Why does it seem EVERYONE can co wash daily and I can't?

Okay, I think I have finally found a regimen that works for my hair and lifestyle. I wash and dc on sundays. I apply oils and mt to scalp... and then a little leave-in. Rollerset and sit under the dryer for 1 1/2 hours. I like this and it isn't that hard to do. My question is, how do you guys co-wash and function? I know everybody isn't rollersetting there hair 4-6x a week.:superman: So, how are you guys washing your hair so much and functioning? I also need to point out that if I wash my hair and let it air-dry- 1. It would take 3 days to dry
2. It would be as crunchy as capn crunch cereal.
3. People would staring at me like "No maam, do something to yourself!!!!"

It is getting colder, and my hair is dry. Rollersetting is the only way I get it to look decent and also moisturized in a style. I really try to not use heat outside of with the rollers.So, please explain!!!!! How do I maintain moisture in the colder days?:freakout:

I have co washed daily.

At first, my hair got SO mad at me and became dry and cruchy. Even though I always put leave in and oil in afterwards.

So I started DCing every other day and my hair calmed down. I stopped doing that because it's just silly and time consuming.

Seems like my hair doesn't like to be rinsed daily... no matter if it's conditioner, plain water or shampoo.

What I do now is just WET my hair daily, then apply leave in/oil. No running water touches it, but every day I get water into my hair, my curls are revived, but no dryness at all, no loss of moisturizer/oils in my hair.

Some people can't co wash daily. Just like some people can't use protein a lot, or cant use sulfates, or their hair gets yucky when they use cones even though other people's hair flourish with certain methods/products... nothing works for everyone!


I have co washed daily.

At first, my hair got SO mad at me and became dry and cruchy. Even though I always put leave in and oil in afterwards.

So I started DCing every other day and my hair calmed down. I stopped doing that because it's just silly and time consuming.

Seems like my hair doesn't like to be rinsed daily... no matter if it's conditioner, plain water or shampoo.

What I do now is just WET my hair daily, then apply leave in/oil. No running water touches it, but every day I get water into my hair, my curls are revived, but no dryness at all, no loss of moisturizer/oils in my hair.

Some people can't co wash daily. Just like some people can't use protein a lot, or cant use sulfates, or their hair gets yucky when they use cones even though other people's hair flourish with certain methods/products... nothing works for everyone!

That's the problem I had too. That's why I just went back to washing and dcing once a week. It always felt dry when I cowashed after a few days. It would start to look fuzzy too.
ITA with most points of this thread. Some people simply dont have WNG hair. I have WNG hair and it really agrees with it, but I cant even think twice about having cornrows. theres a flip side to everything.
I can't... its just tooo much effort, I find it hard enough trying to make sure I wash and deep cond once per week.

My ideal would be wash and deep cond 2x per week but during the week after work I am just soo tired, and its not so much the washing its the styling afterward that is a pain.

Also when I tried to co-wash everyday I felt like I was obsessing about my hair too much and how much it is growing, sometimes I just like to forget about my hair and let it grow.
Okay, I think I have finally found a regimen that works for my hair and lifestyle. I wash and dc on sundays. I apply oils and mt to scalp... and then a little leave-in. Rollerset and sit under the dryer for 1 1/2 hours. I like this and it isn't that hard to do. My question is, how do you guys co-wash and function? I know everybody isn't rollersetting there hair 4-6x a week.:superman: So, how are you guys washing your hair so much and functioning? I also need to point out that if I wash my hair and let it air-dry- 1. It would take 3 days to dry
2. It would be as crunchy as capn crunch cereal.
3. People would staring at me like "No maam, do something to yourself!!!!"

It is getting colder, and my hair is dry. Rollersetting is the only way I get it to look decent and also moisturized in a style. I really try to not use heat outside of with the rollers.So, please explain!!!!! How do I maintain moisture in the colder days?:freakout:

ditto with the highlighted text! ME TOOO! And let me add that my hair also breaks a lot easier. I can only guess that my hair gets build up fairly quickly. Sorry I can't be more helpful but everyone's hair is different even what may work for the masses may not work for you or should I say you and I :nono:. Like in my case a LOT of women's hair hates protein but mine can't go a week without it or it starts shedding!
I cowashed 3 times a week when my hair was natural..... since I've been relaxed I haven't been doing it as much. If I do, I rollerset.