Winter Time Woes: I've lost about 3-4 inches!!!


New Member
My hair was pretty even in the fall and now I've lost about 3-4 inches in the middle because of those dang coats and scarves. I even contemplated not wearing a scarf for the winter, but I'm a singer, I can't do that. What can I do to grow my hair back out in the middle? My nape was already short but now my hair is in an arch shape. I hate it!!!:wallbash::wallbash:
I have pics but I don't know how to upload them. Sorry:ohwell:
You could try doing a lot of protective styling in the winter and making sure that your hair is always hydrated (DCing once or twice a week, daily moisture treatments, lightly sealing with oil).

If you want to wear your hair down, don't leave your hair in your coat or under your scarf. Whenever I put coat/scarf on, I always lift my hair up and out of it so it can swing freely. If you had your hair hidden under your coat and your hair was dry, I can see how it broke off (I used to have problems with my hair up and breaking off all the time!).
wow, sorry to here that. That is an awful lot of hair loss though, how quick did it happen, you didn't notice it until it became 3 to 4 inches that broke off? If your hair can break off like that from winter gear I suggest you do protective styling like buns or braids more often than not, do some oil massages in your scalp for growth stimulation and there is always the famous growth stimulators like MN. HTH
I noticed how much it was when I went for a relaxer in January. She said that the middle had thinned out alot. I thought that bunning would save me from winter time breakage but it didn't. So now I gotta bounce back. My hair usualy thrives in the warmer months. So are there any products you ladies suggest??? I had started using BT around November and I got pretty good growth. And then in Feb or March I switched to Gro-Aut Sample Kit, I got a staph infection in my scalp so I didn't even get a chance to see if it worked. I'm not trying to say that Gro- Aut causes staph infection but I don't want to take that chance again so I think I might need to move on and not look back. Whew..don't want to go through that again. I'm still taking antibiotics! Any way... now Im thinking that I should go back to my BT. What do you think???
I noticed how much it was when I went for a relaxer in January. She said that the middle had thinned out alot. I thought that bunning would save me from winter time breakage but it didn't. So now I gotta bounce back. My hair usualy thrives in the warmer months. So are there any products you ladies suggest??? I had started using BT around November and I got pretty good growth. And then in Feb or March I switched to Gro-Aut Sample Kit, I got a staph infection in my scalp so I didn't even get a chance to see if it worked. I'm not trying to say that Gro- Aut causes staph infection but I don't want to take that chance again so I think I might need to move on and not look back. Whew..don't want to go through that again. I'm still taking antibiotics! Any way... now Im thinking that I should go back to my BT. What do you think???


ETA: Was you moisturizing your hair everyday? Buns, can become dry especially in that section, you are referencing. Deep condition your hair, rotating between a moisturizing conditioner and a light protein, once a week.
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Hey Ladies someone showed me how to upload pics. Here they are

(Before winter breakage)

(winter breakage)
my hair now!!!!!!!!

I created a thread called My Freshly relaxed hair. Tell me what you think!!!