Wine For Hair Growth?


Active Member
So from July to September, I was drinking a lot of wine...white and red. The I got a better job and pretty much loss the desire for wine. I guess. I really am not sure why I haven't been drinking the wine lately. Anyway, From July to November, I didn't get my relaxer touched up and when I finally did, my hair had grown quite a bit, and I didn't even need a trim. I got dusted juss to be on the safe side, but other than that, my hair was in great shape. I wasn't taking any of my supplements during this time. So after getting such awesome growth, I decided I needed to get back on my vitamins. Well, I don't know if it was the horsetail/nettle combo, the MSM/vitamin C or what, but it really seemed like either my texture was changing or I wasn't getting any growth. After a bunch of thought to see if I could figure out what happened, I figured it must've been the wine I was drinking. So I got my touch-up and started drinking a glass of wine every couple of days. I'm only a week post, and I swear I have 1/4 inch growth already. Anybody else heard of anything like this? Experienced it? Know of a way to explain it?
:fat:I've never heard of this before, but it probably can work. :drunk2:I hope this is true.:cheers: There needs to be a new challenge. I'm down:alcoholic
You may be on to something, belladionne. Apparently L'Oréal patented a hair growth aid for men that contains grapeseed and red wine extract.
The Applicant has especially demonstrated that the oral administration of a dose of 37 mg/kg/day of a red wine concentrate, which is equivalent to a dose of 220 mg/kg/day for a person weighing 60 kg, had an efficacious effect on hair loss without showing any adverse side effects on the prostate. Source
According to this article, wine to make your hair grow is just a myth:

"Does drinking wine help to stimulate hair growth?

Wine or alcohol makes the blood vessels dilate, and some people thought this can help with blood circulation and allow hair growth. Some remedies even taught people to rub wine or brandy into the scalp to promote hair growth. Unfortunately, this does not help at all. So do not waste your wine on your hair."

I'll look around some more and see what the consensus is before everyone becomes alcoholics trying to make their hair grow hahahaha. :D The concept makes sense of why it would work (sending more blood and thus nutrients to the scalp), though. So I'm gonna try to find stuff that disagrees with this article.
Miss*Tress said:
You may be on to something, belladionne. Apparently L'Oréal patented a hair growth aid for men that contains grapeseed and red wine extract.
The main focus of that article was the impact of taurine (a non-essential amino acid) on patients suffering from hair loss, specifically androgenic alopecia (and that taurine in combination with other polyphenols like resveratrol [which is found in grapes and wine] significantly helped impede hair loss).

In addition to that, this little article agrees that resveratrol can aid in hair loss prevention:

"Certain hair oils and tonics containing Resveratrol can also be beneficial to some patients suffering from hair loss."

The article below briefly mentions resveratrol when studying another anti-androgenic compound to aid in hair loss prevention:

"Popular traditional Chinese medicine utilized topical treatment of androgenic effluvium and alopecia with an extract from Polygonum cuspidatum, an asian cane which contains resveratrol. Phytoestrogens and other substances are known to interfere with androgenic receptors. (Mitchell, et al. Cancer Res. (1999) 58:5892-5."

"Various plant extracts which are useful in treating alopecia and decoctions such as birch extract, nettle extract, green tea extract, or the like, as may be conventionally employed and as may be moderated for use in conjunction with the subject compounds. The treatments may be performed concurrently, consecutively or in accordance with a predetermined regimen of particular interest is the use of resveratrol, a plant extract which can be obtained by extraction from plants such as Asian cane. Synthetic resveratrol is available from Aldrich. The plant extracts may be used in accordance with conventional applications, preferably at reduced dosage or frequency of administration."

And one more article found here:

Parts from abstract: "Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from preexisting vascular network is a driving force of organ development in ontogeny, is necessary for ovulation and hair growth, and is prerequisite for proper wound healing...Numerous bioactive plant compounds, often referred to as nutraceuticals are recently tested for the potential clinical applications. Among the most frequently studied are resveratrol, a polyphenol present in red-wine and grape-seed, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) from green tea and curcumin from Curcuma longa."

So even though I found one article that said it didn't work, I'm gonna have to say that there is a possibility that this could work, although I have yet to come across articles implicating wine or resveratrol alone in aiding hair growth. Since resveratrol is found in grapes (and most wine is made from grapes), I think eating grapes or drinking grape juice would also be a good alternative to people wanting to test this out.
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RainbowCurls said:
If this is true I should have hair down to my feet by now ;)

ME TOO! I should be looking like a Black Lady Godiva! :lol:
I drink enough wine for all of us!

As a matter of fact, I asked my friend for a bottle of "Robert Strong" or Penfold's Cabernet Sauvignon for my Birthday!
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Thanks for all the responses, ladies! I had been thinking that I was imagining things, but I tell you, it's gotta be something - the grapes or something else in the wine - because I really was not seeing any growth for a while. But I tell you what. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and check back in a couple of months. One of my girlfriends (she's white, but still....) drinks wine a lot - not alcoholic a lot but still more than I do - and her hair has been growing something crazy. I didn't really think too much of it because she's also a vegetarian and eats organic. And she's white. Hee hee.

Isis, thanks for the link to your grape see extract thread. I've been thinking about adding this to my supplements for a while now cuz your hair is so gorgeous, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere where it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Any suggestions (online or off)?
Dang if this worked for me I'd have hair down to my butt by now!! LOL!

belladionne922 said:
So from July to September, I was drinking a lot of wine...white and red. The I got a better job and pretty much loss the desire for wine. I guess. I really am not sure why I haven't been drinking the wine lately. Anyway, From July to November, I didn't get my relaxer touched up and when I finally did, my hair had grown quite a bit, and I didn't even need a trim. I got dusted juss to be on the safe side, but other than that, my hair was in great shape. I wasn't taking any of my supplements during this time. So after getting such awesome growth, I decided I needed to get back on my vitamins. Well, I don't know if it was the horsetail/nettle combo, the MSM/vitamin C or what, but it really seemed like either my texture was changing or I wasn't getting any growth. After a bunch of thought to see if I could figure out what happened, I figured it must've been the wine I was drinking. So I got my touch-up and started drinking a glass of wine every couple of days. I'm only a week post, and I swear I have 1/4 inch growth already. Anybody else heard of anything like this? Experienced it? Know of a way to explain it?
I drink enough red wine for me and several other people. :) I don't see any effect on it on my hair. If anything I have been concerned about negative effects of alcohol on my hair. I don't think it is true, really. Maybe for some if wine contains something that maybe a person's body is lacking.
i gave up drinking :yay: :yay: :beer: :beer: :beer5: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: cause it was not woking for me so i will not try this one so i will stay with vit and the other things i am doing but to each his own cause i ant trying that fight again lol cause i won this time:lol: it not for me
belladionne922 said:
Thanks for all the responses, ladies! I had been thinking that I was imagining things, but I tell you, it's gotta be something - the grapes or something else in the wine - because I really was not seeing any growth for a while. But I tell you what. I'll keep doing what I'm doing and check back in a couple of months. One of my girlfriends (she's white, but still....) drinks wine a lot - not alcoholic a lot but still more than I do - and her hair has been growing something crazy. I didn't really think too much of it because she's also a vegetarian and eats organic. And she's white. Hee hee.

Isis, thanks for the link to your grape see extract thread. I've been thinking about adding this to my supplements for a while now cuz your hair is so gorgeous, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere where it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Any suggestions (online or off)?
You're welcome and thank you. :) I get my grape seed extract at the health food store or at, usually the NOW brand.
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