Why Relaxed?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I just finished reading "Why Natural" and I cant lie I'm itching to transition. Not only do I love the different textures that I see Natural's with but I think their natural hair is beautiful and have to admit that its healthier HOWEVER I really dont have the patience of transitioning or the emotionally strength of going through the up's and down's of transitioning and the length of time it will take for it to get %100 natural and long. I wish I would have learned about this forum years ago but reality is I didnt. I'm 29 y.o. currently have been stretching for approx. 2 months my next relaxer is suppose to be in Sept I'm currently about SL and think that relaxing would be just more easier and convenient for me. Though I like to be different I like simplicity as well. I dont know what to do relax in Sept or keep stretching to see where it takes me. So I'm wondering for all those that are relaxed....why are you relaxed and not au natural?:look:
Simple...bacause I wanna...:lachen:

Really, its easier FOR ME to relax than be natural. My hair is very very thick. People think I am natural as is. If I want a curly style, I'll weave it up. If I want it straight, I'll rollerset or flat iron. It requires alot of heat to straighten natural hair and I am not a big heat fan so relaxing just works for me.
Honestly, it was done when I was a child and when I was a tween and couldn't really wrap my mind around it, and I haven't bothered to do anything about it yet.
Simple...bacause I wanna...:lachen:

Really, its easier FOR ME to relax than be natural. My hair is very very thick. People think I am natural as is. If I want a curly style, I'll weave it up. If I want it straight, I'll rollerset or flat iron. It requires alot of heat to straighten natural hair and I am not a big heat fan so relaxing just works for me.

Yes ma'am. Cause I wanna! I like to air dry and wear my hair out and people think I'm natural as well. My hair is very very thick!
Honestly, it was done when I was a child and when I was a tween and couldn't really wrap my mind around it, and I haven't bothered to do anything about it yet.

me too. I am taking baby steps so right now i am stretching my relaxers I may eventually go natural without the BC once I reach pass SL. I rely on the salon too much when I am not in a weave/wig.
I just wanted to say, being natural can be very simple as well.

When I say simplicity I mean I want to be able to brush it back in a ponytail and go, 2 seconds tops :grin: lol. I just got a relaxer in June and right now my new growth is off the chain, knots, tangles, frustration. It took so much time and it was so time consuming and exhausting just to deal with that I couldnt imagine how time consuming it would be being natural cause I just know my natural hair wouldnt be that soft wavy type :ohwell: and it would be even more time consuming (from what Ive seen in my baby/toddler pics).
When I say simplicity I mean I want to be able to brush it back in a ponytail and go, 2 seconds tops :grin: lol. I just got a relaxer in June and right now my new growth is off the chain, knots, tangles, frustration. It took so much time and it was so time consuming and exhausting just to deal with that I couldnt imagine how time consuming it would be being natural cause I just know my natural hair wouldnt be that soft wavy type :ohwell: and it would be even more time consuming (from what Ive seen in my baby/toddler pics).

You would be able to do that with natural hair, maybe not 2 seconds tops...more like 60 seconds tops :grin:
Well before I would say it's all I've ever known, but since I've dabbled in 6-7 month realxer stretches I would say I relax b/c to deal with my new growth I have to constantly do co-washes, if I try to deal with my new growth when it is dry I am asking for major breakage and it just comes out! I also tend to like straight styles more so than curly/ afro styles so I know if I were natural I would use heat daily, and thats way too much manipulation for me. I'd rather relax it every 3-6 months (i still haven't found my schedule I like) and then no worry about it on a daily basis.
When I say simplicity I mean I want to be able to brush it back in a ponytail and go, 2 seconds tops :grin: lol. I just got a relaxer in June and right now my new growth is off the chain, knots, tangles, frustration. It took so much time and it was so time consuming and exhausting just to deal with that I couldnt imagine how time consuming it would be being natural cause I just know my natural hair wouldnt be that soft wavy type :ohwell: and it would be even more time consuming (from what Ive seen in my baby/toddler pics).

I just put my hair in a ponytail...it did take 10 seconds though:grin:.

I've found that when natural hair is really well moisturized, it behaves well and is easy to handle.

Anyway, good luck on your decision.
I like straight hair so I'm relaxed. I don't want to take the time to press my hair to get it straight and worry about humidity all the time.
I like straight styles a whole lot better, but I wouldnt mind being natural if I could do it just by snapping my fingers. other than that I dont have the patience to transition.
Because my braidout looks the bizness right about now.

Mine as well Sweetie:grin:

Seriously I love curly hair but I dont like everything else that comes with it tangles, knots, locs however you name it. I know what I am talking about, I have been both natural and relaxed in my life. My tenderheaded self could not take it anymore, my hair is just too thick .

