With the recession how do you plan on still taking care of your hair?

I plan on giving up vacations and eating out less so I can afford to support my hair in the lifestyle she has become accustomed to.
Well my recession style is going to be weaves...yea i know its not cheap but im using the same hair(EP curly is reusable so thats a plus for me)---i have found a great stylist--thanks Jamicalovely(Shonda is wonderful in ATL).

And im trying to keep my weaves at least for 3 months....

I'm already natural so this will help me grow my natural hair out and get trims in between takedowns.
Ayurvedic products are really cheap, even from reputable sources. They're saving me a boat load of money :)
I relax my own hair; I roller set my own hair - already that saves money. I will continue to use the same phyto products which I'll purchase from Polly's because she has the large salon sizes of conditioners for a significant savings compared to buying in my local bss. I'll make sure I only try the occasional new product. Other than the myriad jars of deep conditioners, I have used up all of the other stuff I've purchased. I have said goodbye to the manicures and pedicures and have returned to doing my own. I am doing my own facials, though I am on the look out for a less expensive brand - we'll see about that because what I use now (MUAC) works extremely well.

My entire household is going on a serious budget diet - the high school girl has a job and the college one is looking. They'll have to earn their own spending money. Instead of driving them around or letting them borrow my car, I purchased bus passes for both of them. Eating out is almost non-exsistent (goodbye lebonese food, goodbye sushi :nono:). Even the grandsons are learning we're not spending on junk, and they can earn by getting A's in school.

Besides that, I take extra duty opportunities (teacher version of overtime) and have a second job, part-time, tutoring. With budget cuts in education left and right, I have to earn when I can. The general curbing of superfluous spending is making a big difference. I still buy the pricer things I really want and avoid the impulse buys. I've also increased the amount of money that goes into savings each month - one never knows.
My hair care is basic anyways, so I'll be alright.
Baking soda, avc, teas, olive oil...
My most expensive thing is butters and even those are reasonable and a little goes along way.
I'm lucky since, I'm a PJ who tries from time to time NOT to buy stuff I must admit that looking at my stash is kinda like being in a beauty supply!!!! I will just use what I have.
I decided about 2 months ago to stop trying so many different products because my hair was fighting back. So I am going to stick with my inexpensive products that have actually help my hair to grow from ear length to shoulder length last year. And since I do my own hair I am saving money that way too. I am so glad I found this website!!!!!!!!!
V05, teas, henna, ayurveda, oils and shea butter are all cheap enough that I'll be fine.

Worse comes to worse, I'll make my tea rinses from the sage, rosemary, and nettle growing in my yard. Make my own olive oil from the olives on my olive tree and get a couple of avocado's from my DH's grandmother and I'm good to go.
Well, I really don't work to begin with (college student), so it really doesn't affect me. I am natural, so I think I could do fine with just water, cheap conditioner, and some type of oil.
I agree with a lot of the posters-I will be using what I have. Also I am a p.j but I will only be purchasing items that I can get a good deal on. That's about it.
I am finding the products that I need locally instead of ordering and having to pay shipping cost. I still have to order a few things on the internet but when I do I buy as much of it as I can at once so I don't have to reorder to often.
I'm not going to be spending the big bucks on salon products, but for now I will stick with Silk Elements til things get better, expensive hair products are really not my priority right now. But I will still be keeping my hair done regardless.
I have decided to stop all the bandwagon and PJ madness. I am zeroing in on the products that work for me and I may try something different if it really sounds like something I need. I am working on using up what I have, and I may sell or give away some things.
I only use natural products and am trying to find alternatives for Aubrey Organics White Camellia shampoo and conditioner that I purchase from the US especially as the exchange rate is no longer in our favour, high shipping costs and custom charges. I'm also using up the items that I have and will only be replacing staples.
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Using what I have and staying with the natural products on things I can make and those I can't being very cautious about pricing. KISS is the key in this economy.
I have a ton of products from when I was first here. All I've had to do is re-stock some staples. I've been doing it by following sales at Sallys and JCP. Whatever I need, on sale, is what I buy. 80% of my regimen can be found at Sallys, JCP or a local BSS. My sister and I will team up to buy things we need to get online.

There are still a few products I want to add to my regimen. One of them I fear will be quite expensive, but, I will only be using it about ten times per year, so one order should last me a while. These new things will have to wait. I still want a stand dryer to replace my tabletop one, but, I am going to wait 'til DH is off medical leave and back at work.

I'm really glad I've learned to do my own relaxers, every three to four, months and care for my hair in-between. There is no way I'd want to be going to the salon every two weeks and getting touch-ups every six weeks like I used to.
incorporating more DIY recipes for conditioning treatments since that's what I use up faster than any other hair product
I've actually been buying more things. I've been fortunate considering the economic situation of some. Who knows how long that will last, but for now I buy more, because a lot of it is on sale.
As far as products are concerned, i have enough to last a couple of years. That's thanks to my pjism in the beginning of my hair journey. Coincidentally, i am on my first six month relaxer stretch. Despite these economical times i am still presently able to maintain my two months visits. :look:

I agree my closet if FULL; I will be going to get some MegaSilk from Sally's while on sale maybe one regular and one olive oil, until the next deal. p

This Saturday that just passed I spent $125 for my hair to get relaxed, colored, deep conditioned and cut. I only do that once every four months. I have cut down on my doobies every other week to as needed. I have cut down on my manicure and pedicure and am in dire need of getting one. Just waiting for the opportune time. SOOOOO..... My regular schedule is getting my hair relaxed & cut every four months and Color every two months! Doobies every other week. Manicure pedicure once to twice a month.
Purchase my favorite more expensive items only when they are on sale. Alot of things that i buy now do not cost that much. Im also starting to make my own things to stretch the products that i have. Also buy in bulk, to me its cheaper and lasts a long time.