
Well-Known Member
I got my hair relaxed Wed 11/20 at the salon, my usual stylist. Soon as she started applying the relaxer after it have set for maybe 30 seconds, it was burning! She didn't get half way done until it was burning like crazy!!! She sprayed some oil sheen on the relaxer, that helped a slight bit, but seconds after that it went back to burning like h*ll. I couldn't let it sit and "process" any longer after she finished smoothing it through. She rinsed, still burned. She left the neutralizing shampoo on for a few minutes. It was better but still tingling. :ohwell: I asked her why was it burning so much and she said "it's a lye relaxer" that didn't make sense cause I always use a lye-relaxer and it never burned like that :nono: Then she went on and asked have I been wearing caps, I said "no, but I have been wearing scarfs (to cover my NG) for weeks now" and she said "When u wear caps/hats, it opens your pores, so when the chemicals touches your scalp, it's going to burn like that" That made a lil sense. So, I went home and thought nothing of it. I wrapped it and went to sleep. The next morning, I unwrap it and there's a patch of hair that's stuck to my scalp! I put some Sta-sof-fro on it to try and loosen it up. I was able to de-tangle the hair that was stuck together that was stuck an inch away from the roots. But the roots that are stuck to the scalp, were [still is] a lot harder to loosen up so I just left it alone because I don't want to cut it just now. :nono::nono::nono:

ETA: I had a similar situation when I was using a growth aid that was medicated. I think I had applied it a day or two before I got relaxer and my hair was burning in that area. Hair was stuck to my scalp in a small section in the front. I wasn't able to comb thoroughly there for a couple days, I just keep applying some type of moisturizer and it eventually loosened up. I think I had a scab, nevertheless, it came off, I lost a few hairs but not that much. I'm mentioning this because I've been using BT for 3 weeks and applied it a day or 2 before getting my relaxer. I'm thinking this can may this be the link to my problem? :ohwell:

Any suggestions/advice? :ohwell:

And If you've went through this, did you cut your hair?
How did you overcome this?
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had to be from the growth aid, especially if it has sulfur which I hear BT has. This happened to me too, I had been using Sulfur 8 in my hair....I barely was able to do the fourth section....felt like there was acid on my scalp....I've tried waiting at least a week or two from the last application of sulfur 8 and my relaxer. I had purchased some MTG, too. ironically, this helps me stretch because I remember the burning like yesterday, girl!! :burning::eek2:. sorry you found out the hard way like I did
had to be from the growth aid, especially if it has sulfur which I hear BT has. This happened to me too, I had been using Sulfur 8 in my hair....I barely was able to do the fourth section....felt like there was acid on my scalp....I've tried waiting at least a week or two from the last application of sulfur 8 and my relaxer. I had purchased some MTG, too. ironically, this helps me stretch because I remember the burning like yesterday, girl!! :burning::eek2:. sorry you found out the hard way like I did

:lachen:@ :burning:

U didn't have to cut ur hair out, did u?
If it was just in a single section then I wouldn't blame it on a growth aid. I think something had to aggrevate your scalp in that spot (ie combing, scratching, rubbing, etc). That used to happen to me when some part of my scalp had been recently aggrevated.
Most likely the growth aid was the problem. On the BT bottle in the warning section it states that it is recommended that you cease using BT at least 7 days before relaxing.
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I'm sorry this happened to you! This actually happened to both me and my sister every time we got our hair relaxed :perplexed

We used to prevent the scab burns by greasing our scalp the night we get our hair relaxed. We did this every night up until about 3 nights after the relaxer, and this really helped. Any product the consistency of vaseline would work, but only use a little.

ETA: Come to think of it, maybe vaseline isn't the best product to apply to the scalp. This was pre-LHCF, so we didn't know any better. If that happened to me now, I would apply some type of oil, maybe vitamin E oil would be best. HTH!
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If it was just in a single section then I wouldn't blame it on a growth aid. I think something had to aggrevate your scalp in that spot (ie combing, scratching, rubbing, etc). That used to happen to me when some part of my scalp had been recently aggrevated.

agreed. And you should not have to cut your hair because of this...your scalp will heal....
My hair used to get stuck to my scalp all the time. I never even cared what was happening but for me at the time it meant that my hair was super duper straight to the nth power. I loved that! I loved when it burned too and would rarely speak up for fear my hair would not be straight (sick, I know):wallbash:. Usually, I had a weeping scalp underneath the stuck hair and after a couple of days it would dry up and start to flake off. I wouldn't even bother to wash it because that's how much I didn't care about my hair at the time. Anyway, I would leave it alone for now if at all possible and eventually it will start to heal and dry up. At that time I would wash it (maybe a cowash) with something ultra hydrating and soothing and it should be fine.

