I'm ok with all of that... just be reasonable.

There is no part of your body that you shouldn't wash/cleanse for 11 years though :lol:

Right, by "washing" I meant any of these hair + water techniques, not just washing with shampoo. So I don't put water on my hair but once a week. But I would think it's gross for the rest of my body not to meet water daily.

I think I just came up with an idea of how frequently one should wash their hair that is not much related to how often one washes one's body.
But co-washing weekly is a little different than not doing anything but rinsing every few months. She's saying she doesn't do anything to her hair to clean it but brush and rinse every couple of months. If she was co-washing, every once in a while, it would be all good. But to not do anything but rinse every few months??? That's just disgusting

oh, ok, I don't know why I thought she was rinsing with water daily. wow :blush: @ months.
Right, by "washing" I meant any of these hair + water techniques, not just washing with shampoo. So I don't put water on my hair but once a week. But I would think it's gross for the rest of my body not to meet water daily.

I think I just came up with an idea of how frequently one should wash their hair that is not much related to how often one washes one's body.

If even one part of your body is dirty as hell, and you're not in the process or planning to clean it asap, then you = dirty. In my book.

Not washing at all though? That's just... unsanitary.

*I'm sorry if any non hair washers out there are offended, but yeah, this whole sebum only method is not something I'm comfortable with personally. Just my personal beliefs and opinions. You do your thing though and I wish you the best... as long as I don't have anything to do with it.*

If even one part of your body is dirty as hell, and you're not in the process or planning to clean it asap, then you = dirty. In my book.

Right, but what is "dirty"? Is her hair "dirty"? How do we know? What does it mean exactly to be dirty?
Right, but what is "dirty"? Is her hair "dirty"? How do we know? What does it mean exactly to be dirty?

Cuz she didn't wash it for 11 years!

Right beneath your hair is scalp. Which produces oils and sweat. Which gives all the little bacteria lots of food to munch on. Those bacteria eat the sweat and oils and then defecate on your head (which also creates body odor). Skin also sheds. All that coupled with dust/pollutants your hair picks up from the environment everyday make your hair/scalp dirty.

Especially after not washing it for THAT amount of time. Good Lord! :spinning::drunk:

She isn't walking around looking like she rolled around in mud, but you don't have to "look" dirty to be dirty.

In my opinion! :)
Okay, so I read this post yesterday and decided to do my own little experiment with the natural and relaxed long hair ladies on the job since its quite a few of them....:drunk:

***sorry no pics as I work in a pharmacy call center and cameras/phone cams are not allowed***

But I began to ask them one by one what is their regimen for their hair....From AA to YT to Indians and Africans from just Cust. Service Reps to Pharmacists and Supervisors. I'm not just talking SL length either I'm talking BSL, MBL, butt-length and just gorgeous naturals that just make you wanna cut their hair off to make your own wig.

Anywho, they all responded that they wash their hair anywhere from 2-3 weeks to once a month! And in my head I am like what!?! and I sat down and got to thinking that my own hair doesn't seem to be growing all that fast and why?
I'm co-washing/washing my hair 2-3 times a week and for whatever reason its just not working for me and according to my sister and the lady in the article seems to confirm that shampoo's/conditioners are just stripping your hair of what it does naturally.

:blush: Don't laugh but my sister equates washing/conditioning to douching :lachen: and for me that was sort of my light-bulb moment as my hair just has truly not been the same since I've incorporated so many washes thats why I have no progress pics for ya'll because in the last 2-1/2 months my hair has went nowhere :wallbash:...so I'm gonna go back to the washing 1-2x a month method and see if I can get some progress growing :yep:

But this makes sense to me for those of us who are doing the washes/co-washes and aren't seeing any progress. We may just be manipulating our hair way too much :yep: and again because I know ya'll stress this alot what works for some may not work for others :ohwell:
Ok so the lady live in my hometown, Imma keep a look out and give her a smell check when I see her :giggle:
Just out of curiousity. Does this mean you can do water only on your pubes and see if it "self-cleans with sebum"?

Cuz she didn't wash it for 11 years!

Right beneath your hair is scalp. Which produces oils and sweat. Which gives all the little bacteria lots of food to munch on. Those bacteria eat the sweat and oils and then defecate on your head (which also creates body odor). Skin also sheds. All that coupled with dust/pollutants your hair picks up from the environment everyday make your hair/scalp dirty.

Especially after not washing it for THAT amount of time. Good Lord! :spinning::drunk:

She isn't walking around looking like she rolled around in mud, but you don't have to "look" dirty to be dirty.

