Will my hair hair grow back in?


New Member
I have a few bald spots in my hair(I think may have come from braids). I went to a dermatologist(who charges an arm and a leg)who told me it may come back with cortisone shots(which is also very expensive). My question is have anyone of you ladies or know someone who had small visible bald spots that eventually did grow back in? If so what products did they use....Please help!!!!
Yes, I had that in the back of my hair a while ago. I used Organic Root Slimulator Fertilitzing Temple Balm. It grew back in 6-8 weeks just like they said it would. If you look at it now you would have never known it came out.
yes girl a whiel back I had a glued in weave that I was eager to take out and pulled out some of the hair in the back of my head, for years it never grew back and whenever I felt it it felt shine and slippery like there was no pores for new growth the i used ors root stimulater and now that shine spot is filled with hair. so if mine grew back yours can too
You may want to try Minoxidil. It's sold at Walgreens. You can also try lavender and rosemary oils. I think Sulfur 8 may work too.
I was actually listening to this very problem on the radio a few weeks ago. The girl had chronic alopecia, and when it flared up she got cortisone shots. They were successful, so if that's what your doctor reccommended give it a try. In her case her immune system was out of wack, and the cortisone helped give the follicles a fighting chance.
Good Luck.
((((Wanda)))) I'm sorry you're having this problem. With all due respect to your doctor, and hoping you aren't feeling desperate, I would suggest you try alternatives before getting the cortisone shot. Cortisones are steriods and once you start using them you become so dependent on them. Meaning even if you may solve the problem, if it returns you will need a heavier dosage to achieve the same results. I used to get eczema and I used to get hydrocortisones creams for that and had to have a tube in my med-cabinet all the time for when the rash returned. I stopped using them when a naturopath in Britain introduced me to health stores and alternative remedies and guess what, it's been years since I've had eczema and I am not stuck with applying any special creams.
(About Cortisones) So I would try Peachez suggestion and give it some time first.

I looked up alopecia (hair loss) in my "bible of remedies", Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F Balch, MD and Phyllis A Balch, CNC and this is what it says:

"Some factors that promote hair loss are poor circulation, acute illness, surgery, radiation, skin disease, sudden weight loss, iron deficiency, diabetes, thyroid disease, drugs such as those used in chemotherapy, stress, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, and pregnancy.

Very Important

(What follows it supposed to be a table with a recommended supplement followed by recommended dosage and the additional comments on that. I will seperate those three columns with a "-")

Biotin - [Dosage] as directed on label - Use shampoo and conditioner with biotin as an ingredient.
Raw thymus glandular - 500 mg - Stimulates immune function and improves functioning capacity of glands.
Ultra-Hair from Nature's Plus -
(No dosage given here so I assume it says how much on the bottle. Please take note of the following comment) - If condition is not severe, you may use this complex alone. It contains necessary ingredients to stimulate hair growth.
Unsaturated fatty acids - as directed on the label - Improves hair texture. Prevents dry, brittle hair.
Vitamin B-complex
- (dosage for each B vitamin is listed below so try and find one that contains close to these amounts - if you don't wanna buy them separately) - The B vitamins are important for the hair and growth of hair

<ul type="square"> Pantothenic acid (B5) - 100 mg 3 times daily
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 50 mg 3 times daily
Inositol - 100 mg twice daily
Niacin (B3) - 50 mg 3 times daily [/list]
Vitamin C - 3000-10000mg - Aids in improving scalp circulation
Vitamin E - Start with 400IU and slowly increase to 800-1000IU - Increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to scalp. Improves health and growth of hair.
Zinc - 50-100mg daily - Stimulates hair growth."

There's also a list of important and helpful supplements which I haven't listed, but those are the very important ones. Balch and Balch also write:

Use sage tea as a rinse to help hair grow.

Apple cider used as a rinse my help hair grow.
If large amounts of hair are lost, see a physician. Do not use a brush or fine tooth-comb
Lie head down on a slant board fifteen minutes a day to allow the blood to reach the scalp.
Massage the scalp daily.
Crazy as that sounds - and amused as I pretend to be
- when I practiced Yoga, that was the belief. Even though people may argue that blood gets there anyway, I did head stands against the wall to nourish my head and face.

Taking large doses of vitamin A (100,000IU or more daily) over long periods can trigger hair loss, but stopping the vitamin A will reverse the problem. Often the hair grows back when the cause is corrected.
The drug minoxidil (used to grow hair on scalp) may cause heart changes if used for long periods of time, report researchers at the University of Toronto. Although this drug does result in hair growth, the quality of hair is usually poor and hair growth ceases when this drug is stopped. The cost of this prolonged program may be prohibitive.
Be careful using products that are not natural on the hair. Allergic reactions to chemicals added to these products occur frequently. Alternate all-natural hair products.
Hypothyroidism is often the cause of hair loss....
Remember that it is normal to lose fifty to one hundred hairs a day."