Wigs anyone?

Have any of you worn one? I was in the b/s and saw the cutest wig, never thought to get one before- any tips? would I braid my hair down or tie it down or what? I have no idea on how I would take care of it, seems like a good way to keep my hair out of the cold winter air that is soon coming. thanks for your help! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Yes I have worn a wig for almost 6 months. I started the Crown and Glory technique and because it was hard to style my hair in protective styles, I elected to wear a wig. I put on a black satin protective cap and then put my wig over it. I have had no problem with breakage and soon as I get home I take it off. I wash my hair once a week, and condition wash every tuesday. I try to keep my hair moisturized which is why I use homemade braidspray/hair oils to keep my hair conditioned.
Sorry Honeylove316, I forgot to tell you how to wear your hair under the wig. I put my hair in about 12-14 plaits and i put the satin cap over my braids and then I put on the wig. I did wear my wig last winter and it really kept my head warm as well. One of the things I do is every night I moisturize my hair by taking each plait out, spray my hair with braid spray or oil my hair (depending on what it needs), comb through my hair very gently with seamless comb, brush my hair using a paddle brush very gently, and then rebraid. I put S-curl activator spray on my ends, followed with vaseline. Hope this helps.
boy do i miss my wigs /images/graemlins/grin.gif i dyed them ,wraped them and even bought these scissors that are used to thin them out. you couldnt tell me nothing /images/graemlins/cool.gif

i cant wait to buy me a new one. i basically did the same as fancypants007 except i wore a fishnet wig cap , i felt uncomfortable with the nylon, i always felt that my wig was slipping off of my head.
I fully agree with Fancypants007 I wore wigs last year for at least 6 months until it got to hot for me to continue to wear them and I kept my hair in cornrows that I redone every week. I was just in the beauty supply store and they had so many wigs I just about lost my mind. I think that every women should own at least one wig...so girl GO FOR IT!!!
ooh I love this subject, I have a few questions that I have always wondered:

What kind of wigs did you guys wear i.e short, medium, long?
How "real" did it look?
how much did you pay for it?
How did you care for it?
how much growth did you recieve throughout the 6 month wig process?
how was your hairline affected by the wig?
How did the overall health of your hair benefit?

Ladies I am so sorry for the long list of questions, but I have been interested in wigs for awhile, but I never found anyody to answer my questions /images/graemlins/smile.gif Thank you so much for your replies!
Reply to your questions:
1. I purchased short, medium and long wigs. I particularly liked the long one because I styled that thing like it was my own hair.
2. Every wig that I have people tell me that they look very natural on me. They have many now with the yaki hair although synthetic, it closely reassembles our hair.
3. I paid anywhere from 25-35.00 for my wigs. I always purchased synthetic.
4. I really didn't care for it that much. I would wear them and when they seemly started to look worn, i purchased another. I figure I was saving money anyway because if i paid 30.00 for it and it lasted two months, that is a bargain.
5. I got the usual growth, 1 inch a month, but that is because you're doing the right things to make your hair grow, i.e., eating healthy, taking supplements, combing/brushing gently, etc. I wore wigs for a twofold purpose, i couldn't style my natural hair in a protective style that I liked, and the second reason was it was so easy to slap on that wig.
5. My hairline is very good. In fact due to the Crown and Glory method, my hairline is growing beautifully. I have baby hair all over.
6. Again the health of your hair improves if you follow a hair care regime. Find a program that works for you and stick with it. Your hair will respond if you give it the TLC that our hair needs. I don't think the wig per se contributes to that. I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong you need to do good by your hair and your hair will show it appreciates it by responding with long, strong, and healthy hair. That is what I'm trying to achieve. Hope this helps.