Trust me, I've had so many scalp injuries that I'm surprised that I still have hair in those spots.
My hair used to get stuck to my scalp all the time. I never even cared what was happening but for me at the time it meant that my hair was super duper straight to the nth power. I loved that! I loved when it burned too and would rarely speak up for fear my hair would not be straight (sick, I know):wallbash:.

Trust me, I've had so many scalp injuries that I'm surprised that I still have hair in those spots.
I started letting my older sister put a perm in my head when I was 18. She told me if it didn't burn the relaxer would not take, lol. I believed her and sat there like an idiot :lachen: To be young and naive again... :spinning:
I week before and after a relaxer, I don't use my pepermint and rosemary mix because I'm afraid it might burn. Plus don't drink any sodas or acidic drinks before a relaxer. I think it might have been your growth aid.
I started letting my older sister put a perm in my head when I was 18. She told me if it didn't burn the relaxer would not take, lol. I believed her and sat there like an idiot :lachen: To be young and naive again... :spinning:

Girl yeah. I would be sitting there on fire and they would be asking "you ok?" and I would say "yeah, I'm fine" through gritted teeth.

One time, I couldn't even fake it anymore and started to fan my scalp with my hand. The lady next to me was like, "HEY MARY, THIS GIRL ON FIRE OVA' HERE!"

I STILL wouldn't say anything. The lady next to me saved my @ss/hair.
Girl yeah. I would be sitting there on fire and they would be asking "you ok?" and I would say "yeah, I'm fine" through gritted teeth.

One time, I couldn't even fake it anymore and started to fan my scalp with my hand. The lady next to me was like, "HEY MARY, THIS GIRL ON FIRE OVA' HERE!"

I STILL wouldn't say anything. The lady next to me saved my @ss/hair.

I used to do that too. Be shaking in the chair using a magazine as a fan :nono::nono:What in the H*ell was I thinking...No wonder I still have slow growing spots..I have fried my follicules
E_W, you are right leave the stuck area alone. Apply some triple antibiotic cream/lotion or neosporin, some emu oil and vitamin E until it loosens on its own to avoid pulling out your hair. The area will heal with minimal hair loss if you are patient for at least a week. Happened to me a while back due to inadequate neutralizing at the salon. NO PICKING AT IT!!!!
Most likely the growth aid was the problem. On the BT bottle in the warning section it states that it is recommended that you cease using BT at least 7 days before relaxing.

I agree with this post. I stopped using my BT 9 days before my last relaxer and I still had burning. I plan to stop using it a full 14 days before my next relaxer which will allow me to wash/DC 3x's before my relaxer. I'm hoping my scalp will be clear of most of the sulfur by then.
I got my hair relaxed Wed 11/20 at the salon, my usual stylist. Soon as she started applying the relaxer after it have set for maybe 30 seconds, it was burning! She didn't get half way done until it was burning like crazy!!! She sprayed some oil sheen on the relaxer, that helped a slight bit, but seconds after that it went back to burning like h*ll. I couldn't let it sit and "process" any longer after she finished smoothing it through. She rinsed, still burned. She left the neutralizing shampoo on for a few minutes. It was better but still tingling. :ohwell: I asked her why was it burning so much and she said "it's a lye relaxer" that didn't make sense cause I always use a lye-relaxer and it never burned like that :nono: Then she went on and asked have I been wearing caps, I said "no, but I have been wearing scarfs (to cover my NG) for weeks now" and she said "When u wear caps/hats, it opens your pores, so when the chemicals touches your scalp, it's going to burn like that" That made a lil sense. So, I went home and thought nothing of it. I wrapped it and went to sleep. The next morning, I unwrap it and there's a patch of hair that's stuck to my scalp! I put some Sta-sof-fro on it to try and loosen it up. I was able to de-tangle the hair that was stuck together that was stuck an inch away from the roots. But the roots that are stuck to the scalp, were [still is] a lot harder to loosen up so I just left it alone because I don't want to cut it just now. :nono::nono::nono:

ETA: I had a similar situation when I was using a growth aid that was medicated. I think I had applied it a day or two before I got relaxer and my hair was burning in that area. Hair was stuck to my scalp in a small section in the front. I wasn't able to comb thoroughly there for a couple days, I just keep applying some type of moisturizer and it eventually loosened up. I think I had a scab, nevertheless, it came off, I lost a few hairs but not that much. I'm mentioning this because I've been using BT for 3 weeks and applied it a day or 2 before getting my relaxer. I'm thinking this can may this be the link to my problem? :ohwell:

Any suggestions/advice? :ohwell:

And If you've went through this, did you cut your hair?
How did you overcome this?

