Will a ponytail break my hair off? Help!


New Member
Hello ladies,

I am new to the forum since deciding to grow my hair shoulder length. Right now I am about chin length in the front and sides and a bit above the nape of my neck in the back. I am currently wearing my own hair in a ponytail and fastening a fake bun over it. Is this okay to do while tryig to grow out, or will it cause me damage?? Thanks!
Welcome to the board
Sorry for the delayed response but sometimes you have to bump the post up a few times so that people can see it...It's easy to get lost amongst all of the other posts...

To answer your question, you must pay attention to how your hair feels. I try to move my ponytail to a different spot everyday. Some ladies don't have a problem leaving their ponytail in for days at a time. My hair is too short for that I think. Too much friction in the same spot causes my hair to break off. I try to use ponytails that are not too long and heavy. I also try to make my ponytail as loose as possible. If they are too heavy or too tight for my hair, then it could cause damage. Does that make sense?