Wigs, Lace Fronts, half wigs, quarter wigs, whatevuh..Let't talk about wigs!

I have been wearing wigs for the better part of the past 2 months now and I love them. I wash and dc every week to 10 days and I keep my hair braided in 6-8 big cornrows. I am wearing wigs to try to gain some length. I have synthetic wigs. I have never bouught a human hair wig.

I moisturize every night with the C&G mixtures of BRX Braid Spray and Infusium 23. I spray it on and put MoeGrow on my scalp. My hair is sooo soft and moist when I take the cornrows out to wash it.
Just a few questions
How do you ladies store your wigs?
How do you wash them and with what kind of shampoo?
I just went to a place called DJs beauty outlet. Oh well not the largest selection but I did buy one. I would love to go shopping. Maybe you could show me how to wear half wigs. I buy them and usually just throw them in the closet because I normally wear weaves. This place did have some synthetic "lace" wigs (more like 3/4 wig with a little lace in the front and combs) for $60. I'm sure someone who knows how to style them could do a lot with them. Anyway I will pm you in the next couple of weeks. I may just reweave my hair instead.

I could DEFINITELY help you out there. I've gotten pretty good at blending AND without heat. I don't usually buy any straight styles. Just let me know. I prefer wigs over weaves any day because you still have access to your hair and you don't have to deal with the itching! :lol:
Not that I know of. The BSS's I go to are usually asian-owned. They have the best hair. :yep:

Thanks. We have a few ones here but I have to drive away to get it. Trying to cut down on the gas; but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

The first time I went I was so overwhelmed; there was wall to wall wigs. It was so hard to decide. Once I found the style then I had to try to pick the color.
I hope that this thread grows with good info. I try to use wigs for my break after wearing weaves as a protective before I relax, but my hair is so puffy with new growth that the wigs rise. I would like to find cute, realistic looking brands that hold up well. I'm ok with cheap if it holds up for a few months before I throw it out.

I have some excess weave hair and I would like to try my hand at making a wig.

Ok thatz a good idea. I think I will keep my retouches going. I am already having some amazing growth results.
There are some absolute beautiful heads of hair on this site. I think it is amazing how we all come together and work towards a common goal.:yep:

I have been wigs on and off for years. Curly, straight, etc. The real difference is now I am using the wigs to protect my hair instead of using wigs to hide the damage I caused neglecting and abusing my hair.

Is the point of the wig cap to protect your hair from the friction of the wig or protect the wig from the oils, sweat etc in your hair?:perplexed

My wig cap gives me a major headache, seems like it's very drying and I swear rubs my edges raw. :nono:

So ladies, is it okay not to wear one? I saw wig liners on hairsisters.com but didn't really get the point.

I wear a home made satin bonnet.

Forgot to add: I wear wigs mainly when I am having a bad hair day. I have the same one that firecracker has that she calls Moet.

I've learned that very quickly.

Thanks. I saw this in the other post. I have a couple picked out.
How to make a homemade wig bonnet

I made this bonnet to wear under my wig instead of nylon or having to pay a lot of money for one of the other ones.

Just in case you want to make one for yourself, the steps are below. It is really easy and you do not have to know how to sew to do it.

Does not necessarily have to be used with a wig can be used for anything.


1/2 yd fabric (can depend on head size);
Pk 1/4 elastic.
Thread or Fabric Glue (Sewing would probably last longer)
Pack small safety pins
fabric marker..(use a pencil if you really don't give a...)

Measure head circumference and cut one inch larger than the circumference; Use any circular item: a bowl will work good. Just make sure it is big enough. I used the top part of my cake carrier. Trace a circle with fabric ink. (you can trim to size later.

Pin elastic 1/4" from the edge of the circle; try to be even as possible from the end of the fabric. Pull elastic taut but not tight. Too tight, will hurt your head and leave a line and could damage your hair. Try the bonnet onto your head to set to the shape of your head so that it is smooth. Adjust elastic to your comfort level. Trim access fabric until there is about 1/2 inch of fabric between the elastic and the end of outside end of the bonnet. Remember it needs to fit just loose enough to protect your hair.

Sew or glue the elastic down; don’t forget to match the thread to the fabric. Fold ends up to the first edge of the fabric and sew or glue that down. Then fold this fold across the other side of the elastic. Just made your casing to protect the elastic and make the bonnet look clean and neat.

All of these steps can be modified to your liking.
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I can really say that my hair is THRIVING under this wig. I am washing my hair 1x per week and co-washing 1x per week. At night put several large cornrows on hair. I ususally have about 6 - 8. Daily I take the braids down at night and moisturize my hair and massage my scalp. I leave my hair down for 3 to 4 hours then put the braids back in connecting all of them until I have one braid. The next day I put on my silk (homemade bonnet). My head is very comfortable and never itches under the wig, though I got irritated at one point with the synthetic hair touching me. I am still on the fence of getting human hair right now as I want to perfect my care and maintenance of having a wig at the price you pay for some of these. I look foward to the spring when I can look at my hair to see how much it has grown over the fall/winter.