My mother used to relax my hair like this, Noone else had ever relaxed me before, so I thought it was normal, but just they way you describe it, that it was stuck together, almost like it some pieces of hair was super glued together and to your scalp, obviously it didnt feel right. But I couldnt say anything :(

I overcame it by finding longhair care forum, never let anyone touch my hair since then ( exept from Jennifer, who actually got me into this forum, and taught me about hair care) :) I try to let my mother know but she wont listen of course, she kept saying my hair is surposed to be like that because I have " bad" hair, oh well, my hair is long and healthy now, and hers is the same as always she wont admit it or ask for it, but she needs my help seriously :D
This happened to me when I relaxed a few weeks ago.

I think the "stuck hair" is due to the scalp weeping and then drying onto the hair. In other words, it's puss :nono:

I just put some aloe vera gel on my hair every night, and by day 5, my scalp didn't hurt any more and the puss had gone.

I also used a lye relaxer (SE) and based my scalp using Vaseline. I don't know why it burned me so bad.

The same thing happened to me this relaxer. I washed my hair 2 days prior to relaxer, and worked out, which didn't help matters. I was only able to leave the relaxer on about 10 minutes. I didn't want my hair bone straight anyway, but it still is not relaxed as well as I wanted. I will just have to live with it for the next 3 - 4 months. I did get 2 small areas in the front that scab a little but the hair didn't stick to my scalp. I put vitamin e oil on it and it was just fine. I have been doing co-washes and bunning. I have nice waves in my hair right now. I kinda like it. I will probably feel different if it start to get tangled because it didn't relax as straight, we shall see.
The ladies haven't steered you wrong at all. It's probably from the BT and yup, your scalp produced puss to scab over a burn and it probably got on your hair, so that's why it's "stuck" to your scalp. Keep applying antibiotic burn creme or Vitamin E oil directly to that area. Don't comb or brush your scalp - it's tender. When you're ready it can't hurt to wash, but make sure you baby your scalp, gently shampoo (no scratching), gently condition and dry your hair. I'm sure that will do it.

In the future, do not allow a stylist to do your hair if she "expects" the relaxer to burn because it's lye. I have used Lye in the past (years ago) without burning...So have others. She's not right. :nono:

The same thing happened to me this relaxer. I washed my hair 2 days prior to relaxer, and worked out, which didn't help matters. I was only able to leave the relaxer on about 10 minutes. I didn't want my hair bone straight anyway, but it still is not relaxed as well as I wanted. I will just have to live with it for the next 3 - 4 months. I did get 2 small areas in the front that scab a little but the hair didn't stick to my scalp. I put vitamin e oil on it and it was just fine. I have been doing co-washes and bunning. I have nice waves in my hair right now. I kinda like it. I will probably feel different if it start to get tangled because it didn't relax as straight, we shall see.

My stylist always told me not to shampoo my hair 3 days before my relaxer nor comb or brush a day before.
The ladies haven't steered you wrong at all. It's probably from the BT and yup, your scalp produced puss to scab over a burn and it probably got on your hair, so that's why it's "stuck" to your scalp. Keep applying antibiotic burn creme or Vitamin E oil directly to that area. Don't comb or brush your scalp - it's tender. When you're ready it can't hurt to wash, but make sure you baby your scalp, gently shampoo (no scratching), gently condition and dry your hair. I'm sure that will do it.

In the future, do not allow a stylist to do your hair if she "expects" the relaxer to burn because it's lye. I have used Lye in the past (years ago) without burning...So have others. She's not right. :nono:

Yea, I know. I don't know what the hell my stylist was talking about when she said that. She's always used a lye-relaxer and she knows it :rolleyes: Maybe she really didn't know what to say or what was really going on. I've been going to her for about 6 yrs now, she's coo, but I don't believe everything she says. I've proven her wrong some of the times (didn't tell her though :look:)
had to be from the growth aid, especially if it has sulfur which I hear BT has. This happened to me too, I had been using Sulfur 8 in my hair....I barely was able to do the fourth section....felt like there was acid on my scalp....I've tried waiting at least a week or two from the last application of sulfur 8 and my relaxer. I had purchased some MTG, too. ironically, this helps me stretch because I remember the burning like yesterday, girl!! :burning::eek2:. sorry you found out the hard way like I did

I swear I wish you would've saw my question asking how close I should use Sulfur 8 on my head and get a perm. I asked, 200,000 people, okay, like 60 people read it and no one answered. SO, I had used it like 3 days before the perm and FFFIIIIIYYYYAAAHHH!!! My stylist couldn't even get all the perm in good before I was running towards the sink to get that relaxer washed out! That was the worst feeling in the world! She asked where it burned, I told her that every hair follicle I had was burning. It felt like a million needles were being stabbed into my scalp. I wouldn't wish that on anyone!! I promptly came on here and answered my own question for all to see so that the ones who didn't know wouldn't make the same mistake...:ohwell: