Will I have to keep my hair SL forever?


New Member
Hi ladies,

Perusing fotkis, I see many people who has this same problem, how do you handle it?

The hair in the middle-back of my head is shorter than the hair on the sides. For me, this is due to an old chicken pox scar back there. Once I get past SL , my ends become see-through in the middle.

Am I stuck at SL forever or is there a way around this?
My middle is shorter than the sides...this has only started to happen to me since my hair got longer. I don't know why. I'm waiting for it to get a bit longer and then trim it so that it's even. I think once I trim it off I can keep it even. Maybe my hair just isn't used to being this long ;) .
RabiaElaine said:
My middle is shorter than the sides...this has only started to happen to me since my hair got longer. I don't know why. I'm waiting for it to get a bit longer and then trim it so that it's even. I think once I trim it off I can keep it even. Maybe my hair just isn't used to being this long ;) .

That's probably what it is since it's alot harder to reach the middle of your hair since after all, it IS the farthest out of the reach of your armspan.
I had the same problem....it took me years to figure it out. My hair would grow steadily, but I would always have a gap in the the center/back of my hair. When I would do length checks, I would have to cut off all my progress on the front/sides to be even with the back:( . This cycle kept my stuck at SL.

Back then, I wore polo-type shirts (with collars) alot, and (unknown to me) my ends were rubbing on my collars and breaking off. In the winter, my ends would be further tortured by my turtlenecks.

Last July, I started pinning my hair up to protect my ends from my clothing and moisturizing my ends regularly. Now, I'm at BSL w/no gaps.

So, be sure to protect your ends and keep them moisturized.
Mine's shorter in the middle too. I just leave it be.