Re: Wives Who Submit to Their Husbands: What Do You Submit to and How Does it Come Ab
I was walking around my kitchen the morning, and I thought of you. I wondered how you are doing and decided that I need to utilize the Christian forum a little more since I am on here lurking (and sometimes writing) so much. It's wonderful to "see" you again.
This is a wonderful thread!
To start, I just want to make it plain that I feel wierd writing this, and I actually deleted it once, but then came back because I feel like maybe this will be helpful. I really hope that it is and that my words come across the way I mean them.
I guess, since there has been so much said already, I can just tell a bit of my submission journey and tell the blessing of it. This is what submission looks like in our home and for our personalities.
When I got married, I wanted to submit. I wanted my husband to be happy with our marriage and for it to be a haven for him. I just didn't know
how to do the things that pleased him. I knew what to do, but just not the manner of how he wanted it. So...I took time to learn his personality, find out the little things that make him smile out of the blue, and learned how to cultivate those things in my character. I am a submissive wife, and my husband is trustworthy and leads our home well. I pray that we always remain submitted to the Word of God because it's a lack of submission to the Father that causes any unbalance in our lives. We don't take that for granted!!!
This does NOT mean that I do everything he says immediately or lie down with no opinion; sometimes I think he says ludicrous things (just like he thinks I do the same!) and I have to pray and figure out when or
if to say something to him about it. Most times, it only takes prayer either for me to realize I am dead wrong or for the Lord to correct Him. There are also times when he needs to be confronted about an issue, and I have to go to him boldly but in love and gentleness (speaking to him the way I want to be spoken to).
It's taken trial and error, and though we are still learning one another and hopefully always will be doing so...we are at peace with one another. I really enjoy marriage and I deeply enjoy my husband. I really, really, really enjoy being married...and it has not been all perfect. It's just nice to walk beside another imperfect human being who is trying his best to walk like Christ did...
Submission, for me, came easily, and this is not a boast...but it is a truth and it is
only because of Christ. I WANTED to be led by my Sweetie and to watch him become the man God created Him to be. More than he is my husband, he is my best friend and brother in the Lord. I see his face sometimes when he does something husband-ly and it makes me want to cry for joy. My submission teaches him something about how he is to protect me...and his leadership makes me want to submit even more.
By submission, I mean things like:
* Making a healthy dinner nearly every night and planning my week so that little gets in the way of that.
* Being available to talk anytime he wants to do so.
* Being quiet when he asks (or tells) me to do so. His job is stressful, and sometimes, all he wants is to just be still and lie quietly.
* Initiating Bible study or being ready when he initiates - NO MATTER WHAT I AM DOING!
* Praying over him, his mind, his emotions, every single day in his hearing
* Encouraging him to be more gentle, more kind, more patient, and less of a "hunter" inside of our home.
* Taking most of my emotional issues to Christ ALONE and to hubby only when they truly involve him and he can be of some real/active help outside of listening.
* Liking a couple of the things he really likes (PS3 and cars) and respecting the things I don't really enjoy (deep sea fishing and pets)
* Finding the courage to not back down off of the areas where his character needs to grow. This is the hardest for me because I HATE to see him upset or angry, but sometimes...every now and then...I have to disrupt the normally scheduled program and just treat him like a brother in the church who is acting out. It's not hard for me to tell him the truth, but it is hard for me to do it WHEN it needs to be done. He doesn't have trouble doing it for me, however...
* Submitting even when he is not being a good guy. We have had days when he was really being crazy, and I had to still love deeply, still be available physically (YES M'AM, I said it! lol), still speak kindly, still serve, and still let him know that I stand beside him as he grows in the Lord. Submitting to a good man is easy. It doesn't become character that God can use until it is inconvenient...and I am not talking about a man who beats a woman or smokes crack and puts her life in jeopardy. I am, however, talking about still loving and maintaining character when it makes no sense to do so..when he has snapped or raised his voice or done something unfair. Love has a way of covering sin, smoldering the flame of it, and putting it out in one way or another.
God is sovereign that way, and I have watched Him be faithful to me in this precious marriage of mine. One day, when hubby says so, I will have to tell our whole testimony....
I need to go back and read this entire thread at some point because I know it's going to bless me. I pray that all the single women who want to be wives will notice just how precious the Body of Christ is to the Lord God and the lengths that God went to to draw her close to Him. It will give you a great picture of how the husband and wife are supposed to be in marriage.
Oh yeah...I forgot to mention that Dexter is submissive as well...though the roles are a bit different, wives and husband submit one to another in the Lord.
Have I just written a long, useless, post? Sorry if I repeated everything that everyone else has already said...
Be encouraged in the Lord alone,
(Sorry this was so long. I feel wierd posting something like this...)