Why is this????


New Member
Why is it that if I co wash my hair and sit around the house, it takes about 12 hours to dry, but if I co wash and go outside, it takes 2 hours to dry?

I've never understood this... it works in every temperature, so it's not that it's any hotter or colder outside. W

WHAT is it?

Has anyone else ever noticed this?
same here...

I have just assumed that with going outside, I am moving and thus air and wind are moving through my hair. Even if it's just from the house to the car and then the car to a store or something. Those few moments of movement and outside air really make a difference.
Let me try to explain it in a simple and short way.

Basically the wind carries/pushes/pulls the water molecules off your hair which results in drying. Molecules under normal temperature and conditions are in a state of motion or vibration but we cant see that obviously. So the wind which has velocity bumps into the already moving molecules of water meaning they will easily be "bumped" off your hair and into the atmosphere. In a room, the air isnt moving as fast as out doors so it takes longer for the molecules to be carried off your hair resulting in a longer drying time.

Its is also helpful to be aware that drying time/evaporation is also affected by temperature, humidity, and surface area among other things. On a rainy cold day drying time will probably be longer out doors because the atmoshpere is already saturated with water molecules from the rain and cant readily take anymore. It will dry faster inside your warm house because the air is most likely drier and warmer since heat provides energy, inturn increasing the rate at which the water molecules on your hair vibrate and eventually jump off the hair, leaving it dry.

I hope that made sense:) .
Lkaysgirl said:
Molecules under normal temperature and conditions are in a state of motion or vibration but we cant see that obviously. So the wind which has velocity bumps into the already moving molecules of water meaning they will easily be "bumped" off your hair and into the atmosphere. In a room, the air isnt moving as fast as out doors so it takes longer for the molecules to be carried off your hair resulting in a longer drying time.

Thanks, that's just what I needed. I always wondered WHY even if it wasn't windy outdoors would my hair dry faster...

Now I'm like... duh I should have known that. I feel slow :lol:
Let me try to explain it in a simple and short way.

Basically the wind carries/pushes/pulls the water molecules off your hair which results in drying. Molecules under normal temperature and conditions are in a state of motion or vibration but we cant see that obviously. So the wind which has velocity bumps into the already moving molecules of water meaning they will easily be "bumped" off your hair and into the atmosphere. In a room, the air isnt moving as fast as out doors so it takes longer for the molecules to be carried off your hair resulting in a longer drying time.

Its is also helpful to be aware that drying time/evaporation is also affected by temperature, humidity, and surface area among other things. On a rainy cold day drying time will probably be longer out doors because the atmoshpere is already saturated with water molecules from the rain and cant readily take anymore. It will dry faster inside your warm house because the air is most likely drier and warmer since heat provides energy, inturn increasing the rate at which the water molecules on your hair vibrate and eventually jump off the hair, leaving it dry.

I hope that made sense:) .
I love this