With the recession how do you plan on still taking care of your hair?

almond eyes

Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

Whether we like it or not, the economy all over the world is a mess. Many of us will have to cut back on our spending.

I thought we could each share how we plan on cutting back on managing our hair care or some ways to save money without hurting the health of your hair?.

1. Since I started wearing my wig wearing cornrows underneath and washing my hair once a week this has saved me from buying shampoo and conditioner (which I used to buy a lot to bring with me abroad)

2. Being natural since 2005, I know is a big plus because no more costly trips to the hair salon.

3. I now think that I can find some cheapie conditioners comparable to Aveda but I will still stick with their shampoos.

Any other tips?

Almond Eyes
Great thread. :yep:

Now Is the time to evaluate the products that works best for your hair stock up, and weed out the others. Buy what's necessary for your hair to thrive and In some cases use them sparingly.:yep:
It's not really going to impact me much. I do my hair on my own mostly and use inexpensive products. (grateful for that!)
Great topic!!

I've found that staying consistent works best. I will continue to use the products I already have and hide my hair with quality weave installs. I've come to the conclusion that if I simply wash/cond/ treat my hair once a week, plus moisturizer as needed. I won't need 20 different products. With anything, it takes at least 2 months to really see a difference. Most of the time, we expect immediate results from products, when our hair is in a damaged or fragile state for months at a time.
well, i'm stretching my relaxers for both hair health and financial reasons. the money piece will keep me from going to the salon. i'm glad i discovered lhcf b/c i'm learning a lot about how to care for my own hair. i use natural products and they are not drug store prices, BUT they work me and i will still continue to use them. fortunately, i've already found some staples and i'll continue to use them. i'm not into switching up products (gotta give things time to work) so i won't be jumping on bandwagons and buying lots of new products just because.
My plan is to use up the loads of different products I have already and stay consistent with my regimen.
Pretty much the same, though I will have be careful about jumping on bandwagons. I will by larger sizes when they are on sale and look for more coupons.
Well Ladies,

I like my creamy crack!:lachen: I buy it myself, I apply it myself and I am currently performing 6 month stretches. I also do my own braids, so when I am tired of washing\air drying\and flat ironing....braids here I come. Buy performing the C&G method it allows me to stretch all my products longer, and still obtain a large amount of growth!

I will just have to cut back in other areaa, i.e. entertainment, gas, food...lol I'll find something in there..:grin:

I'M ADDICTED TO MY CREAMY CRACK! IT IS MY VICE...A Sista have to have some bad habit in there...man! How good must I be?:blush:
I also plan on not buying any new hair products and since I am in Africa, I can definitely not feel tempted to do any of that. I tell you the effects of this recession has just started to show wait until next year when members may not even have that $6.50 for a renewal of their LHCF subcription or start making their own hair concotions or have to close down Foktis if they have to pay.

Really though we should start a thread in the OT on ways to cut back and save money. My best friend and I made a long list yesterday.

Almond Eyes
I will not be going to the salon for relaxers anymore. More specifically it's because I have made the decision to switch back to no-lye, and I want more control over the results of my relaxers. $7 compared to $65= great savings. And I've just found my staple moisturizing shampoo conditioner combo, so no more PJ days for me.
Finally, I will start stretching my relaxers longer than the usual 8-9 weeks. I really think I can do it.
My best friend said she will not be able to skimp on the relaxer cycle but she is giving up the pedicures and manicures to do wash and sets at the salon during the in between time.

Almond Eyes
As far as products are concerned, i have enough to last a couple of years. That's thanks to my pjism in the beginning of my hair journey. Coincidentally, i am on my first six month relaxer stretch. Despite these economical times i am still presently able to maintain my two months visits. :look:
I decided to use up all the stuff I have and not buy anything unless i need to replace something i really like (like my aphogee shampoo for damage hair)...also, I been wanting to buy my pibbs but I am going to try to wait a little bit i feel extremely guilty about the price tag.

Also, my aunt relaxes my hair= free
my aunt does my weekly rollers=free
and my cousin blows out my roots=free

so am feeling pretty darn good.
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I'm already transitioning, BUT I now go to my stylist every 2 weeks to keep my transition strong and healthy. Once I get well into my transition, I'm going to cut one of those visits back and learn to do my own hair.

I will continue to use my relaxed hair products until they stop working. (I have mostly relaxed hair anyway). That means not running out to buy the latest product rave no matter what it does for others.

Lastly, I will make my own concoctions and copycats by searching hair recipes and tweaking them to my liking. (Can't promise you how long that will last. :look:
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I'm new to being a pj, but my bank statement has quickly slowed me down. I was planning on buying a Pibbs dryer, but I settled on another salon style dryer from Ebay. It was a Pro-Tools 1028 for $140 instead of the $300 for the Pibbs. Maybe next year...
I buy things on sale and really plan out my purchases based on what store has the best deal.

I take advantage of all the coupons I can get and reward points that some stores offer. I use online places like amazon that sometimes has 2-3 pack deals on salon products at discounted prices with free shipping.

I do my hair myself so that saves me alot of money right there.
I wanted to splurge on some expensive hair products....like Nexxus and BedHead....but i find that i get pretty good results with just a $3-$5 moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

Also....buying Dr. Bronner's Magic soap bc you can use it to clean EVERYTHING!

I also do my own relaxers and this year i want to perfect my rollersetting. I have my sister to do my braids...i pay her even tho she doesnt charge me...I do my own blowouts and flat irons and trims.
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My plan is to use up the loads of different products I have already and stay consistent with my regimen.

Yeah, what she said. I have half empty bottles of 5011 products that I just had to try. Well, some of them absolutely SUCK (Paul Mitchell Tea Tree condish :barf: ) but anything that doesn't suck is going on these napps... before I spend another dime on products.
I wish I could say I'm trying to save money on products, but everywhere I go there is a yummy conditioner calling my name LOL

I've been buying products that I can mix to make my own DC's and that has been good because they've lasted me a while. I need to start budgeting better on a monthly basis and make a spending limit on what I purchase.

On a more positive note I don't go to the salon EVER so I save money by doing my own hair. I also bought a manicure and pedicure set and I do that at home as well.
I worked really hard to make sure that my products that I like are very affordable so my hair budget hasn't really felt the pinch. I've done pretty well on that front. I think the most expensive thing I use is coconut oil and I've been able to find more than one source so I'm happy.
I have to start doing my own hair when I’m not working, :sad: even though my stylist is very reasonable. I’ve done it twice since September, and it came out really nice.

I tweak my less expensive quality products and rotate them with my Verifen products and get the same salon-quality results.

Also, I plan on just ordering the Verifen Complex shampoo and conditioner from now on. I have to say good bye forever :wallbash: to the other items unless I find a way to make their formula.

One more point: Starting next month, I have to use up what I have before I buy or replace anything else. All future items will have to be put on a "waiting list."
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My products are inexpensive and easily accessible, and my regimen is simple. I don't need to change anything :grin:.
My products are inexpensive and easily accessible, and my regimen is simple. I don't need to change anything :grin:.


I already use the cheapest stuff possible...baking soda, castor oil, water, and food items. And I do my hair myself.

I'm actually thinking of going to get my hair done as a treat because I've saved so much money by using inexpensive products.
Personally, I think this recession will force people to cut down on stylists, get used to doing their own hair, & keep it simple. I've had to spend 3-4 hours on Saturdays doing my own hair. I actually like this because I watch my growth patterns, problems with my hair, and what my hair likes. Since November, I've only used a stylist 3x - for a relaxer, a trim, and a weave.