Will my hair be on the floor ?


High Fashion
If I texturize for the first time on virgin hair the day after I take my braids down that I have had in for almost 3mos (it was re-braided and re-braided during that time period) will my hair fall out?
I have very thick, strong coarse hair, but should I chance it. The reason I want to is because Im doing this myself (never texturize, plenty of experience relaxing) and I'm only off during weekends and I just did the big chop in Feb'06 and am not use to styling my natural hair and I dont like twists, and knot styles on me. if I can wear a short curly wash n go it'll be all good.
If this is not a good idea, Im not sure when I'll ever be able to do this, cause I will always be in braids until my hair is atleast 7 or 8 inches before I'll style my natural hair. Im very length conscientious due to a long neck.
Any advice is helpful. Im texturizing in Jun 02 and am getting anxious.
Why don't you take the braids out, wash, deep condition, and do it next weekend? That way you can do some deep conditioning to "prepare" your hair for the texturizer. I've only had braids a few times, but I never relaxed immediately after taking them out. I washed and deep conditioned for at least 2 weeks before relaxing and I never had any problems. I hope this helps.:)
Mom23 said:
Why don't you take the braids out, wash, deep condition, and do it next weekend? That way you can do some deep conditioning to "prepare" your hair for the texturizer. I've only had braids a few times, but I never relaxed immediately after taking them out. I washed and deep conditioned for at least 2 weeks before relaxing and I never had any problems. I hope this helps.:)

ITA with Mom23. Do not texturize immediately after taking down braids. Let us know how your hair turns out when you're done.