Why we must go through trials and tribulations

JenJen2721 said:
That's a very good question, Nyambura, because it does seem strange that a person can have joy in the midst of a struggle....I think that's one thing that makes Christians a very special people.

It can be difficult, but when things get hard for me, I just close my eyes and I'll say thank you, Jesus over and over again, by the time I am finished, I am feeling the joy that comes from praising the Lord over and over again....and even though the situation is still there, I know that God is going to bring me through it so I can stop worrying about it and that's another opportunity for me to get excited about God working in my life.

As far as grieving...I think it's ok to grieve when there is a loss.

ETA: When I was in the hospital, I had a hard time rejoicing and finding the joy, but I kept James 1:2 in my heart and mind. I cried several times about my situation, but one night while I was laying there sleeping, God sent me a message through my dream that told me that he was taking care of everything and that he wasn't going to let me down and I literally woke up out of that dream praising him. It's like when you put in the effort, God helps you the rest of the way.

Hi Jen!
Long time no see (I've been off and on the Boards). Belated congratulations on your newest baby! I'm beginning to understand that faith is the absence of dispair, even when surrounded by grief. I see it's also unwavering trust, the absence of doubt, knowing that although it seems there's no way out, God always makes a way (as He has many times before). I underlined part of your post b/c that's EXACTLY what a colleague of mine told me last year: that once you turn it over to God, it's taken care of so why continue to worry or fret? I'm going to focus on thanking Jesus. Thank you, Jen, for sharing that.
Sweet C said:
I know how u feel. Sometimes when you are going through a trial or a rough circumstance, the first question you want to ask God is why? I know that when I first came to grad school, I felt miserable, was terribly in fear of failing a class that had never been my strong suit, and I kept asking God why am I here? After sometime of moaning and grieving, I finally realized that I was asking the wrong question. The question I needed to ask is God, what is your will for me in this season? How can I best serve you? And you know what, my outlook on my situation change, which eventually changed the situation itself. Of course, I had the occasional setback but they occured less and less the more I prayed and seeked God. And you know I passed that class with a B+, and learned a valuable lesson. If I keep trusting God no matter the circumstance, he will supply every need.

Yes, yes! This is what I have experienced too. When I focus on God's will for me rather than making demands of God, life goes a lot smoother. I wish I had discovered that in grad school, like you did! (Congratulations on your B+!) As I witness suffering of loved ones enduring excruciating grief and tragedy, I'm going to focus on thanking Jesus and waiting on God's direction for what He would have me do. Thank you, Sweet C.

You, Webby, and Jen have shown me that "rejoicing" in life's trials and tribulations is not about feeling elated that you're suffering but rather placing complete faith and trust in God that He's putting you through this for a purpose, and remembering that as God has delivered you in the past, He will do so again. Faith + trust = absence of nagging doubt/fear. Thanks, ladies. :)
Nyambura said:
Hi Jen!
Long time no see (I've been off and on the Boards). Belated congratulations on your newest baby! I'm beginning to understand that faith is the absence of dispair, even when surrounded by grief. I see it's also unwavering trust, the absence of doubt, knowing that although it seems there's no way out, God always makes a way (as He has many times before). I underlined part of your post b/c that's EXACTLY what a colleague of mine told me last year: that once you turn it over to God, it's taken care of so why continue to worry or fret? I'm going to focus on thanking Jesus. Thank you, Jen, for sharing that.

:yep: Isn't God amazing?

It's good to chat w/you too...I've also been off and on..thanks for the congrats.
Vintagecoilylocks said:
I believe the bible teaches that we will go through trials and we will face hardship from this world we live in not that God is going to make up abunch of obstacles for us. We will experience obstacles of our own creation also. When we are faced with what the sinful world deals to us we can become strong in our faith as we turn to God to get through them. Because we are weak and will need him to deal with what the world dishes out. Each time we turn to him for strength then our faith is strengthened. In Christ I can do all things. Paul said in my weakness I find strength.

It was never promised that we would avoid all difficulties. Its what we do when faced with them. They may never be over. For we are also told that all things shall be turned for the good of his purpose.

I was reading of some of the pursecuted christians under communism. The man said that when after being tortured to deny Christ which you did ,the only peace left in their life was the rest in Christ of his forgiveness. Then after that they were forced to torture others to make them deny Christ. At that point some committed suicide so not to be used. He said of those who remained only had the strength to trust in Christ that he and only he would see them through to what ever end was awaiting them. Despare was the enemy. The saving grace and forgiveness of His Lord and Savior was all he had left in the world.

It was not a peace of this world we were promised but" the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesust."

That recounting of what persecuted Christians endured under communism was deep. Thanks for your post, Vintagecoilylocks.
Nyambura said:
You're saying that tough experiences are about trust and faith, not about feeling elated that circumstances are causing you pain.

Yes, in a way. Think of any relationship: mother-daughter, father-son, husband-wife...there's not one of these relationships that endure disappointment, heartache, hurt feelings. However, in the end...we KNOW that these people love us. Now, if we can feel this way about a human, a person who cannot save our souls, I cannot help but feel that much more faith and trust in the Lord. Does that make any sense?

(nya - I thank everyone for participating. sometimes, particularly when I'm at work, I need this forum to keep in touch with His followers.)
When I see rejoice I think it means praise God even before he brings you through. It's a faith walk. You rejoice because you know the trials and tribulations will bring you closer to God. You praise God for what he is going to do and what he has already done. You praise God because even in the midst of trials there is always something to be thankful for.
webby said:
Yes, in a way. Think of any relationship: mother-daughter, father-son, husband-wife...there's not one of these relationships that endure disappointment, heartache, hurt feelings. However, in the end...we KNOW that these people love us. Now, if we can feel this way about a human, a person who cannot save our souls, I cannot help but feel that much more faith and trust in the Lord. Does that make any sense?

(nya - I thank everyone for participating. sometimes, particularly when I'm at work, I need this forum to keep in touch with His followers.)

Yep. ;)
sillygurl18 said:
When I see rejoice I think it means praise God even before he brings you through. It's a faith walk. You rejoice because you know the trials and tribulations will bring you closer to God. You praise God for what he is going to do and what he has already done. You praise God because even in the midst of trials there is always something to be thankful for.

I am glad I asked the question. The responses are enlightening. :yep: Thanks, sillygirl.
I have not asked why since I was a little girl in ignorance of my Lord. Now I ask why meaning what are you showing me in my life. What am I being prepared for?. Often our trials, if we seek the Lord, will be magnified and elevated to be a tool as witness to others for Christ. How we respond will effect more then just us. He will use it for the good of his purpose if we trust in him. They meant it for evil, God turns it for good. Try and remember they can only kill you once and then it is only physical. But you can be a useful tool for Christ over and over. That is what I have been taught rejoicing in our trials meant. That if God can continue to be able to use you for his purpose ithat is something to rejoice about. Remember the Lord told us not to become like the salt trampled under feet, but a light to all peoples. So whether in good or bad times there is the opportunity to be a valued instrument of the Lord. Alleluia!
If you haven't asked why since you were a little girl in ignorance of the Lord, that's great. I'm still reading through the Bible on my own, rather than relying on other people to tell me what's in it, so I could be wrong in this but I thought that when Jesus was on the cross, He asked God "Why have You forsaken me?" It seems like even Jesus had a moment of questioning...but according to your opening statement then, since He asked "why," He must have been ignorant of the Lord? I am amazed by people who have never questioned since childhood and I accept them at their word. I am so different from that. I learn by asking questions. It deepens my understanding as an adult of why I believe what I do.