Winter Reggie Vs Summer Reggie


New Member
I've noticed that now that its starting to get cold outside that I'm forced to change my reggie. Its come to the point that its now almost a totally different reggie from when it was warmer. I know there are a few threads flying around about winter reggies, but I want people to post both of them. OR tell if you dont change anything at all. Heres mine:

Winter VS Summer
-Shampooing rarely, if at all -Shampooing Once a week
-Co-wash once a week -Co-wash 5-7 a week
-DC once a week -DC once a week
- Moisturize and seal with Shea Butter - Moisturize and seal with coconut oil
-PS is half wig -PS was wet bunning

So how about you guys?
I don't change just for seasons but I did recently decide to shampoo once a week instead of shampooing every few months like I'd been doing this year. I also stopped co-washing mid week, not because of the weather but because it was beginning to be too much manipulation for my hair.
I am seeing that I am starting to change my reggie... I was co washing everyday and even though I don't go out everyday, when the sneezing came I knew it was time to change. I still use the same products and I only wash with shampoo when my hair seems to be dull.