Woman Goes 11 Years Without Washing Hair


Umm... I don't think that's a good comparison. Sounds kinda creepy.

Hate to say it, but I have smelled what White people's unwashed hair smells like, and it is not a good smell. It smells like wet dog. To me, their hair is too greasy to not wash at least once every two weeks.

But whatevs.
I wonder anyone even came up with the idea of shampoo anyway. There was no need. No one desired such a product. The way it had been done for years worked just fine.

Heck, why did anyone even come up with deodorant or perfume either. People never used it a long time ago, why start.



People oiled and powdered their hair then brushed it out as a cleansing process from time immemorable. When ash soap came along, they used it to shampoo themselves. People also used deodorants, natural ones like salt and alum or oils from flowers. Perfum is old as Adam and Eve practically. Frankencense and Myrhh anybody? Many oils to perfum the body...and embalm.
It is ok if she does not wash her hair with shampoo. In the olden days when people were not worried about hygiene, it would be ok. But in 2008, we wash with soap or anything that will get the dirt or bacteria off. If ther was someone who said they had not showered in 11 years, but rinse once a month everyone would be yelling gross huh, we . As a black person, I know many women who go months without washing their hair, it does not smell at first, but it eventually does. If she is happy, good for her. But I am not picking it up even if it will grow my hair to Hip length

But if you ever work with animals, on a farm, hospital, construction site or laboratory and actually
get dirt on you, please wash with soap and shampoo. As a doctor and Biologist, I know that there is nothing cleansing about sebum, nothing!!

This, is what I agree with right here. We are not in the 15th century or any other time. There is nothing wrong with a little shampoo in our lives.

People oiled and powdered their hair then brushed it out as a cleansing process from time immemorable. When ash soap came along, they used it to shampoo themselves. People also used deodorants, natural ones like salt and alum or oils from flowers. Perfum is old as Adam and Eve practically. Frankencense and Myrhh anybody? Many oils to perfum the body...and embalm.


Um, thanks for dropping the knowledge.

I know that people used these things. I think many of us are aware of this.

My point was totally missed so I will leave this topic alone.....
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My scalp wouldn't thank me for this.. I need shampoo/conditioner or something to get my scalp and hair feeling alive.
hmmmm 11 years is way to long but i do think that people tend to wash there hair more often than is probably needed ......:look:
Wow, talk about different perspectives. I'm reading some of the responses here, and I'll admit that when I was younger I used to think that anyone who waited longer than 2 or 3 days to wash their hair was a dirty individual. Yes, a dirty, nasty, smelly individual. I've since learned that going 2 weeks or more happens to be a common practice for a lot of people, and that I was judging other people's hygiene practices based on the needs of my hair and scalp.

I may never try sebum only or water only, but I wouldn't be so quick to say that person is dirty just because their practices don't correspond with mine. This woman found something that works for her, I'm glad for her.
lol yea it's the pj cause if my hair never itched or got oily then I'd never wash it but since it does every 5-7 days is a must but its more of a chore than enjoyment lol shoot what do u use that makes ur conditioner have a sensation let me find out lol

i luv my products too much to not wash. I cant go a week without washing...even if i didnt care about clean hair...i would still wash for the sensation of conditioner...but i guess thats just the pj in me talking
:barf: :barf: :barf: ummm, no mam.

Wash with water only? Yes, that's a great way to keep your hair moist! :yep:

but only every few months? oh, hell no. :nono:
Yuck! I didn't read the entire posts, but let me just say this - the Virgina is also self-cleaning...should that not be washed either?

I'm just saying....

They nasty i dont care all sorts of crap goes in your hair on a daily basis what the hell is water going to do

Thats like bathing without soap no buddy i will pass. i am trying to cope with washing every 2 weeks now and god knows its frustrating since i got use to doing it evry 2 days and now i cant because they weather is cold now
wow interesting! how does her head not itch?
She said it itched in the beginning but stopped. I have read this article on another forum. The scalp needs an ajusting period of about 4-6 weeks depending on the person and some of them use vinegar rinses.

She also said she coconut oils her hair weekly. Coconut oil is used heavily by Indian women too. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal and so is the tea tree oil she uses ever so often. There are member here that don't use shampoo either.

I know someone who only used "dry shampoo" in her hair. I don't know if she ever cleaned it with water, but she was a stylish lady and I assure you she didn't smell.
I'm glad that it worked for her but when I was a little girl I could always smell my hair if I didn't wash it regularly, and back then I didn't use any chemicals. I'll stick with proactive cleansing. I think diet might have contributed to her not having funky hair, and though my diet is way better than it was when I was little, I am not taking the chance lol.
The thing is, if it was any other body part no one would defend her.

Your hair picks up so many things from the environment. Your scalp is the same skin that covers your body and it produces sweat and oils. Bacteria eat that sweat and gunk, and breed all up in there.

While I love coconut oil and it is proven to be anti-bacerial/antifungal, it can't replace actually washing that dirt and grime off your hair.

I haven't washed my ______ for 11 years. Replace the blank with any other body part and how does that sound? :lol: That's just bad hygiene.

I know that many people do this though.

At the same time she's free to do what she wants with her body... as long as I don't have to be around it or smell it :lol:

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The thing is, if it was any other body part no one would defend her.

Your hair picks up so many things from the environment. Your scalp is the same skin that covers your body and it produces sweat and oils. Bacteria eat that sweat and gunk, and breed all up in there.

While I love coconut oil and it is proven to be anti-bacerial/antifungal, it can't replace actually washing that dirt and grime off your hair.

I haven't washed my ______ for 11 years. Replace the blank with any other body part and how does that sound? :lol: That's just bad hygiene.

I know that many people do this though.

At the same time she's free to do what she wants with her body... as long as I don't have to be around it or smell it :lol:

You know, I'm trying to compare it to other body parts, too. On this board I know most of us are not going to be able to do that. We all wash our bodies every day but lots of people don't wash their hair every day. If we judged hair washing like body washing, well:

And I know most people here think that washing one's body once a week would be nasty.

I also think never washing your hair sounds dirty, but I'm not sure how to justify it.
You know, I'm trying to compare it to other body parts, too. On this board I know most of us are not going to be able to do that. We all wash our bodies every day but lots of people don't wash their hair every day. If we judged hair washing like body washing, well:

And I know most people here think that washing one's body once a week would be nasty.

I also think never washing your hair sounds dirty, but I'm not sure how to justify it.

You don't have to shampoo your hair everyday to practice good hygiene.... low poo, co washing... I'm ok with all of that... just be reasonable.

There is no part of your body that you shouldn't wash/cleanse for 11 years though :lol: