Wigs - Tips n Tricks


New Member
I know a lot of people on here PS with wigs. Either they be lace wigs, half wigs or full wigs. I just wanted to make a thread where people can add little tips and tricks they found to help them with wigs. I've gone through a lot of trial and error with wigs over the past year or so of trying them and I wish I knew in the beginning what I know now.

Just thought to make this thread because I went with my friend to the BSS yesterday to pick out a wig and realized how much she didnt know about little tricks to help make it look better and so forth. So I thought some ladies on here may want this info too.

Plus I know their have to be other tips out there that others know. So go ahead and add please!

1. Dipping the wig combs in oil can help keep the friction of the combs off your hair.

2. Or just take the combs out completely and use large bobby pins to hold the wig in place

3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

4. Soak synthetic wigs in apple cider vinegar and water mix over night to get the overly shiny look to go away

I'm sure I have more, but cant think of any right now. Now its your turn! :grin:
Good post.

Question: If you wear the wig everyday, how are you preventing the wig from rubbing the edges?
1. Style your hair under the wigs, just slapping the wig on over your natural hair is asking for breakage later, I personally like braids.

2. Use a satin bonnet or a wig cap to prevent your hair from rubbing against the inside of the wig.

3. Hang up your wig or put it on a mannequin head when your not wearing it in order to preserve the life of the wig.

4. If using hair pins instead of combs to hold the wig in place, alternate where you place the pins.

5. if using the combs that come in the wigs either use the front comb or the back comb, not both.

6. Most importantly: Make sure that you do not neglect you hair under the wigs, it can be easy to do when you realize no one sees your hair except you (been there done that, smh).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, will be back later when i think of others.
Keep synthetic wigs in a ziplock bag in the freezer when you are not wearing them. It will bring the style back to life.
bumping-- I think this is a great idea to put all those tips in one place! I need to know tips for washing my synthetic wig. I'm trying to bring it back to life.
KurlyNinja said:
I know a lot of people on here PS with wigs. Either they be lace wigs, half wigs or full wigs. I just wanted to make a thread where people can add little tips and tricks they found to help them with wigs. I've gone through a lot of trial and error with wigs over the past year or so of trying them and I wish I knew in the beginning what I know now.

Just thought to make this thread because I went with my friend to the BSS yesterday to pick out a wig and realized how much she didnt know about little tricks to help make it look better and so forth. So I thought some ladies on here may want this info too.

Plus I know their have to be other tips out there that others know. So go ahead and add please!

1. Dipping the wig combs in oil can help keep the friction of the combs off your hair.

2. Or just take the combs out completely and use large bobby pins to hold the wig in place

3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

4. Soak synthetic wigs in apple cider vinegar and water mix over night to get the overly shiny look to go away

I'm sure I have more, but cant think of any right now. Now its your turn! :grin:

I'm gonna try #4 on my phony pony cause it's shining a bit much!
To avoid the rough friction on your edges from lace fronts apply clear scotch top around the inside perimeter.

awesome tip !

has anyone do it on an a regular wig or half wig ?
the perimeter of a half wig isn't as "flat" as a lace front so I'm not sure the scotch tape will "stay" on.
I normally don't like to get my wigs wet when first get them so I use baby powder and a few mists of water to remove the shine from my wigs.

On my synthetic lace fronts I pluck the hairs around the edges to get rid of that bulky wiggy look. You will be surprised how much more natural the wig looks.
hmmm, I didn't know this --> 3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

But now I do! :)
hmmm, I didn't know this --> 3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

But now I do! :)

3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.
How does this work exactly?
Do you just oil it before ever wearing it, and once rinsed out, the nape stays tangle free,
Or, do you oil it every time the nape starts getting tangled?

Also, who has tips for extending synthetic wig life... Especially when the ends get frizzy...

I just start cutting my ends to keep the 'fresh' looking

I usually don't do that until I see signs of tangles start forming. When it gets harder to brush through the nape. The oil/grease works as a detangler when I brush through the nape. And even after I rinse the wig off it helps it stay untangled for a while.

I usually don't do that until I see signs of tangles start forming. When it gets harder to brush through the nape. The oil/grease works as a detangler when I brush through the nape. And even after I rinse the wig off it helps it stay untangled for a while.

So I had this synthetic wig for only 3 days and it got crazy tangled in the back. So I got some oils and just gently slid it through the back. Worked like a charm! I think you're on to something! :grin:

I usually don't do that until I see signs of tangles start forming. When it gets harder to brush through the nape. The oil/grease works as a detangler when I brush through the nape. And even after I rinse the wig off it helps it stay untangled for a while.

So I had this synthetic wig for only 3 days and it got crazy tangled in the back. So I got some oils and just gently slid it through the back. Worked like a charm! I think you're on to something! :grin:

Thanks guys!
I know a lot of people on here PS with wigs. Either they be lace wigs, half wigs or full wigs. I just wanted to make a thread where people can add little tips and tricks they found to help them with wigs. I've gone through a lot of trial and error with wigs over the past year or so of trying them and I wish I knew in the beginning what I know now.

Just thought to make this thread because I went with my friend to the BSS yesterday to pick out a wig and realized how much she didnt know about little tricks to help make it look better and so forth. So I thought some ladies on here may want this info too.

Plus I know their have to be other tips out there that others know. So go ahead and add please!

