Will BKT help?


New Member
Hello everyone!

Just recently I made a post about how I left shampoo in my hair too long and it dried my hair out considerably. I was able to get my hair to feel softer by DCing with ORS replishing pak however I noticed that my hair has dried VERY fast now. When I shampoo it and put a towel on my hair it dried super fast and I had to put more water on it and use more of a leave in then seal. This isn't how my hair was before and I don't like it!

It appears that the shampoo not only stripped my hair, but made it very porus as well. If I do a BKT treatment tonight will that fix my porosity problems? I did a BKT a few weeks ago, but my hair is natural so I'm sure it didn't take as well as if my hair were relaxed.

Overal, my question is if I take the four hours to do BKT tonight will that help my hair retain mor of the moisture that I need instead of drying out so quickly? Also, I know that the last step of Softliss has cones in it, is it absolutly necessary to use this conditioner? I don't use sulfate shampoos because of the BKT so I don't want my hair to dry out in the end. Or do you think it is safe to just use the cone this once without using a sulfate shampoo?

Thanks for your replies in advance and I'm sorry for typos, I have a class in 6 minutes so I am trying to finish this up quickly!
There is a big thread on the whole BKT experience. It was started by member, Southerntease and it has a wealth of information in it.
I don't think it's a good idea to use BKT to try and solve your porosity issue. Check out the threads on porosity and see what other people have done. Porosity Control is very popular and it's a quick fix.
I think you should use some porosity control (Roux) and up your DCs until your hair balances itself out.

I personally don't think BKT cures all damage I just think it gives the hair extra protection, so you can BKT when your hair is back to normal.

Tip: Before BKT process do a protein based DC your hair'll come out really soft and smooth:yep:
ORS acts more like a protein conditioner in my hair, and it dries it out.

I'm no BKT expert, but I would try to deep condition my hair with something very moisturizing (Carmel treatment, or coconut oil) I normally use Lekair and follow up with Porosity Control Conditioner for a week or two to see if there is any improvement. Then I would BKT.

Yes there is a lot of info in the BKT thread, but it has been very helpful.
Thank you all for responding. I was either going to go with BKT or porosity control so I think I will do the prosity control. I have read that BKT thread from top to bottom before I just couldn't find what I specifically looked for, that's why I created this post. The whole reason I started BKT was because of that thread atually! LOL. So I will do porosiy control and keep DCing to get my hair back to normal. Oh! Hothair, thank you for the tip! :)