Well I am texlaxed, so I have the best of both worlds. I mainly wear my hair curly (braidouts, washngos) and I really love it. They say natural hair offers more versatility in theory, but that was not the case for me and for probably most of the thick haired girls. Afros and puffs, not for me, tangles city all the way. Braids, twists, cornrows, not for me, traction alopecia guaranteed. Although my hair is coarse, my hairline is very soft. My pressed natural hair was a mess, a real joke, it would last for a hot minute, if that:lachen:Bottomline, I love all the outs, braid-outs, BKouts, twistouts, and my relaxed hair really handles them very well, whether it is loose or in a bun, no knots, easy-to-comb hair.

My 2 sisters are natural, I really admire the dedication they give to their hair. It is easier for them to maintain it during the summertime though. But unfortunately in the cold Montreal, the good weather only lasts a few months (3) and most of the time washngos are very difficult during the cold months, so managing natural is very challenging in such circumstances, not impossible, just challenging:yep: I am very proud of them, really:yep:
I like straight hair. I would like to have natural hair at some point. But I could see myself going back to relaxing. And from what I've seen of it so far, I really don't like my natural hair.
I just put my hair in a ponytail...it did take 10 seconds though:grin:.

I've found that when natural hair is really well moisturized, it behaves well and is easy to handle.

Anyway, good luck on your decision.

It really depends on the thickness of the hair honestly. I've seen people on board complaining about thick and coarse hair and I am like :yawn: if only they knew what it is really like:nono: Even relaxed I have a problem putting my airdried hair in a bun, I have to weigh it down with heavy moisturizing products first...
Honestly, because this all i know.:look: I've been relaxed since a young child and as an adult i just continued the process. But one day i will experience the natural side, i just wanna see how far this relaxed, healthy hair will take me.
It really depends on the thickness of the hair honestly. I've seen people on board complaining about thick and coarse hair and I am like :yawn: if only they knew what it is really like:nono: Even relaxed I have a problem putting my airdried hair in a bun, I have to weigh it down with heavy moisturizing products first...

Each head of hair has its own challenges. My hair isn't "thick" but I've even had to adjust my tools, methods, and thought process when dealing with my hair.

For some people, it's easier just to relax and keep it moving. For me, it's easier (and makes me happier) to get creative and work with my hair.
I was relaxed because I hated my dry, natural hair..did not know of the moisture and styling options for it other than braids. I, now love my styling options and freedom from the costs, scalp torture, imprisonment of salons every few weeks and the beauty of my natural texture continues to surprise and amaze me. Relaxed hair is beautiful when done right but so are naturals.
....why are you relaxed and not au natural?:look:[/quote]

I'm in the same position with you right now. I just finished washing my hair and I really want to grow out this relaxer and go natural! But I dont want to big chop, nor do I want to go through the transitioning phase...:nono:
I USED to be relaxed because that was all I knew. I thought it was as normal as taking a shower every day or eating.
Each head of hair has its own challenges. My hair isn't "thick" but I've even had to adjust my tools, methods, and thought process when dealing with my hair.

For some people, it's easier just to relax and keep it moving. For me, it's easier (and makes me happier) to get creative and work with my hair.

Exactly, I know what you are talking about, I've been natural too...And definitely it is easier to relax :yep: I am creative in so many productive ways, so I dont mind keeping it simple when it comes to my hair, it is less challenging for me.
I was natural all my life and was used to getting press n curls every other week. Never wanted a relaxer because a press n curl in Cali is better than a relaxer any day. Then as I became older, I found the ease of a relaxer and I love it.
I have gone natural twice and I am now relaxed. At the moment I like the way that I look with relaxed hair and I enjoy the styles that I am doing with my hair. Currently I am wearing curly rollersets. I am now a sucker for big hair after having a massive fro.

I love both relaxed and natural. I cannot debate with another person about why they enjoy their own hair. Whatever floats your boat or finds your lost remote...:look:
Like others, I relax my hair because I've never dealt with it any other way and I'm just uncomfortable with short hair. I've never had really short hair, and I don't want it. When I stretched my relaxer for 16 weeks not long ago, I was in plain awe and kept touching my curly new growth. I would like to be natural one day, but I'd rather keep at my goal of long hair.
I think you can have versatile styles with both natural and relaxed hair. I am relaxed because I enjoy the straight look and I can maintain it for a month or so. I like the natural look, but I will wait until latter years of my life to be natural. :yep:

Follow your heart on this decision. If you decide to go natural don't look at the natural process in a negative light, just see it as a change and new beginning!