Why Relaxed?

I think you can have versatile styles with both natural and relaxed hair. I am relaxed because I enjoy the straight look and I can maintain it for a month or so. I like the natural look, but I will wait until latter years of my life to be natural. :yep:

Follow your heart on this decision. If you decide to go natural don't look at the natural process in a negative light, just see it as a change and new beginning!

This is such a positive attitude to have when dealing with your hair. Because for me once you look at something in a negative light that's what it's going to be:nono:. I'm just finishing up on a 15 week stretch and let me tell you I love my hair, natural and relaxed parts:spinning:.I to am like OP,after doing this stretch I too am at a cross roads of such.Should I or should I not,heck I'm thinking of canceling my appt this Wednesday for a touch up:grin:.Plus it's hot as heck,I wouldn't be wearing my hair down on my neck anyway.So who knows:rolleyes:
I am relaxed and not natural because I like the straight look that a relaxer can achieve. I am aware you can get the same look being a natural. But, being relaxed works for me.
Just to be clear I'm not trying to argue which is better this forum is not called battle of the hair types Relaxed V.S Natural :look: I just wanted those who are relaxed to share why they arent natural and see if I feel that same kind of happiness I felt in the other forum when reading about why those who went natural went natural, thats all :rolleyes:
I just thought that I could not be a successful natural. I've tried so many times in the past and failed due to frustration because I could not style my hair. Now that I am older, my hair is just not taking to relaxers like it used to.:rolleyes: Now I'm transitioning.
Let's see...

1.I like straight hair and I feel I can achieve it easier and quicker with relaxed hair
2.I like curly/wavy hairstyles as well and all I have to do is do a braidout or bantu set and viola!
3. I've never had short hair and hate darmatic haircuts....I tried to transition...It took me 6 months and 2 days without a relaxer to realize that I was in no mood to cut my straight ends off...so I didn't and relaxed again
4.I feel that being natural might be a little more time consuming and I know that I already spend enough time dealing with my hair

Soo...yea that's about it. although everytime I stretch (I'm at four months now) I consider going natural but I have set a personal goal to reach midback length relaxed hair and then I'll reconsider going natural.
I've been both natural (as an adult) and relaxed. I just love my relaxer. I like how my hair looks, acts and feels when it's relaxed.
I am transitioning right, now though because I would like to have the option of going curly whenever I chose.
I relaxed because when I chopped off my hair that had previously been Wave Nouveau'd my hair was super dry, I had no definition, and my hair was out of control. I know now that was because I had it covered for a year without moisturizing or washing on a regular basis.

My hair is very thick and I can't get my hair in a ponytail without out wetting it or putting conditioner in it but I have also realized that it isn't half as unmanageable as I thought it was once I got my moisture levels up and especially after I started using henna.

I haven't done a touch up since March and I love the waves I have in areas that are more delicate and get too straight for my liking when I texlax. I love my natural hair but I love length (that shows) even more so I don't know what I am going to do - keep relaxing or go natural without a bc.
Ok so I just finished reading "Why Natural" and I cant lie I'm itching to transition. Not only do I love the different textures that I see Natural's with but I think their natural hair is beautiful and have to admit that its healthier HOWEVER I really dont have the patience of transitioning or the emotionally strength of going through the up's and down's of transitioning and the length of time it will take for it to get %100 natural and long. I wish I would have learned about this forum years ago but reality is I didnt. I'm 29 y.o. currently have been stretching for approx. 2 months my next relaxer is suppose to be in Sept I'm currently about SL and think that relaxing would be just more easier and convenient for me. Though I like to be different I like simplicity as well. I dont know what to do relax in Sept or keep stretching to see where it takes me. So I'm wondering for all those that are relaxed....why are you relaxed and not au natural?:look:

I LOVE THIS THREAD! I was thinking of making a "Why Relaxed?" thread. Though I'm not relaxed anymore, I first relaxed at 9 because I was going to England to visit family and I knew I would be swimming a lot, and my Grandmother didn't have time to do my hair. So mom brought the relaxer suggestion and I was all for it because everytime I wanted my hair out I heard "you have to relax your hair for that, otherwise it will frizz/ knot up/ (insert your other favorite problem here)". I began to view natural hair as a problem for the styles I wanted, and with a relaxed sister and mother, it was only "natural" for me to want one.
TIME 2: After transitioning to natural (pre lhcf days) I found my hair not being what I expected, and blowdried it straight all the time. After continuously finding hairs that were split about 5x along the shaft I just thought why not relax? So I did!
I plan on transitioning to natural VERY soon. However, i'm relaxed at the moment because i want to see how long i can grow my hair out while i already have a little length. I also would like to see my natural hair and how long that can grow, but not before i give this relaxed thing one last go :yep:
I do it because i like straight styles without the 2 hrs + in flat ironing. not to mention touching uo a straight style when mother nature has her fits. It is a convenience for me. I think that relaxed sistas have to do that much more to maintain as far as every day regimens, but overall it is a convenient choice (in my opinion).