Why is it taking forever for forums to load?


Well-Known Member
Truly, I appreciate the upgrade...but....it now takes more then three times as long for forums to load...it's really limiting the amont of time I spend on the Board anymore because it takes so long. Will this get any better as upgrade is completed?
Can you tell me which page is it? I know the front page takes longer to load than I would have liked and I had the report from a couple more people. There are a few tweaks that I will do to make this work better but please let me know if this happens on specific pages or throughout the forum.
I have found it to be throughout the whole forum. It takes forever to load. The hair forum is the slowest, but ET/OT are also slower before the enhancements.
The entire board takes a long time to load. Most of the time I have to hit to stop button in order to get to a page.
I was about to start a thread about this. Will this be fixed or is this part of the new changes?
You know, I'm thinking this is the reason I've been having trouble with the whiteness of the board. I'm basically sitting here staring at the screen waiting for the next pages to load. It seems to take anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds for me to get from one page to another. It doesn't matter which forum I'm in.
Yes I'm having this problem and it is throughout the Board- regardless of the forum or the thread. It takes a minimum of 1 minute for any page to load- soemtimes longer. Downloads used to be instantaneous.
Hey Nikos

Yeah I agree with everybody else. It's the whole forum and it's all the time regardless of when or where I'm connected. Thanks for looking into it.
It is getting really frustrating waiting for pages to load. The problem seems systemic.... not just on a particular forum..... it is making me limit my time on the board too because it's so ssslllooowww and it gets boring real fast!!
Chiming in.

The entire board takes SEVERAL minutes to load on IE. On Firefox, for me, it just times out completely gives me a bad request 400 error.

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.

Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at l1.longhaircareforum.com Port 80

The ONLY browser that is normal is Google Chrome. I gave up trying to browse on my cellphone. It just didn't work at all.
Agreed. The page load almost always freezes for me and I would have to close the browser and start again. It is VERY slow and absolutely frustrating.
Chiming in.

The entire board takes SEVERAL minutes to load on IE. On Firefox, for me, it just times out completely gives me a bad request 400 error.

The ONLY browser that is normal is Google Chrome. I gave up trying to browse on my cellphone. It just didn't work at all.

That probably explains why I don't see much of the delay. I use almost all the time Chrome and sometimes Opera. I do use Firefox but that one never gave any bad requests - weird.

I made a few changes and hopefully this will speed things up a bit. There are also some changes coming in terms of picture serving - we are getting a dedicated server for pictures which will speed things up significantly.
I agree.... :nono:

I've been wondering about this too.

Now it takes FOREVER and a day for this board to load up! Just to click on simple things takes forever! It has really taken away the joy I have on visiting this site because it's just so SLLOOOOOOOWWWWWW. :down: :ohwell:

Hopefully this is just a temporary glitch. :look:
Things are moving faster for me now. :yep: Still not as fast as it used to be, but much better than it was. It takes approx. 10 seconds to load a page now. Still not instantaneous though, like before.
Is this still an issue? I have installed some code which should make things a lot faster.

Please let me know.
i have problems with pages loading but also my computer now freezes when i use this site...and when i decide to give up and just close out the lhcf i get disconnected from the internet in general..all my other websites close up...but it only happens when i visit this website..
it has gotten a tad better for me but it still loads slow whether on my home or work computer. I thought it was my stuff and didnt want to ask my IT guys for fears they would just take away my access lol.

It is somewhat better but sometimes I still press stop toget the page to load fully.

I just also noticed my like count and posts I liked got reset. :sad: Now I am back to zero. I liked watching my count increase. Oh well :ohwell:
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i have problems with pages loading but also my computer now freezes when i use this site...and when i decide to give up and just close out the lhcf i get disconnected from the internet in general..all my other websites close up...but it only happens when i visit this website..

I'm having the same problems and am not here as often as I'd like. I know Nikos and company are doing their best. I'll be very happy when things get back to normal.
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It works fine for me on IE and Google Chrome. Firefox is completely dead in the water. If it runs, it's super slow or it just times out.
I've been away for a few days to allow some
of the construction dust to settle and I see the
pages are loading quickly today.

Thank you Nikos. Great job! :yep:
I am having so much trouble. When I edit a post at first it appears then the edit is gone. I keep getting a message that I logged in on a previous page. Man, the forum worked great before the changes now it is slow.
Slow for me too...glad to know I'm not the only one. I was beginning to think something was wrong with my computer.
It's working a whole lot better for me now. Pages still take a brief pause, but it's no near as slow as it was before.
It has been super slow for me also and it drives me crazy.

My remedy has been to view/post by using a different browser. Whenever I use Mozilla I have no problem. (I'm on Mozilla right now). However whenever I'm on Internet Explorer it takes forever to load and browse.

Because of that, I no longer log on during the day at work. We use IE, and it simply takes too long to browse this site. I'm sad, because I have to wait until the evening to catch up on threads, but I'm getting some work done!