why should i not......


Well-Known Member
use a curling or straightning comb that is heated by a marcel stove on my hair? i was on the cathy howse site and she keeps repeating that under no circumstances should you use this on chemically processed hair. i have relaxe hair and have been using a hot comb and curling iron on the marcel stove forever lol.
whats wrong with this?
i mean now that i normally do my hair myself i flat iron my hair with an FHI or CHI but i do still go to the salon once every 3 months. the only set backs i've had with my hair is a bleaching mishap that caused my hair to thin REALLy bad but it got thicker since then and at the time i was getting my hair pressed every 2 weeks.

i know people generally prefer a flat iron over the hot comb so im not asking about your preference, i just want to know what is supposed to be wrong with it.
she keeps saying not on chemically processed hair so i assume its ok for naturals, why is that?
I think the idea is because you can't really control the heat of a hot comb or marcel iron, you can cool it down but you still don't know what the exact temp is. Since relaxed hair is already compromised and broken down to an extent it cannot take prolong usage of high heat before the hair becomes completely destroyed.