Just checking in....still wearing wigs. I had to change up my regimen though, because I don't think my ends liked being dried in a bun. Back to rollersetting 2x/wk. My hair seems to like the new regimen.

Here are some pics of the wig I have been wearing lately...



Nice wig! You know I always like your wigs.

But uh, this may sound weird but I like your shower even better. Nice! LOL!
Checking in: I am still wearing my whole wigs possibly for another month before installing my extension braids again.
I've been so lazy with my hair this summer.....

No combing

No brushing

No braiding

but guess what I'm reataining ALL of my growth/length!:yep:

I've been just co washing or wash/deep conditon ....finger detangling...... smoothing it into a low bun and slapping on my wig.
This looks great on you! I'm really liking this style. Your wigs always look really nice...you know how to work them. :)

Just checking in....still wearing wigs. I had to change up my regimen though, because I don't think my ends liked being dried in a bun. Back to rollersetting 2x/wk. My hair seems to like the new regimen.

Here are some pics of the wig I have been wearing lately...


I have over 2 months of NG so I've been sporting my half wig and I got one full LF wig. They are synthetic and so cute! Oh my!! I've been lazy with my hair since I got all this new growth... Oh Dear.
Thanks... I am looking forward to starting/continuing my wig journey... So far so good..

I have one wig that can be worn as a full/half wig. Its has long curls that my DH is in love with.
He has wanted me to get this style since I've been doing weaves, but none of the stylist could have achieved it. When he came home one evening and saw my hair, he was in love, but he didn't know it was a wig until I took it off later that night... LMAO :lachen::lachen::lachen:

As soon as I get my camera back, I will post pictures..
Me too!

Everytime, I think about doing something else with my hair (like braids) I'm drawn to the ease of the wigs!

I love the fact that I can ---conrow or wet bun or deep condition or baggie under my wig -----and no one is the wiser.

Plus, the older my wig gets, the more realistic it looks.........I'm going to buy another one - same brand & style - just a differnt color (#33) for Fall!
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Still rocking my freetress Lyon girl.. Gonna buy me another one this weekend.. Hair is braided and looking good underneath,.. Im so excited about my progress
Checking in...i fell off a month ago and got a sew from late july to last week. just hit a wall and was about to throw all my wigs in the trash lol. now that i've taken the sew-in down i will prob still be in wigs/falls for the rest of the year. APL is so close i can taste it :) Good luck to everyone still in the challenge...
Mee too!

Everytime, I think about doing something else with my hair (like braids) I'm drawn to the ease of the wigs!

I love the fact that I can ---conrow or wet bun or deep condition or baggie under my wig -----and no one is the wiser.

Plus, the older my wig gets, the more realistic it looks.........I'm going to buy another one - same brand & style - just a differnt color (#33) for Fall!

These are the very reasons I've been sticking with my wigs. My hair stays moisturized and I haven't seen the mid shaft splits in my hair like I did last year. I am gaining more length with this protective style. Also, my DH prefers the wigs to the braids. Most people think I'm wearing wigs for a hair style. Only my DH, best friend, brother, and sister n law know what I'm really up to.
hey guys can someone direct me to a wig tutorial..I'm transitioning and want to be low manipulation for a while so i'm wearing braids but are sick of them. so im looking into doing a weave or wearing a wig for the first time ever. I'd ideally like to do wigs so i can easily get to my hair when needed and have many different looks BUT i'm really nervous b/c i know nothing about them and dont know anyone who wears them

can they just fall off or slip off or be pulled. how do they stay on securely? what are the differrent types. i keep hearing about lace front? and some are so inexpensive ($20) and then there are some around $600...i dont want to buy one that wont last or look good... how to upkeep them..can pple tell you have cornrows underneath up close? does it look bumpy? idk i just need HELP. is there a thread with all this info please? i searched but did not find like a wig support/wig 101/beginners wig thread lol just threads with pple already wearin them.
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hey guys can someone direct me to a wig tutorial..I'm transitioning and want to be low manipulation for a while so i'm wearing braids but are sick of them. so im looking into doing a weave or wearing a wig for the first time ever. I'd ideally like to do wigs so i can easily get to my hair when needed and have many different looks BUT i'm really nervous b/c i know nothing about them and dont know anyone who wears them

can they just fall off or slip off or be pulled. how do they stay on securely? what are the differrent types. i keep hearing about lace front? and some are so inexpensive ($20) and then there are some around $600...i dont want to buy one that wont last or look good... how to upkeep them..can pple tell you have cornrows underneath up close? does it look bumpy? idk i just need HELP. is there a thread with all this info please? i searched but did not find like a wig support/wig 101/beginners wig thread lol just threads with pple already wearin them.

I don't know if there is a 101 support thread. I just started wearing wigs this year. I usually wear twists, braids, and cornrows under my wigs (wigs don't slip or fall off ). I wear my lace front like a regular wig because I don't want to wear tape or glue and because I take my wig off as soon as I get home from work. I hadn't planned on wearing them this long but I got hooked. I love wigs because I can go weeks without manipulation, wash/condition daily, and condition under wig.

I'm new at wearing wigs so I'm sure you will get some good advice from some of the ladies here.:yep:
I'm taking a 6-8 week break from wearing wigs because I got my extension braids installed today ladies. See you all again perhaps at the end of October.
Oh, gosh, I know I'm late, but I have to join this challenge being that I just recently started taking good care of my hair by strictly wearing my homemade half and full wigs! I have a vid on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/OhSoExalted Anyways, I am looking to grow 3 inches by jan, so this would be the perfect challenge that will keep me motivated :yep:.
Sign me up/If i am not too late :blush:
Oh, gosh, I know I'm late, but I have to join this challenge being that I just recently started taking good care of my hair by strictly wearing my homemade half and full wigs! I have a vid on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/OhSoExalted Anyways, I am looking to grow 3 inches by jan, so this would be the perfect challenge that will keep me motivated :yep:.
Sign me up/If i am not too late :blush:

Hey better late than never right:yep:? I am sure Curlidiva will let you join. I just wanted to compliment you on your skills. I love the half wig you made! Thanks so much for posting your video- you definitely gave me some ideas. I do something similar but instead of glue I just sew the tracks on. I am thinking the glue would be much faster, but I would be so scared a track would come flying off:lachen:. Here is how I made my last wig which I love http://public.fotki.com/SelfStyled/2009/homeade-kinky-strai/

I am about to get really creative and actually make a wig where I will have the horseshoe out that way I will be able to do a middle or side part.
Hey better late than never right:yep:? I am sure Curlidiva will let you join. I just wanted to compliment you on your skills. I love the half wig you made! Thanks so much for posting your video- you definitely gave me some ideas. I do something similar but instead of glue I just sew the tracks on. I am thinking the glue would be much faster, but I would be so scared a track would come flying off:lachen:. Here is how I made my last wig which I love http://public.fotki.com/SelfStyled/2009/homeade-kinky-strai/

I am about to get really creative and actually make a wig where I will have the horseshoe out that way I will be able to do a middle or side part.

Wow, that looks real nice! It matches your hair texture so well! I couldn't stand to be patient enough to sit and sew the tracks on, I can barely sit and glue for the short period of time it takes me :look: Lol, My tracks havent slipped yet (THANK GOD!!) The thought of it is just funny :lachen:I have to keep my fingers crossed now!
Hopefully she lets me join, even if I am too late I'll still be on stand by from the outside, challenging myself to accomplish my set goal :yep:!
Hi MissK,

There is a wealth of info in this thread and the 2008 WIG thread..so just start reading! Also, You Tube is a great resource for info!

can they just fall off or slip off or be pulled. how do they stay on securely?

Most wigs have small combs attached (or adjustable bands) on the inside to secure them. Some people (inlcuding myself) worry about the combs along your delicate hairline and remove them. You can secure your wig with these combs, bands, bobby pins. Lace wigs are ususally attached with wig glue or tape. You could also se in a wig just like a weave.

what are the differrent types. i keep hearing about lace front?

Wigs come in all styles and are either made of human hair or synthnic just like weaves. A lace "front" a wig that has a more realistic base at the top so that you can shift your part and your scalp show thru. I recommend that you visit at BSS wig (versus ordering online) for your first wig. They will let you try on different styles and ask your questions.

and some are so inexpensive ($20) and then there are some around $600...

Only a human hair lace wig (not a lace front) should cost $500 or more....This is the type of wigs that Beyconce and Tyra Banks wears that can be worn with deeper parts! If you decide to go the lace wig route, then visit the BLACK HAIR FORUM website- they are lace wig gurus!

how to upkeep them..can pple tell you have cornrows underneath up close? does it look bumpy?

Again, start reading this thread for tips. There are also several guides on YOU Tube of people caring for and blending their wigs.

I wear my hair in cornrows, a low bun or two french braids with not problems.
I'm sure that most you have heard or seen the photos that Tyra Banks removed her WIG (or WEAVE) for her show opener!

Love it or hate it - I'm proud of her to doing this! She is such a longterm weave wearer that I know this must have beed very HARD for her to do!

It reeks of a ratings stunt, but I still give her a thumbs UP!
I'm gonna buy me a new wig this week, I got tired of the same wigs, i think I want something curly this time.. Any suggestions.. I'll wear this one for the next month to protect my hair..
i'm back on the wig bandwagon... i made this one on a stocking cap last Friday. this weekend i plan to make a half wig...

i'm back on the wig bandwagon... i made this one on a stocking cap last Friday. this weekend i plan to make a half wig...


This looks really good!!! Have you done any tutorials for wig making??? If not, would you possibly do one?? That looks so realistic. I would love to make a wig like that!
I think I'm about to get back on the wig wagon. Just read this in another thread and never thought of it, but I'll wear my half wigs but leave no hair out and just use head bands to hide the front...

I'll post some pics if I decide to do that. Won't be buying any new wigs though