In my opinion! :)

I know, but we oil and sweat every day but don't consider people who don't wash their hair every day as dirty. I don't know, it also seems dirty to me, too. But what is the concrete criteria? How long is too long? I understand the reaction because it was mine, too.

I don't know how else to say it. Some people only wash their hair once every 2 weeks. Why don't we consider that dirty when if they said that for their body, we'd think they were disgusting?
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I know, but we oil and sweat every day but don't consider people who don't wash their hair every day as dirty. I don't know, it also seems dirty to me, too. But what is the concrete criteria? How long is too long? I understand the reaction because it was mine, too.

I don't know how else to say it. Some people only wash their hair once every 2 weeks. Why don't we consider that dirty when if they said that for their body, we'd think they were disgusting?

Why compare 2 weeks with 11 years though?

One is doable for some people depending on their regimen/body chemistry - If you sweat or get your hair/scalp dirty a lot, you probably should clean your hair more than someone who doesn't get sweaty/oily and can go for longer periods of time between washing.

The other is EXTREME - and that's an understatement.

I don't know when exactly people "should" wash their hair, but I believe she crossed that threshold a loooooooooong time ago. Imo

I'm all about being inclusive and accepting, but I believe I'm being RATIONAL. 2 weeks is at least debatable. 11 years is not.
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I think if we think about it...YT ppl which is who we are talking about here...usually was dailly!! so maybe taking a few days actually helps their hair....
oooook, my hair needs shampoo if not my scalp will start to stink and I will be offending those that get within inches of me. I can't even go more than 4days without shampooing my hair, and my skin starts to break out, to me that's nasty but to each his/her own.
To each their own but this is not suitable for me.
I have been around smoke briefly and went home with smoke smell in my hair. :barf: I have been around infrequent hair washers in the gym and I can smell the must in their hair, especially weave or braid wearers. And what about the summer great outdoors smell that jumps on you? I wash that off my body as soon as I can. I shall not leave it in my hair. On the flip side, I know infrequent washers without rank hair.

I could drop kick all harsh sulfate shampoo off of a cliff too, but not alternate cleaning methods (water, surfacants). At the same time I haven't been unable to ween myself off sulfates entirely. :wallbash:

I draw the line somewhere, if it is between long, luxurious hair and not cleaning it regularly, I will rock the baldie first.
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I'm just wondering what this woman does in the shower? Does she not even wash her hair when she takes a shower every morning? Does she wear a shower cap? :confused:

I don't know....for a white woman to not even wash OR wet her hair while in the shower every morning just seems so foreign to me. :look: Almost like she was deliberately trying not to get ANY water on her hair.

If she said she only did water rinses maybe every week or even every two weeks, then maybe I could understand. But warm water rinses every FEW months!?!? :shocked: That could be anywhere from 3 months or 8 months without rinsing your hair! :eek: Who knows what "every few months" is to her? :nono:
Also a lot of Black women use Chemicals and heat on their hair. Lice cannot survive a hot comb Dominican Blowout Forget it

I thought they preferred oily hair/oilier hair types and that's why Black women, in general, hardly get lice, b/c our scalp and hair are too dry for them to survive.
. Her hair sounds like a playground for lice.


I can understand at LEAST once a month, but I am sorry as an African American woman with dark hair, ewww just the thought :sick:
I will see all the dandruff and stuff yucky!!! Now i have jumped on some bandwagons but this one oh H to the..... ya'll can keep this one.
I really can't see what the big deal is. I like to read these threads because it does give me some idea about cultures I know nothing about, even though I also know a hair board is not a representative sample. LOL.

I can totally relate to what this woman says. I am black with 4b hair. I come from a remote village in Jamaica. I grew with my grandparents because my mom left me when I was a baby for a better life overseas. My grandparents were not rich we were poor - but my grandmother had values and she kept a clean house. My hair was the lovliest negroid hair ever beheld. We did not have money for shampoos so my hair was washed with the detergent that was used to wash the clothes. There was no conditioner. My hair was washed about every 4-5 mths. Yes thats what I said - 4-5 mths and it was a trip because I had so much hair it took her forever to dry my mid back length natural hair and put in those nice long plaits. I was never stink, we were poor but I was clean - my hair was clean because it was combed with love every day by my grandmother. I was one of the most loved children at school and I was welcomed into the homes of the so called elites to play with their children - because I was brilliant. I don't think if I was stink or unkempt that would have happened. It never harmed my hair. My hair got harmed when I started mistreating it when I went to university.

Thats all folks. Don't be so judgmental about others.
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