1. Dipping the wig combs in oil can help keep the friction of the combs off your hair.

2. Or just take the combs out completely and use large bobby pins to hold the wig in place

3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

4. Soak synthetic wigs in apple cider vinegar and water mix over night to get the overly shiny look to go away

I'm sure I have more, but cant think of any right now. Now its your turn! :grin:

I was looking for away to reduce the shine in new wigs. Thanks for the tip! :yep:
My Tips for Wearing Wigs

My Hair

1. I juice (moisturize) my hair nightly.
2. Wearing the satin stretch caps seem to be better for moisture and easier on my edges.
3. I cornrow the hair well enough so that they can stay in for a month.
4. Weekly rinse and/or cowashing of the cornrows.

The Wig (For curly wigs)

1. I use conditioner to wash and detangle my wigs every two weeks.
2. First I soak the wig in a bucket of cold water.
3. Then I saturate the wig with a conditioner such as VO5 Moisture Milks.
4. I finger detangle and then use my Denman (for Celtic Girl). I only finger detangle for HZ7009.

I've been able to keep my wigs for 6 months and up using these methods. Hope it helps! :)
I used the Mane N Tail detangler on my syn half wig that was getting old and it brought it back. It also made the hair super soft. I can actually get at least 1 more month of use out of it.

Am thinking about wearing wigs for the first time in my life..
I've had sew-in weaves before but this is new..

Any advice/tips&tricks are welcome...
This is going to sound crazy, but to dull a really shiny wig I ...

get a stick of deodorant and rub it in the palms of my hand. I rub my hands together to soften/melt the deodorant and then rub in through the wig ... then I brush it through (straight) the wig.

Outcome: Wig is dulled to perfection!
MsAminta where do you get your satin cap from? Is it the same as the men satin cap from the beauty supply? They usually hang them with the durags.
My wig regimen:
I do about 5-6 flat twists and leave them in for 2 weeks, changing the pattern of my twists each time I redo them. I spray my hair nightly with a mix of braid spray and Infusium 23 and every other night I add S-curl and Liquid Gold hair growth oil. Under my wig I wear my satin scarf with a wig cap over top. I take my wig off as soon as I am home to allow my scalp to "breathe". I wash weekly (one week in twists, one week out of twists) and DC under my steamer weekly after each wash. Usually on wash day I leave my DC on and cover with a plastic bag and slap my wig cap and wig on top while I am out and rinse in the evening. So far this has been working really well for me!
1. Dipping the wig combs in oil can help keep the friction of the combs off your hair.

3. For synthetic wigs when the nape hair of the wig gets tangled use grease or a heavy oil on it and rinse out. This will reduce tangles and you will get longer use out of your synthetic wig.

I'm sure I have more, but cant think of any right now. Now its your turn! :grin:

Thanks especially for these! Those tangly napes infuriate me!
This is going to sound crazy, but to dull a really shiny wig I ...

get a stick of deodorant and rub it in the palms of my hand. I rub my hands together to soften/melt the deodorant and then rub in through the wig ... then I brush it through (straight) the wig.

Outcome: Wig is dulled to perfection!
What brand of stick deodorant do you use? Does it have to be the white deodorant stick?
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Good tips in here. :grin:

1. If I am forced very rarely to stay around people I don't know when I'm wigging then I have a back up wig of the same style to wear to bed.:look:
To stop it messing up too much I either braid it and pin it up with the nape facing outwards. Or twist 6 sections and pin them to various point on my head. This actually looks quite pretty and stops the friction on the pillow.

2. Combing through nightly with some kind of moisturiser/oil seems to extend the life and prevent tangles.

3. I actually wear my wig to bed without protecting it for a few nights to get rid of the shine and get it to start moving/falling naturally if its a flat shiny wig. It still looks new and has shine, but doesn't look too perfect to be real and creates a slight bit more volume. I've tried the baby powder trick, but it still looks flat and plastic to me!

4. I flat iron synthetics to extend life. Spritz with water based leave in mist, set the flat iron to LOW HEAT. I usually use the 2nd out of 10 settings. Comb the hair out so there are as little tangles as possible. Either do the comb chase method on small sections or flat iron, then comb.
You can get the wig/nape silky again if you use a fine tooth comb to do this.

5. Continuation of 4! After flat ironing I do a trim to get rid of any frizzy ends. THEN use the thinning shears. Syn wigs tend to get a little puffier as time goes on, even if you rescue it, so thin out as appropriate.

6. Consistency with maintenance. Unfortunately I forget to do the maintenance with some of my wigs and they go to hell quickly. I think it's important to make sure the wig is detangled everyday and keep it off your neck/back if you are not currently showing it off (wearing it down).
For those who wear natural-styled wigs, how do you keep the curl pattern intact? I just recently bought a wig from fingercomber.com and I have it twisted up but I've never worn a wig before and wanted to know if there were any special tricks to keeping the wigs curl pattern together? Also how can you take out the combs in the wig? I hate how they feel
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I spritz my wigs at night with water in a spray bottle with peppermint oil added. (Just a few drops). The water reactivates the curl if needed. Then I hang it up to dry. Next morning she's fresh and ready to go.

Another tip is to hang a wig about a week before you wear it. Take it out of the bag and let it sit out to reduce the shine and let it begin to look more natural.
For those who wear natural-styled wigs, how do you keep the curl pattern intact? I just recently bought a wig from fingercomber.com and I have it twisted up but I've never worn a wig before and wanted to know if there were any special tricks to keeping the wigs curl pattern together? Also how can you take out the combs in the wig? I hate how they feel

Buy a set of tools that you only use on wigs. A small pair of sewing scissors, thinning shears, trimming scissors and Seam rippers. . Depending on the comb and how it is attached, you can use sewing scissors to get at the elastic to remove the combs or seam rippers. Use these only on wigs. Get separate tools for your real hair.

Practice on an old wig first so that you learn the technique and if you make a mistake you have not ruined a good wig.
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