Will he stick around???

Will a guy stick around if the sex is hard to come by?

  • Depends on the guy - but most guys would

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Depends on the guy - but most guys WOULD NOT

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • I don't know. I'm not ready to say most guys are on the "gravy train".

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So I started the "MRS Degree" thread about a group of my male co-workers who thought they could sense a woman who was interested in getting married NOW (in other words, she wants to be married STAT). Some of ya'll thought it could be true.

Most of you thought it was bs.

BUT most of those who thought it was BS attributed it to the fact that they must have assumed that the woman in question was not up for a "quick hit". That she was a "lady and carried herself like a lady". And "gave off the vibe that she wasn't interested in a one-night stand".

And that because the idea of quick sex was NOT in the cards that this is the reason why they figured she was on the marriage track.

So I'm asking the question -

It's been 3 dates. He's taken you to nice restaurants and spent some decent money ("decent" being relative). Will he stick around??

Will the AVERAGE dude stick around and keep dating a girl that has made it clear that quick sex ISNT in the cards?? Is the average guy interested in pursuing a relationship where the sex doesn't come easy??
So I'm asking the question -

It's been 3 dates. He's taken you to nice restaurants and spent some decent money ("decent" being relative). Will he stick around??

Will the AVERAGE dude stick around and keep dating a girl that has made it clear that quick sex ISNT in the cards?? Is the average guy interested in pursuing a relationship where the sex doesn't come easy??

In my own experience, I made it clear that I'm was not interested in pursuing a sexual relationship outside of a committed relationship. He made the conscious decision to stick around and get to know me. I don't know if the "average guy" would be willing to do so, but my SO was:grin:.

I have met guys that weren't in agreement, and they kicked rocks. Why would you want to be with someone that put a time limit on when they required sex, if that's not what you wanted also? I wouldn't want that guy to stick around because clearly he is not the one for me!
it depends on the guy. if he really likes you, he'll wait for when you're ready. i voted that most guys would NOT stick around. then again you don't want the average guy anyway. you want someone way above average.
IMO most guys will only stick around if they like a challenge. If you win them over with your awesome personality during the course of the pursuit then they will change their minds but mostly men who are not looking to get married only want sex. There are exceptions but sex just isn't that intimate for me and unfortunantly for us woman it's still on our heads to be the restrained ones. I hate double standards.
It depends on the guy. A few pervs will stick around regardless just to get a *trophy*.

My experience has been a good man, who wants a committed relationship with a woman like YOU will stick around.
If he's the right kind of man, one that truly wants to get to know me first, he will stick around. Especially if he can tell you are feeling him without being a tease. If he thinks you are just playing a waiting game, he might think you are just a tease or out to use him.
If he is the right guy, he'll stay around... if he's just looking for s-e-x and leaves, the better off you are :yep:
The beauty of it is your man will stick around regardless of what you say or do. We aren't meant for everyone just that one!!! so who cares if all men won't stick around at the end of the day you don't want to be compatible with all men just that one.
I voted depends on the guy but most won't stick around - keyword being Most. I just don't believe that the average guy will hold out very long for sex. I don't know if 3 dates is the cut off, maybe more around 5 or 6, but beyond that, I don't think that most of them can hang. In the end, if a guy really, really wants you, he will, but I'm sure they all have their breaking point
The beauty of it is your man will stick around regardless of what you say or do. We aren't meant for everyone just that one!!! so who cares if all men won't stick around at the end of the day you don't want to be compatible with all men just that one.

ITA! In the end it doesn't really matter if Joe Schmo couldn't hang around...he wasn't meant to be...move on! Women have to stop getting caught up on who doesn't want us and start being keen on who does! And most importantly, on attracting who WE want!