Transmission CategoryEstimated # of AIDS Cases, in 2005Adult and Adolescent MaleAdult and Adolescent FemaleTotalMale-to-male sexual contact17,230-17,230Injection Drug Use5,4412,9408,381Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use2,018-2,018High-risk heterosexual contact*4,7977,59112,388Other**280243523
Here are the stats.
If the chart doesn't show up correctly then you can go to the website link.
It looks as though (from these stats) that homosexual contact (of the male variety) is the no. 1 reason for HIV spreading with heterosexual contact at a close no. 2.
I'm posting these stats only because info has been thrown around which has not been supported by any links charts or graphs.
I'm not in Shimmie's brain but I don't think she was saying only homosexuals give or receive HIV. I think she was acknowledging that they make up a very large percentage for the distribution of it. If you look at CDC statistics, that's what it says and what else do you have to go by.
Someone explained to me once that because of the type of entry (male to male) contact involved there is a higher risk of contraction mainly because the anus is not made for entry (there are more chances for tears, fishers, abrasions, which can cause small amounts of bleeding, etc) than vaginal sex. Therefore, it could possibly be "easier transmission for the virus" than vaginal sex.
My only problem about homosexuality is that I don't want to hear the intimate details of it. I don't want those visuals. Sorry. But since we aren't really supposed to discuss those types of things on this board anyway, I'm not sure that would even be an issue. We never discuss sexual acts here (as far as I've seen). In fact, I tried to post something about black men saying we don't go down south and it was quickly delated (I was unaware of the rule at the time).
So I guess having said all that I wouldn't have a problem with it so long as there wasn't too much imagery provided. Frankly, I don't want too much imagery of hetero's either.
But, I think some people were too hard on Shimmie. She clearly comes from a religious perspective and I often hear people tell me this isn't a religious issue so keep religion out of it. But if you are a religious person, especially Christianity teaches that all decisions and all thoughts should dwell on what is pleasing to God so in that regard, I don't really expect her to separate her opinions from what she thinks God things is right (if that makes sense).