Wish me a "nappy" anniversary! :) - Pics


Well-Known Member
One year post the big chop (transitioned for almost two years--keepin' it real wit'chall!) I've learned a lot along the way and finally found my regi! It took about 6 months to really get it down. And I actually prefer my second and third day hair to my first day hair. So here are my then and now pics:


Very nice progress! May I ask what is this regi you have found that is working so well for you?

Darenia and southerncitygirl- I do a lot of "pretreating" before I wash my hair. I tried co-washing but it didn't quite work for me because my hair is pretty fine and the build-up was too much, so now I use a conditioning cleanser, and my hair (and scalp) are thanking me.

I actually use Ojon. I usually wash my hair in the a.m., so the night before, I apply the Ojon oil and pineapple my hair for the night (just to keep it out of the way and the oil off my face). In the a.m. I pre-poo (well, pre-cleansing conditioner) with Jane Carter Solution Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner, then cleanse with L'oreal Evercreme Cleansing Conditioner. Even though it says you don't need additional conditioner, I follow with a small amount of the Eversleek Repartive Smoothing Conditioner and rinse out.

If I want 5-day hair (which means a tighter curl and more shrinkage initially) I will just use L'oreal Everstyle Curl Defining Gel and air dry. if I want a smoother more elongated look (and 2 - 3 day hair) I'll use Royal Curl by Queen Helene to smooth the hair and about a quarter sized amount of L'oreal Curl Defining Gel over the whole head for a little extra hold, and sit under the hood dryer.

After that, I just sleep on a satin pillowcase every night until the hair is just too big or the curls are too undefined to go another day without washing.

For "special treatments" I used to steam my hair once a week to every two weeks and periodically I use Wild Growth Oil (Lite Version) on my scalp for a couple of weeks. I think the stuff works, but it may just be a really good rich oil.

Although the regi sounds complicated, I usually get it all done in an hour. Thanks for asking!
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I see you're in a cold climate area. Do you do any PSing at all or mainly wash-n-go?
Darenia - Good question. I stopped PS'ing over the summer and haven't gone back yet, but one of my New Year's resolutions is to PS more. I think I would have actually had even more progress if I PS'd more often, so I think I will be bunning the majority of the time for the rest of the winter. I do a pin-curl bun. It was a challenge when my hair was shorter, but one of the ways I know I've had decent progress is that there is plenty of hair for that bun now!
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wow! I remember when you first bc'd @Cherokee-n-Black!
Your hair is gorgeous!
How's your little girl?

ETA: You look like family!

wavezncurlz - LOL! I thought the same thing when I first saw you on here! The little one is great. I need to tighten up her regi as well. Her hair has grown but is sort of "plateauing" at her waist. She's four now, and I'm convinced she will be far smarter than I ever was! Thanks for asking! How is your little one? And how old now?
@wavezncurlz - LOL! I thought the same thing when I first saw you on here! The little one is great. I need to tighten up her regi as well. Her hair has grown but is sort of "plateauing" at her waist. She's four now, and I'm convinced she will be far smarter than I ever was! Thanks for asking! How is your little one? And how old now?

Hey Cuz! :grin:
My oldest is 7 and we had to trim her hair recently to about BSL. It had grown a lot but the ends were horrible and I didn't know since we always wore it curly. I think it was due to beads at the end of her braids/twists. She had it flat ironed for Christmas and wore it in one ponytail with long bangs. Her shrinkage is like mine (I'm almost WL again and curly it never gets past my shoulders) so she enjoyed showing her length.

And my baby just turned 5. She's never had a lot of hair until this year. It's thicker and has a tighter curl but it is so strong and is about APL. She had to trim too.

Glad to see you around these parts. I hope you post more. I need to mosey over to the kids board. I need some help with keeping their ends nicer and avoiding splits.