Why is mineral oil bad?


New Member
I like ORS olive oil cream for moisturizing and mineral oil is the 4th ingredient. But what effects does mineral oil have on hair. ( I just have a feeling kinicakes will be one post a reply love her!)
I believe it coats your hair instead of penetrating the shaft so it offers no moisturizing benefits. I'm sure someone else will be able to give you thorough details:)
Whimsy said:
I believe it coats your hair instead of penetrating the shaft so it offers no moisturizing benefits. I'm sure someone else will be able to give you thorough details:)

Yup, that's right. I hate it!

BTW, welcome!!!:D
The notion that mineral oil and petrolatum (Vaseline) are bad for skin has been around for some time, with Aveda being the most visible company to mount a crusade deriding these ingredients. According to many companies that produce "natural" cosmetics, mineral oil and petrolatum are terrible ingredients because they come from crude oil (petroleum) and are used in industry as metal-cutting fluid (among other uses) and, therefore, can harm the skin by forming an oil film and suffocating it.

This foolish, recurring misinformation about mineral oil and petrolatum is maddening. After all, crude oil is as natural as any other earth-derived substance. Moreover, lots of ingredients are derived from awful-sounding sources but are nevertheless benign and totally safe. Salt is a perfect example. Common table salt is sodium chloride, composed of sodium and chloride, but salt doesn't have the caustic properties of chloride (a form of chlorine) or the unstable explosiveness of sodium. In fact, it is a completely different compound with the harmful properties of neither of its components.

Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that's what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don't suffocate skin! Moreover, petrolatum and mineral oil are known for being efficacious in wound healing, and are also considered to be among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40).

Paula Begoun

Found this on her website :eek: :eek: :eek:

I didn't know!!!! But I still will avoid mineral oil just in case:sekret:
Thanks trim bride for the details:) determine to grow and Ebony you guys are quick with replies love ya. ORS is working great BTW
For every positive quote on any topic we'll find one negating it. If it's working for you, that's what counts. Good luck with it. :)
Yeah, I was really surprised to see her advocate Mineral Oil:ohwell:

But when I review her site she seems to have a negative attitude toward all natural products and she seems to dismiss them as a marketing ploy.

I don't know how to take the information, she seems knowledgable but mainstream...like folks who say "Pesticides are necessary, they help protect your food"
It was the only product that work with moisture for like two days strong. Thats the only thing I have with that ingredient. Doo Grow had it as their first ingredient so i put it away