Why is Hooded Dryer Better than Handheld?


Lately, I've been airdrying about 75% and using a warm handheld blowdryer (no comb attachment) to finish my hair off. I keep reading that handheld dryers are the devil. Why is it better to use a warmer hooded dryer on a wrap or roller set for over anhour than to use a warm handheld for 5 - 10 minutes? Maybe I'm confused...:confused:
I think it's because the heat in the hooder dryer is distributed evenly. You could get too close with the blowdryer or use more heat on some parts and less on others. Also the blowdryer would be direct heat if I'm not mistaken because it's blowing directly at the hair. The air in the hooded dryer circulates.
Katt73 said:
Lately, I've been airdrying about 75% and using a warm handheld blowdryer (no comb attachment) to finish my hair off. I keep reading that handheld dryers are the devil. Why is it better to use a warmer hooded dryer on a wrap or roller set for over anhour than to use a warm handheld for 5 - 10 minutes? Maybe I'm confused...:confused:

With a hand held dryer the heat is focus on one area at a faster rate. A hooded dryer distributes heat at a slower rate which means it's not really penetrating the hair shaft as much.

The hairdryer was originally created for better hair sculpturing because of the rapid air blown at a high temperature.

Technical stuff huh?
also with a hood dry you don't have to manipulate your hair as it dries so it's more gentle. also u can usually dry a roller set on a lower temp and get great results where as doing this with a hand held might leave you poofy.

I'm going to stop hand drying and use my pibbs exclusively.

also when I am setting under a hooded dryer, i can use rollers and the end parts of my hair (the parts I am most anxious to protect) are not ever directly exposed to the heat.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think it's because the heat in the hooder dryer is distributed evenly. You could get too close with the blowdryer or use more heat on some parts and less on others. Also the blowdryer would be direct heat if I'm not mistaken because it's blowing directly at the hair. The air in the hooded dryer circulates.

bmore said it perfectly ;)
I agree with what's said here, but I just want to add that just b/c it's better to style the hair that way for some, if what you are doing works for you, then keep doing it. The method you are doing isn't that bad (yeah I said it!:p ) provided the setting is low speed/low-medium heat, you keep the dryer moving and at about 8-10 inches from the hair, and you're on point with conditioning/heat protection. IMO it's better than blowdrying from wet.
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Katt73 said:
Lately, I've been airdrying about 75% and using a warm handheld blowdryer (no comb attachment) to finish my hair off. I keep reading that handheld dryers are the devil. Why is it better to use a warmer hooded dryer on a wrap or roller set for over anhour than to use a warm handheld for 5 - 10 minutes? Maybe I'm confused...:confused:

Katt, I do it like this sometimes when I am in a hurry. I actually have my dryer in a dryer stand (see my products in my fotki). It is easier for me that way. I never use the attachment, just like you described.

Honestly if I sit under my hot dryer long enough for it to dry my hair, it is WAY MORE heat and much closer to my hair for a longer amount of time. I think using my dryer stand with my Ionic Ceramic handheld is better for me to finish up an airdry job when I need to leave or get ready to go out.

I don't so it like this all the time (I totally airdry my hair 80-90% of the time) , but when I do I feel confident that it is a better choice for me than my hooded dryer.
HoneyDew said:
Honestly if I sit under my hot dryer long enough for it to dry my hair, it is WAY MORE heat and much closer to my hair for a longer amount of time. I think using my dryer stand with my Ionic Ceramic handheld is better for me to finish up an airdry job when I need to leave or get ready to go out.
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the responses.

HoneyDew: that is my rationale. I airdry almost all the way, then I use the handheld on warm with a wide-tooth comb to finish it off and smooth any major waves. I guess it just seems like my ionic bonnet dryer kicks off way more heat, even when it's on low. It kinda freaks me out to expose my hair to that much heat for 1 1/2 hours. I think I'll just start airdrying 100% and then using my Caruso's.
Katt73 said:
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the responses.

HoneyDew: that is my rationale. I airdry almost all the way, then I use the handheld on warm with a wide-tooth comb to finish it off and smooth any major waves. I guess it just seems like my ionic bonnet dryer kicks off way more heat, even when it's on low. It kinda freaks me out to expose my hair to that much heat for 1 1/2 hours. I think I'll just start airdrying 100% and then using my Caruso's.

I don't even use a comb when I do it. So I don't get ANY smoothing for my texlaxed hair. It does seem a little easier to flatiron when I have lots or NG, but other than that it is strickly for helping my airdry along.

Yeah, I started doing that when I sat under the dryer for a LONG time and it still was not dry. The heat was WAY TOO HOT, as well. I think it is just better to stick with airdrying and only using the blowdryer as a very last resort the way we use it to finish up the airdry. I only do that like once or twice a month.

I know many disagree, but it has been working for me, for now. :)