Winter Growth


Active Member
Ladies how much does you hair slow down? I've been seeing my hair growth come to a crawl here lately and I'm getting kind of MMAADD!!!!!!! what have you done to keep your hair growth rate up ? TIA
I keep popping the l-cysteine, biotin & msms. I think it works. I had cut 2.5 inches in november. I had some new growth, i relaxed last week and it;s like i did not cut at all.
My hair grows s-l-o-w during the winter months and the cold winters here are very drying to my skin and hair. I have to work for just a half inch of growth during these months. I have vowed to stay faithful to my vits and moisturizing plan this winter with the hopes of making bra strap in 2005.
I haven't noticed anything different but I just touched up not too long ago. I guess I will be on the look-out though over the next few mths to see if I notice a haul.
I had a lot of growth between Aug and Dec this year, I pay more attention to what I put in my body that the seasons so it's really hard to tell. I would love to see good growth like that happen again between Dec and Apr 05. I will definitely keep using my Freeda multivits and biotin. Hopefully that will make more of a difference along with my hair care habits than this nasty ole winter.
I am not sure if my hair growth has slowed down. I have never paid attention to my hair until recently. My hair is growing steadily though. I take GNC Ultra Nourishair and GNC Evening Primrose Oil 1300.
Well, I have started taking my amino acids again, plus I am using wild growth mixed with Surge and castor oil and I have been Surging twice a day. I trimmed my hair yesterday. So it will take some time, before I see the growth.
Usually my hair growth rate slows down in the fall/winter, but since I started taking 2 GNC Women's Ultra Mega Vitamins every day, drinking a ton of water, and adding Whey Protein Powder to smoothies my hair and nails have been growing a lot faster than usual.
I feel you. I think my hair literally stopped growing this fall. I have increased my protein (whey protein shakes from GNC) and water intake. In addition, I'm gradually remove things that could prevent growth like sugary foods, no heat (I went back to wash and go), and wearing a cap at night to lock the moisture. Good luck.

I noticed that my hair wasnt really growing as fast as it did in the warmer months, so out came the Ultra Nourishair + extra biotin! Now I'm doing a-okay w/ about an inch of growth! :)
My hair is growing quite fast this winter. In fact, it's only been 2 weeks and my cornrows need to be taken out because I'm getting a lot of growth. :clap:
I'm not sure if I see a difference in the winter but daily exercise at least 30 minutes is great for hair growth throughout the year. My favorite is the treadmill or walking outside.
Lorraine said:
I feel you. I think my hair literally stopped growing this fall. I have increased my protein (whey protein shakes from GNC) and water intake. In addition, I'm gradually remove things that could prevent growth like sugary foods, no heat (I went back to wash and go), and wearing a cap at night to lock the moisture. Good luck.


Lorraine, I meant to thank you for this great idea! I now wear a plastic cap at night under my scarf and it's really made a difference in my moisture. I'm addicted now. Thanks, again.
My hair grows at a snail's pace in the winter. I am not sure if I even get a quarter inch per month during the colder month. My growth makes up for it in the spring and summer though.
well, i guess my haircare growth rate is a bit different here because it seem to increase during the winter months... go figure....
Leshia said:
Lorraine, I meant to thank you for this great idea! I now wear a plastic cap at night under my scarf and it's really made a difference in my moisture. I'm addicted now. Thanks, again.
That's good to hear, Leshia. :) I forgot the board member who gave me this advice. Don't you love the way your hair feels in the morning? :up:
Girl just move to Southern California, it's 80 degrees today, then your hair should reach your ankles if you move scalp got a lot of sunshine at the beach...
My hair is just crawling along too. I'm at 7 weeks post today and I only have about .5 inches of NG. Last time at 8 weeks, I had 1.5 inches.

I knew my growth was slower in the winter, but I didn't realize it was THIS slow. Getting to 16 weeks this winter should be a breeze.

I'm going to be consistent with my multivits and Surge as I did last time. I'm also doing WGO. I'm thinking about eating a bunch of hi-protein stuff too. (I can't handle the shakes right now)

I'm wearing buns and french braids along with my phony pony. I am also planning to wear my fall. I don't want my ends to be exposed at all, especially since I'm not getting alot of growth.
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My hair is growing at a snails pace right now:cry2: but I really have not noticed any length change because I'm on a no checking length challenge I can only tell when I wash my hair where it's at compared to before. I think I was doing good with the vitamins and Cond.:) washes so I have to get back on that again.
Yep winter is the worst its also my shedding season too. I just plan to re start my excercise regimen and protein intake(eggs, salmon etc etc).
pink_flower said:
Yep winter is the worst its also my shedding season too. I just plan to re start my excercise regimen and protein intake(eggs, salmon etc etc).
Great hair progress Pink Flower! Your hair is so pretty! :up:
Plastic cap at night *but this means a hot mess hair day or a bunnytail*, no direct heat, exercise, washing w/ the Nioxin shampoo *I think it helps open my hair follicles for optimum growing* and Surge . :)
I think my hair grows about the same throughout the entire year. Well maybe faster between June and October, but it doesnt slow down to the point where it seems like my hair hasn't budged.
Lorraine said:
I feel you. I think my hair literally stopped growing this fall. I have increased my protein (whey protein shakes from GNC) and water intake. In addition, I'm gradually remove things that could prevent growth like sugary foods, no heat (I went back to wash and go), and wearing a cap at night to lock the moisture. Good luck.


I'm trying to do the same thing.
I was just thinking about this...

I am so frustrated cuz my hair does not appear to have grown ANY since I chopped off the relaxer 3 mths ago. :( I think that I really need to get back on my vit regimen...NOW...cuz this no growth/slow growth isn't making any sense :cry3:
Man, I don't get it.

What is it about the winter that makes hair grow so slowly for many people? There are those that swear that growth is not dependent on external factors. So what's going on internally during the winter months that is different than in the summer months? Is blood not circulating as fast during the winter as during the summer?

I've noticed that my growth has slowed as well...I got small individual braids almost 3 weeks ago. This might be hard to believe but I have NO new growth so far.
